Posted on March 24, 2011, Thursday
KUCHING: Administrators of the Islamic religion here have been advised to change and keep pace with global communication trends so that society would not be left behind.Citing the social network media as an example, Chief Minister Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud stated that it was being used worldwide and had proven to be effective tools to combat social ills and promoting politics.
As such, he suggested that religious administrators master this new media in order to reach broader audiences while keeping abreast with the younger generation.
“Learn what youths like and study their social pattern. We should update our ‘Dakwah’ (Islamic religious teaching) system to accommodate the lifestyles of today, while generating more interest among the youths.
“The world today has developed a new shape of communication that can influence new generations. In fact, the influence is greater than what we have expected. Therefore, we must understand and move together with this influence so that we are not left behind in the race,” he said when officiating at the ‘85th National Conference of State Islamic Council Leaders’ at Riverside Majestic Hotel here yesterday.
Taib stressed that the younger generation demanded better social interaction.
Apart from sports, he hoped that the social network media could be embedded more towards the promotion of education and religions.
He also suggested that state Islamic councils come up with a system where mosques and suraus could be used as a sort of social network venues for the community.
“Find activities that can build interest and participation of the younger generations. Better administration is needed to promote the usage of mosques and suraus as a networking venue. The management should not only promote sports and religious activities but other positive activities and social development gatherings in order to meet the demands of youths.”
Taib also touched on the importance to promote and build interest towards the learning of the Al-Quran among youths.
“Youths should be able to understand and read the Al-Quran to strengthen their religious knowledge. We can use the social network media and booklets to promote this cause. The modernisation process must be conducted in stages, through a structured programme, throughout the state.”
Also present at the lunch programme were State Legislative Assembly (DUN) Speaker Dato Sri Mohamad Asfia Awang Nassar, State Secretary Datuk Amar Morshidi Ghani, Assistant Minister in the Chief Minister’s Department (Islamic Affairs) Datuk Daud Abdul Rahman and Sarawak Islamic Council president Datu Putit Mat Zen.
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