Saturday, May 26, 2012

Perutusan DUN Sarawak 15 Mei tanpa suntingan atau censor


15 MEI 2012

(Mesyuarat dimulakan pada jam 9:11 pagi)
[Tuan Speaker mempengerusikan Mesyuarat]


Tuan Speaker: Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Honourable Members under Standing Orders
12(1) and (2), Government Business shall have precedence over Private Members‘
Business, and Government business shall be set down in such order as the Government

thinks fit and communicate to the Secretary. Four days that is Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday are set aside for the daily one hour question time under Standing
Order 19(5). Wednesday, Thursday and Friday shall be devoted to debate on the TYT
Yang di-Pertua Negeri‘s address. The Minister‘s replies will take the remaining three
days next week of this meeting. Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, I have granted leave of
absence under Standing Order 81 to:
(a) The Honourable Minister in Chief Minister‘s Office and Minister for Special
Function and Member for Tanjung Datu, Yang Berhormat Tan Sri Datuk
Amar Haji Adenan bin Haji Satem for the whole of this meeting.
(b) Honourable Member for Ba‘ Kelalan Yang Berhormat Encik Baru Bian for
yesterday‘s sitting.
(1) Y.B. Dr. Haji Abdul Rahman bin Junaidi bertanya kepada Menteri
Pembangunan Sosial: Apakah rancangan dan program yang telah dan akan
dilaksanakan oleh pihak Kementerian untuk memantapkan prestasi para atlet Sukan
SUKMA tahun 2012 bagi mengembalikan kegemilangan Negeri Sarawak dalam sukan
Menteri Muda Perhubungan dan Menteri Muda Sukan (Y.B. Datuk Lee Kim Shin):
Tuan Speaker, untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Pantai Damai, Kementerian
saya melalui Majlis Sukan Negeri Sarawak telah menjalankan beberapa program untuk
memantapkan prestasi para atlet untuk SUKMA 2012. Di antara program-program yang
dijalankan adalah seperti berikut:
(1) Latihan Decentralised untuk semua Acara Sukan yang disertai Kontinjen
Sarawak pada Oktober 2011 hingga Disember 2011;
(2) Latihan Centralised pada Januari tahun ini hingga Jun 2012;
(3) Pertandingan dan Exposure untuk semua Sukan mulai daripada bulan
Disember 2011 hingga Jun 2012;
(4) Mendapat khidmat Jurulatih Asing seperti untuk Sukan Wushu, Renang,
Terjun, Bimnastik Artistik, Tinju, Tennis, Badminton dan Ping Pong;
(5) Menaiktaraf Peralatan Sukan; dan
(6) Majlis Sukan Negeri Sarawak telah menubuhkan Jawatankuasa Kerja
Khas bagi memantau latihan atlet SUKMA 2012.

Di samping itu, kementerian saya melalui Majlis Sukan Negeri Sarawak juga
memantau prestasi para atlet dari semasa ke semasa bagi memastikan mereka
mendapat latihan yang mencukupi untuk SUKMA 2012. Dengan persediaan yang cukup



15 MEI 2012

dan komitmen yang kuat daripada semua pihak terutamanya para atlet, Kementerian
saya yakin bahawa Pasukan Negeri Sarawak mampu untuk mencapai kejayaan di
SUKMA 2012.

Y.B. Dr. Haji Abdul Rahman bin Junaidi: (Soalan Tambahan) Terima kasih. Saya ada
dua soalan tambahan.
Berapakah bilangan acara sukan dan bilangan atlet yang melibatkan
kontinjen Negeri Sarawak dalam SUKMA di Kuantan, Pahang pada tahun
Bilakan giliran Negeri Sarawak untuk
yang kedua,
sekali lagi menjadi tuan rumah
dalam temasya Sukan Malaysia pada masa hadapan? Terima kasih.
Menteri Muda Perhubungan dan Menteri Muda Sukan (Y.B. Datuk Lee Kim Shin):

Terima kasih, Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Pantai Damai atas dua soalan tambahan yang
dikemukakan. Jawapan bagi soalan tambahan pertama ialah seramai 376 atlet dari
negeri kita akan menyertai SUKMA 2012 di Negeri Pahang yang akan diadakan mulai
daripada 7 Julai hingga 16 Julai 2012 dan juga akan mengambil bahagian dalam 22
jenis sukan. Untuk menjawab soalan tambahan adalah dimaklumkan
bahawa Negeri Sarawak dijangka akan menjadi tuan rumah bagi SUKMA 2016.

cost houses will be built in Sarikei in the next four years? If no, why?
Menteri Muda Perumahan dan Menteri Muda Pembangunan Belia (Bandar) (Y.B.
Rahman Hamzah):
akan datang, Kementerian
berpendapatan rendah dalam kawasan
peruntukan yang kami pohon daripada Kerajaan Persekutuan. Terima kasih.
Y.B. Dr. Wong Hua Seh: (Supplementary Question)
Y.B. Dr. Wong Hua Seh bertanya kepada Menteri Perumahan: How many low-
Tuan Haji Abdul Karim Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker. Untuk
menjawab soalan daripada Ahli Yang Berhormat daripada Repok, dalam jangka masa
empat tahun yang Perumahan Sarawak ada bercadang
untuk membina 300 unit rumah mampu milik ataupun affordable home untuk golongan
Sarikei. Tapi ini tertakluk kepada kelulusan

Due to the increasing cost of building material and the labour cost, does
the Government consider increasing the subsidy of these low-cost houses

so that the standard of these houses would‘nt be compromise?

Most of these low-cost houses applicant are from poor background, and
is there anywhere to help them to get loan from the banking sector?
Thank you.
Menteri Muda Perumahan dan Menteri Muda Pembangunan Belia (Bandar) (Y.B.
Tuan Haji Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah): Terima kasih kepada Ahli Yang Berhormat
bagi Repok di atas soalan-soalan tambahan. Untuk menjawab soalan tambahan yang
pertama, memang Kerajaan sentiasa melihat keadaan perumahan pada masa ini, dan
kalau kita lihat prasyarat-prasyarat untuk mereka yang layak untuk mendapat rumahrumah
mampu milik ataupun rumah-rumah bantuan daripada kerajaan, kalau dahulunya
prasyaratnya adalah income ataupun household income RM1000, pada masa ini kita
menaikkan jumlah-jumlah household income itu dan untuk rumah mampu milik,
pendapatan kasar untuk satu keluarga, untuk mereka yang layak untuk memohon
rumah mampu milik adalah sebanyak RM2,500. Untuk Rumah Mesra Rakyat,



15 MEI 2012

pendapatan kasar isi rumah ataupun household income adalah sebanyak RM3000. Ini
menunjukkan bahawa kerajaan sentiasa prihatin tentang keadaan inflasi dan
sebagainya yang berlaku dalam daripada semasa ke semasa.

Untuk menjawab soalan yang kedua iaitu sama ada Kerajaan sentiasa ada
mengatur usaha untuk pinjaman-pinjaman. Memang kalau kita lihat tiap-tiap Skim
Perumahan Rakyat ataupun Bantuan Perumahan memang ada subsidi-subsidi tertentu
untuk Rumah Mesra Rakyat ataupun RMR. Satu pertiga daripada kos pembinaannya
adalah dibiayai oleh kerajaan dan dua pertiga perlu diambil daripada bank-bank tertentu
dan kita difahamkan juga memang kerajaan persekutuan ada mengenal pasti dua tiga
bank yang khas diberi peruntukan ataupun certain amount of fund, dana untuk

membantu ataupun untuk pinjaman-pinjaman sebegini rupa untuk rumah-rumah orang
miskin. Untuk rumah mesra ataupun rumah mampu milik, dari segi subsidi ataupun
bantuan kerajaan, lebih besar lagi kalau kita lihat rumah mampu milik kos nya lebih
kurang RM150,000.00 tapi harga dijual ataupun ditawarkan kepada mereka yang layak
hanyalah RM50,000.00 sahaja. Dan dari segi keadaan rumah pun kita sudah aturkan
supaya ia lebih bersesuaian dengan keadaan semasa. Kalau dahulunya rumah-rumah
mampu milik ataupun rumah kos rendah, kalau bahasa panggilan dulunya, now it is
called rumah mampu milik ataupun afffordable home, you don‘t call it low-cost houses
anymore. Untuk rumah-rumah tersebut, keadaannya adalah ia mesti memiliki tiga bilik
tidur dan dua bilik air, kalau dahulunya hanya dua bilik tidur saja. Inilah usaha kerajaan
untuk sentiasa selari dengan keadaan semasa supaya mereka yang memiliki rumah-
rumah ini akan dapat tinggal dalam rumah yang lebih selesa lagi. Terima kasih.
(3) Y.B. Dr. Johnichal Rayong anak Ngipa bertanya kepada Menteri Kemudahan
Awam: Apakah kedudukan status projek BELB 2009/2010 yang tergendala dan dibina
oleh Syarikat Shorefield di Kawasan Engkilili di Nibong, Titok, Bunu Beging,
Berenggang, Gelang dan San Semanju?
Menteri Muda Pembangunan Belia (Luar Bandar) dan Menteri Muka Kemudahan
Awam (Elektrik dan Telekomunikasi) (Y.B. Datuk Dr. Stephen Rundi anak Utom):
Tuan Speaker, untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Engkilili, projek Bekalan
Elektrik Luar Bandar bagi Nibong, Titok, Bunu Beging, Berenggang, Gelong dan San
Semanju telahpun diluluskan untuk pelaksanaan di bawah kontrak 2009/2010. Walau
bagaimanapun, projek tersebut tidak dapat dilaksanakan kerana kita belum mendapat
kebenaran wayleave ataupun izinlalu dan ini mengambil masa untuk kita berbincang
bagaimana kita dapat menyelesaikan masalah ini.
Y.B. Dr. Johnichal Rayong anak Ngipa: (Soalan Tambahan) Datuk Amar Speaker,
saya ada dua soalan tambahan.
(1) Berapakah jumpah kos projek tersebut dan berapakah jumlah isi rumah
yang akan mendapat faedah dari projek ini?

(2) Bilakah projek tersebut agaknya dapat dilaksanakan?
Menteri Muda Pembangunan Belia (Luar Bandar) dan Menteri Muka Kemudahan
Awam (Elektrik dan Telekomunikasi) (Y.B. Datuk Dr. Stephen Rundi anak Utom):

Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker, bagi menjawab kedua-dua soalan tambahan daripada Y.B.
Engkilili. Jumlah kos projek tersebut adalah bernilai RM6juta dan ini akan memberi
faedah kepada lebih kurang 164 isi rumah dikawasan yang saya telah sebutkan tadi.
Kementerian saya sedang mencari jalan untuk soalan yang kedua bagaimana untuk
menyelesaikan masalah isu wayleave dan izinlalu atau cari jalan cara lain, alternatif



15 MEI 2012

yang lain bagaimana kita boleh membekalkan kuasa elektrik ini kepada kawasan
tersebut. Apabila semua ini telah selesai barulah kita dapat laksanakan projek tersebut.


(4) Y.B. Tuan Haji Razaili bin Haji Gapor bertanya kepada Ketua Menteri dan
Menteri Perancangan Sumber dan Alam Sekitar: Tanah Hak Adat milik penduduk
Kawasan Beting Maro termasuk dalam tanah Privisional Lease yang telah dibangunkan
oleh pemaju dan sebahagian besar telah diserahkan kepada yang bukan pemilik tanah
sebenar. Bolehkah Kerajaan campur tangan bagi menyelesaikan isu tuntutan tanah
NCR bertindih ini?
Menteri Muda Pembangunan Usahawan Bumiputera dan Menteri
bagi Beting
Perancangan Sumber (Y.B. Datuk Haji Mohd Naroden bin Haji Majais): Terima
kasih, Tuan Speaker, untuk makluman Ahli Yang berhormat Maro,
berdasarkan rekod kita sebanyak tiga puluh enam (36) kawasan dalam kawasan Beting
Maro telah dikeluarkan dengan Provisional Lease PL. ataupun mana-mana
kawasan yang tertakluk kepada tuntutan hak adat bumiputra yang sahih sekiranya
termasuk dalam kawasan tersebut akan dikecualikan daripada kawasan Provisional
Lease semasa ukur keliling dilaksanakan. Sekiranya berlaku pertindihan tuntutan atau
pun pertikaian ataupun dispute antara penuntut-penuntut tanah hak adat bumiputera itu,

maka kes tersebut akan dirujukkan kepada Mahkamah Bumiputera untuk diselesaikan.
Terima kasih.
Y.B. Tuan Haji Razaili bin Haji Gapor: (Soalan Tambahan) Tuan Speaker, saya ada
dua (2) soalan tambahan.
(1) Berapakah saiz Tanah Adat Hak Bumiputera yang dituntut dan
diwartakan tanah rizab gunasama?
(2) Siapa dan berapa orang dari rumah panjang yang telah diberi tanah
dalam rizab itu.
Menteri Muda Pembangunan Usahawan Bumiputera dan Menteri Muda
Perancangan Sumber (Y.B. Datuk Haji Mohd Naroden bin Haji Majais): Terima
kasih. Tuan Speaker, sejak April tahun 2011, Kerajaan telah meluluskan kira-kira 1,026
hektar dikawasan itu dan telah diwartakan tanah rejab bumiputera untuk pertanian di
kawasan tersebut. Mengikut rekod Jabatan Tanah dan Servei menunjukkan ada tujuh
orang tuai rumah telah menuntut Tanah Hak Adat Bumiputera melalui jawatankuasa
bertindak bersama Selambung, Mentebu, Abu Bajau yang mewakili tujuh (7) buah
rumah panjang seperti berikut Rumah Lakun Entebu Baru, Rumah Ngalung Bajau,
Rumah Kambin Abu Bengang Kerian, Rumah Anau Entepu Atas, Rumah Rengan
Selambung, Rumah Tungat Bajau Kerian dan Rumah Kayai Abu Kerian. Terima kasih.
(5) Y.B. Encik Ranum anak Mina bertanya kepada Ketua Menteri: Pembinaan
Jalan Bandar Baru Opar sedang dilaksanakan, bilakah pembangunan kedai dan
pembangunan yang lain akan dimulakan?
Timbalan Ketua Menteri dan Menteri Pemodenan Pertanian dan Menteri
Pembangunan Luar Bandar (Y.B. Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) Alfred Jabu anak
Numpang): Tuan Speaker, Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Opar, Pusat
Pertumbuhan Desa (RGC) Opar merupakan RGC ke-11 yang telah diluluskan
pelaksanaanya dalam Rancangan Malaysia Kesembilan oleh Kerajaan Negeri.
Pembinaan jalan akses RGC Opar-Lundu sepanjang 2.25KM dengan kos RM3.81 juta



15 MEI 2012

dan dijangka siap pada penghujung tahun 2012. Manakala, komponen-komponen lain
bagi pusat perkhidmatan akan dilaksanakan secara berperingkat.

Y.B. Encik Ranum anak Mina: (Soalan Tambahan) Pertama, berapakah kos anggaran
pembinaan Bandar Baru Opar dan kedua, adakah jabatan-jabatan kerajaan terutama
Balai Polis akan dibina di kawasan tersebut? Terima kasih.
Timbalan Ketua Menteri dan Menteri Pemodenan Pertanian dan Menteri
Pembangunan Luar Bandar (Y.B. Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) Alfred Jabu Anak
Numpang): Dalam pembangunan ke pusat pertumbuhan desa (RGC) semua
komponen yang dianggap perlu termasuk juga dari segi keselamatan iaitu Balai Polis,
Pentadbiran dan shopping area dan general service
masa sekarang
the government has
by State Barisan
akan dimasukkan. Oleh kerana kita
tidak membina dalam serta merta sekaligus maka agak sukar pada
setakat ini untuk menetapkan berapa ongkos seluruhnya because it has got be
undertaken in phases and then the cost of building differ from year to year and it is not
possible to say exactly how much the actual cost. But once
committed it for Rural Growth Centre, it will build it to the full compliment of what it was
originally intended, so that there is a growth node in the rural areas to ensure that there
are opportunities of services, at the same time the opportunities for job for the rural
people so as to minimize to urban drift as it has happen now. And this is in line with
rural transformation agenda which is being carried Nasional and

supported by Federal Barisan Nasional.
(6) Y.B. Encik George anak Lagong bertanya kepada Menteri Perumahan: Adakah
pihak Kerajaan mempunyai perancangan untuk mewujudkan Rancangan Perumahan
Rakyat di Bahagian Kapit khususnya untuk golongan sederhana dan miskin?
Menteri Muda Perumahan dan Menteri Muda Pembangunan Belia (Bandar) (Y.B.
Tuan Haji Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah): Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker, untuk
menjawab soalan daripada Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Pelagus, Kementerian Perumahan
Sarawak melalui Perbadanan Pembangunan Perumahan (HDC) pada masa ini belum
mempunyai perancangan untuk mewujudkan Rancangan Perumahan Rakyat bagi
golongan berpendapatan sederhana di Daerah Kapit kerana ini bergantung kepada
permintaan pasaran semasa di tempat tersebut. Walau bagaimanapun, ini bukan
bererti kerajaan tidak prihatin terhadap harapan rakyat untuk memiliki rumah terutama
sekali untuk mereka yang daripada golongan berpendapatan rendah ataupun
berpendapatan sederhana kerana banyak skim-skim sama ada daripada kementerian
pusat, Kementerian Pembangunan Luar Bandar ataupun daripada kementerian di
Negeri Sarawak ini ada skim-skim tertentu untuk membantu rakyat untuk memiliki
rumah-rumah kos rendah, ataupun rumah-rumah mampu milik ataupun selain daripada
itu untuk memiliki tanah-tanah supaya mereka dapat membina rumah-rumah di atas
tanah-tanah tersebut.
Kalau di bawah Kementerian Pembangunan Luar Bandar kita ada rumah yang
kita panggil rumah, dulu yang kita panggil Rumah PPRT, rumah PPRT ataupun rumah
PPR pada masa ini yang mana untuk rakyat-rakyat golongan miskin mereka ada skim-
skim tertentu untuk diberi secara percuma rumah-rumah untuk mereka ataupun skim
baik pulih rumah yang boleh menjangkau sehingga jumlah sebanyak RM50,000 sebuah
rumah. Selain daripada itu Housing Development Corporation dan juga Kementerian
Perumahan Sarawak ada skim-skim tertentu yang dananya datang daripada Kerajaan
Persekutuan iaitu Rumah Mampu Milik dan Rumah Mesra Rakyat.



15 MEI 2012

Untuk kawasan Kapit, Kementerian Perumahan Sarawak melalui HDC akan
membina 22 unit Rumah Mesra Rakyat (RMR) di Skim Pembesaran Kampung Bleteh,
Kapit dalam tahun 2012. Ini adalah cara Kerajaan untuk membantu supaya rakyat
sentiasa akan ada rumah-rumah dan juga tanah untuk mereka bina rumah dan selain
daripada itu melalui kementerian yang lain di Negeri Sarawak kita juga mempunyai
kampung extension scheme yang mana kampung-kampung yang rumahnya ataupun
penghuninya sudah agak padat akan dibina kampung extension untuk mereka dapat
juga memiliki tanah-tanah supaya extended families dapat membina rumah-rumah di
kampung-kampung extension scheme ini. Ini adalah usaha-usaha kerajaan untuk
memastikan agar rakyat dapat memiliki, rakyat terutama sekali mereka yang
berpendapatan rendah ataupun mereka yang miskin dapat memiliki rumah. Sekian,

terima kasih.
Y.B. Encik George anak Lagong: (Soalan Tambahan) Terima kasih. Actually I have
two questions here. But maybe these questions may be doesn‘t relate to what our
Assistant Minister had replied and since he was telling this august House that there was
no planning yet to construct medium cost or whatever cost they say, so you know,
through my observation, a lot of houses in Kapit are constructed without proper town
planning. So my questions, two questions:
(a) So what are the plan by the authority concerned?
(b) Are the authority going to issue land title? Thank you.
Menteri Muda Perumahan dan Menteri Muda Pembangunan Belia (Bandar) (Y.B.
Tuan Haji Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah): Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker, I think
Member for Pelagus has got me wrong when he mentioned that there was no plan.
What I have mentioned earlier on during my answer, there was lot of planning but it is
depending on the needs. If the town is small, if the needs is not that much there is no
point to build a big housing scheme. Take for example Kapit, I have to admit that Kapit
is not really that big for it to have a housing scheme involving three, four hundreds or
one thousand low cost houses; that would be pointless. So that is why, we got different-
different scheme. Rumah Mesra Rakyat is meant for everybody, all over the State at
any time. And then, selain daripada itu Rumah Mesra Rakyat, I did mentioned just now
that there is a scheme at Kampung Bleteh whereby there are only 22 applicants for that
kampung extension. There are only 22 applicants, that is why you see from there, the
22 has been interviewed and then probably at the end of this year, it will be constructed,
the Rumah Mesra Rakyat. Whereby the applicants will only need to be paying just 2/3
of the cost of the house, 1/3 will be borne by the government.
Regarding the supplementary question on houses that are built without proper
planning. I believe that this would be not under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Housing
because this might have to be referred to the Land and Survey or the Council because
as it is in the kampung. Kalau tanah-tanah adat, kalau tanah-tanah yang tidak
mempunyai geran, kalau kita nak bina rumah, I dont think there is a need to be ada
proper planning. You just build your house as it is because we are very flexible on that.
Probably if the town, the government is quite strict when it come to construction of new
houses so it has to be seen from a case to case basis. Your question on whether the
government is going to issue title for it or not, it depends on the locality, it depends on
the case itself. I won‘t be able to answer it from this Ministry. Thank you.


(7) Y.B. Cik Ting Tze Fui bertanya kepada Menteri Kemudahan Awam:
(a) Apakah sebab penduduk Bintangor sering menghadapi masalah gangguan
bekalan elektrik?



15 MEI 2012

Apakah langkah-langkah yang akan diambil oleh pihak kementerian untuk
menangani masalah ini dan menjamin bekalan elektrik yang stabil pada masa
yang akan datang.
Menteri Muda Pembangunan Belia (Luar Bandar) dan Menteri Muda Kemudahan
Awam (Elektrik dan Telekomunikasi) (Y.B. Datuk Dr. Stephen Rundi anak Utom):

Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker, untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Meradong,
daripada rekod Kementerian saya, terdapat 58 kejadian gangguan bekalan elektrik di
seluruh kawasan Meradong/Bintangor dari Januari hingga Mac tahun ini. 68% daripada
kejadian tersebut adalah gangguan transient atau sementara yang disebabkan oleh
pokok-pokok tumbang, patah dan sebagainya disebabkan oleh kilat dan angin kencang.
12% disebabkan oleh kerosakan peralatan seperti kerosakan kabel dan kegagalan
kelengkapan di atas tiang elektrik dan selebihnya adalah disebabkan oleh faktor seperti
binatang merosakkan tali kabel dan ada juga kenderaan yang melanggar tiang elektrik.
Bagi Soalan (b), langkah-langkah yang sedang diambil oleh SEB atau Sarawak
Energy Berhad untuk menangani gangguan bekalan yang dihadapi oleh pendudukpenduduk
di kawasan tersebut adalah seperti berikut:

Mengganti dan menaiktaraf kelengkapan pemasangan elektrik;
Mengganti kabel aerial yang dijangka siap pada hujung tahun 2013;
(3) Meningkatkan kerja-kerja pembersihan tumbuh-tumbuhan di sepanjang
jalan talian elektrik kawasan Bintangor/Meradong. Itulah sebabnya kita
menekankan bahawa way lift ataupun izin lalu adalah sangat mustahak
dalam pelaksanaan projek ini;
(4) Mendapatkan kerjasama pemilik-pemilik tanah dan majlis tempatan untuk
menebang ataupun mencantas pokok-pokok yang terdapat atau terlalu
dekat dengan tiang;
(5) Memasang lebih banyak alat pengesan kerosakan pembumian elektrik
(earth fault detector). Untuk mengurangkan masa mengesan kerosakan
oleh itu kita dapat mengambil tindakan yang lebih cepat untuk
menyelesaikan masalah yang berlaku.; dan
(6) Memasang lebih banyak alat pengalih arus kilat (lightning arrestor) di
kawasan-kawasan yang kerap kali berlaku kilat.
Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Meradong, terdapat juga kerja-kerja
di bawah program selenggaraan ini memerlukan bekalan elektrik untuk diberhentikan
sementara bagi kawasan-kawasan di Meradong tetapi notis akan diberi lebih awal untuk
dikeluarkan kepada pengguna-pengguna sebelum aktiviti selenggaraan dijalankan.
Y.B. Cik Ting Tze Fui: (Soalan Tambahan) Siapakah yang akan bertanggungjawab
untuk membayar ganti rugi kepada pengguna-pengguna elektrik yang menghadapi
kerugian yang disebabkan oleh gangguan bekalan elektrik yang begitu kerap sekali di
kawasan Meradong seperti kerosakan ke atas alat-alat elektrik atau pun makanan
minuman yang perlu disimpan dalam peti sejuk yang rosak disebabkan oleh gangguan
bekalan elektrik.

Menteri Muda Pembangunan Belia (Luar Bandar) dan Menteri Muka Kemudahan
Awam (Elektrik dan Telekomunikasi) (Y.B. Datuk Dr. Stephen Rundi anak Utom):

Tuan Speaker, soalan yang agak menarik. Memanglah kita amat sangat prihatin
terhadap kerosakan yang mengakibatkan masalah-masalah kerugian. Kalau kerugian
tersebut disebabkan oleh teknikal ataupun cara-cara bagaimana kabel tersebut dapat
dirosakkan atau diakibatkan yang merosakkan kabel. Ini adalah di bawah jurisdiction
Sarawak Energy Berhad (SEB), tetapi di mana-mana negara pun kalau sampai
kerosakan makanan di dalam fridge atau sebagainya ini sangatlah sesuatu yang sangat



15 MEI 2012

menarik untuk kita di august House dengar tetapi yang paling penting kerugian itu
seharusnya melibatkan sesuatu yang reasonable dan ini akan dipertimbangkan oleh
Sarawak Energy Berhad (SEB).

Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: (Supplementary Question) Tuan Speaker, thank you.
Yang Berhormat Assistant Minister. Our Government is venturing into energy intensive
industry and Sarawak Energy Berhad (SEB) is tasked to spearhead the development.
We had engaged a CEO who‘s drawing a RM 4.4 million annual salary and RM 1.5
million … (Interruption)

Now, my question is, given all this why is there such frequent power outages still

happening in Sarawak and does that indicate an incompetency on the part of Sarawak
Energy Berhad (SEB) or the CEO to handle this problem?
Tuan Speaker: The question is on Bintangor.

(8) Y.B. Encik Abdullah bin Haji Saidol bertanya kepada Menteri Pembangunan
Infrastruktur dan Perhubungan: Apakah status pembesaran/naiktaraf pangkalan feri di
Bintangor dan bilakah perkhidmatan feri di tersebut dijangka dapat
(58) Y.B. Cik Ting Tze Fui bertanya kepada Menteri Pembangunan Infrastruktur dan
(a) Kos pembinaan semula jeti feri Sungai Sian dan jalan jeti tersebut.
(b) Apakah sebab jeti tersebut perlu dibina semula memandangkan sudah adanya
jeti yang baru telah siap dibina?
(c) Sama ada projek tersebut ditawar kepada kontraktor menerusi proses tender
terbuka atau turnkey.
Menteri Pembangunan Infrastruktur dan Perhubungan (Y.B. Dato Sri Micheal
Manyin anak Jawong): Tuan Speaker, saya meminta supaya saya menjawab Soalan
(8) dengan Soalan (58) bersama. Nombor (8) adalah dari Y.B. Abdullah bin Haji Saidol
bagi Semop dan Nombor (58) adalah dari Y.B. Cik Ting Tze Fui bagi Meradong.
Memandangkan kedua-dua soalan ini adalah berkaitan.
Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Semop, kemajuan kerja pembinaan
ramp feri at Sungai Sian seberang bandar Bintangor kini adalah sebanyak 85%. Projek
ini dijangka siap sepenuh masa dalam tempoh tiga bulan. Kerajaan negeri sedang
mempertimbangkan perkhidmatan feri bagi menyeberangi sungai tersebut.
Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Meradong, kos pembinaan ramp feri
di Sungai Sian oleh JKR adalah sebanyak RM431,200 secara tender terbuka.
Pendaratan konkrit sedia ada telah dibina oleh Pejabat Daerah Meradong pada tahun
2009 khusus untuk kegunaan motosikal dan penumpang sahaja yang mendarat
menggunakan kapal tut-tut atau motor launches atau bot-bot kecil dari bandar Bintangor
ke Sungai Sian. Ianya tidak direka bentuk untuk pendaratan feri.

Ramp feri yang direkabentuk dan dibina oleh JKR berupaya untuk menampung
kereta dan jentera berat yang lain.



15 MEI 2012

Y.B. Encik Abdullah bin Haji Saidol: Lady first.
Y.B. Cik Ting Tze Fui: (Soalan Tambahan) Terima kasih. Soalan Tambahan saya
adalah mengenai bahagian (b) dalam soalan saya iaitu apakah sebab jeti tersebut perlu
dibina semula memandangkan sudah adanya jeti yang baru telah siap dibina. Saya ingat
Yang Berhormat tidak jawab soalan saya itu.
Menteri Pembangunan Infrastruktur dan Perhubungan (Y.B. Dato Sri Micheal
Manyin anak Jawong): Pendaratan konkrit sedia ada telah dibina oleh Pejabat Daerah
Meradong pada tahun 2009 khusus untuk kegunaan motosikal dan penumpang sahaja
yang mendarat menggunakan kapal tut-tut (motor launches) atau bot-bot kecil dari
bandar Bintangor ke Sungai Sian. Ianya tidak direkabentuk untuk pendaratan feri. Ini
Perhubungan (Y.B.
adalah jawapannya.

Y.B. Cik Ting Tze Fui: (Soalan Tambahan) kedua, saya ingat Yang Berhormat tidak
menjawab soalan saya dengan tepat sebab sekarang ada satu jeti yang telah siap
dibina tetapi sekarang pihak berkenaan bina satu lagi jeti yang baru ditepi jeti tersebut.
Jadi apa gunanya jeti yang telah siap dibina itu? Untuk apa?
Menteri Pembangunan Infrastruktur dan Dato Sri Micheal
Manyin anak Jawong): Don‘t said kid, you listen first. I have been to the ferry. I have

Perhubungan (Y.B. Dato Sri Micheal

Menteri Pembangunan Infrastruktur dan Perhubungan (Y.B. Dato Sri Micheal

gone to the ferry, I‘ve been there. Tuan Speaker, I personally have gone to that, that
ferry point and we found that the ramp built by the District Office cannot be used for
ferry. Yes, no because it is not built by us. It‘s meant not, meant for ferry. It‘s not meant
for ferry, for motor tut-tut … (Laughter) It‘s not meant for ferry. Tuan Speaker, actually
Yang Berhormat for Maradong should be very happy that we built another one which is
better and it cost more that RM400,000.00 because Tuan Speaker, because we are
thinking of providing the ferry service. If they want the tut-tut, ok, we can take it off. You
remained as tut-tut.
Y.B. Encik Abdullah bin Haji Saidol: (Soalan Tambahan) Tuan Speaker, ramp ferry
untuk tut-tut ialah untuk Yang Berhormat Meradong, saya nak yang feri besar. Soalan
tambahan saya ialah apakah kapasiti dalam tiga bulan lagi feri ini akan siap, apakah
kapasiti feri yang akan digunakan di situ dan soalan saya nombor dua ialah adakah ada
perancangan di pihak kerajaan untuk membaiki pulih atau membina jalan baru yang
menghubungi ke perhentian feri ini? Terima kasih.
Menteri Pembangunan Infrastruktur dan
Manyin anak Jawong): I just want to ask, what is the last one?
Y.B. Encik Abdullah bin Haji Saidol: Is there any improvement to improve the road
connecting to the ferry ramp? Thank you.
Manyin anak Jawong): Actually, that road is a very short one, is less than 550 meters. I
have been there. So that one, anytime we can improve it because there is the connected
road outside there, 14 km built in 2006, in 2006 14 km, the ferry that we concerned what
we want to consider is that the ferry capacity is to have 12 cars and we cannot say that

it‘s already approved but we are thinking of putting it up to the Government.


(9) Y.B. Dr. Hazland bin Abang Hipni asked the Minister for Infrastructure
Development and Communications: Does the Ministry have any plan to construct a road


15 MEI 2012

linking Loba Batu Belat to Kampung Beradek, Kampung Semilang, Kampung Tiang Api,
Kampung Beradek Cina and Kampung Sungai Pinang?

Menteri Muda Hal Ehwal Islam dan Menteri Muda Pembangunan Infrastruktur (Y.B.
Datuk Haji Daud bin Abdul Rahman): Tuan Speaker, for the information of Ahli Yang
Berhormat for Demak Laut, a proposal to construct a road linking Loba Batu Belat to
Kampung Beradek, Kampung Semilang, Kampung Tiang Api, Kampung Beradek Cina
and Kampung Sungai Pinang, however, my Ministry will look into this proposal. I would
like to inform Ahli Yang Berhormat that the Intergrated Agriculture Development Area
(IADA) Samarahan is currently constructing farm roads and other infrastructure to link
Kampung Beradek, Kampung Semilang, Kampung Tiang Api, Kampung Beradek Cina

and Kampung Sungai Pinang which are located in Beliong Island.
Y.B. Dr. Hazland bin Abang Hipni: (Supplimentary Question) I have two
supplementary questions:-
(a) Since the availability of the road will be able to enhance the social
economic development of the area which is also known as the Tanjung
Embang agricultural area, what is the time frame the government has to
plan for the road?
(b) Since this road will be able to increase the connectivity, the mobility and it
will be able to increase the rural development of the area, do we have any
expected figures on the proposed project?
Menteri Muda Hal Ehwal Islam dan Menteri Muda Pembangunan Infrastruktur (Y.B.
Datuk Haji Daud bin Abdul Rahman): Tuan Speaker, setakat ini, at this moment, there
is no plan to construct this road under RMK-10. Therefore, we request Yang Berhormat
for Demak Laut to write officially to us so that we can include it under Rolling Plan,
RMK10 Rolling Plan. Therefore, to look into the cost etc, etc.
(10) Y.B. Encik Joseph Mauh anak Ikeh bertanya kepada Menteri Kerajaan
Tempatan dan Pembangunan Komuniti: Kebanyakan klinik di luar Bandar tidak
mempunyai Penolong Pegawai Perubatan yang mencukupi dan bilangan Doktor Pakar
(Specialist) juga tidak mencukupi di kebanyakan hospital Kerajaan Sarawak. Apakah
tindakan oleh pihak Kerajaan dalam perkara ini?
Menteri Muda Kesihatan Awam (Y.B. Dr. Jerip anak Susil): Tuan Speaker, untuk
makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Tamin, pihak Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia
memang mengakui kekurangan jawatan Penolong Pegawai Perubatan di klinik-klinik
dan hospital di Sarawak. Walau bagaimanapun, kementerian sedang dalam proses
menambah bilangan jawatan Penolong Pegawai Perubatan di Sarawak. Namun,
pengisian jawatan pula bergantung kepada jumlah pengeluaran Penolong Pegawai
Perubatan dari Kolej Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia dan swasta.

Tuan Speaker, untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Tamin, penempatan
Doktor Pakar di hospital-hospital perlu dilakukan secara berperingkat kerana
kekurangan jumlah doktor pakar yang sedia ada. Namun demikian, Kementerian
Kesihatan Malaysia telah menyediakan kemudahan klinik Doktor Pakar dan
Pembedahan berjadual di hospital-hospital yang tiada Doktor Pakar atau kurang Doktor
Pakar. Doktor-doktor Pakar dari Hospital Umum Sarawak, Hospital Sibu dan Hospital
Miri akan melawat ke hospital-hospital yang tiada Doktor Pakar atau kurang Doktor
Pakar untuk mengendalikan klinik-klinik pakar dan pembedahan lawatan berjadual


moment we have 1341 post vacant and those that has been filled is 1286 that is for the
Assistant Medical officers. For the Medical Specialist we have 169 vacancies available
all together and at the moment, we are able to fill in only 151. Adverts has been done by
the Ministry of Health to fill up the available post and at the moment they are undergoing
the process of interviewing qualified Medical Students to fill up front the Colleges and at
the same time, they are also training Medical Officers for further training in various
(11) Y.B. Ir. Aidel Lariwoo bertanya kepada Timbalan Ketua Menteri dan Menteri
Pemodenan Pertanian: Apakah objektif program lonjakan mega luar bandar di kawasan
Agropolitan Batang Sadong dan bagaimanakah ia dapat memberi manfaat terutamanya
dari segi peningkatan ekonomi penduduk di kawasan ini?
Timbalan Ketua Menteri dan Menteri Pemodenan Pertanian dan Mneteri
Pembangunan Luar Bandar (Y.B. Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) Alfred Jabu anak
Numpang): Tuan Speaker, untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Sadong Jaya,
Ladang Sejahtera adalah projek pembasmian kemiskinian yang dikelolakan oleh
Kerajaan Barisan Nasional untuk rakyat di luar bandar . Satu daripada komponen utama
Projek Lonjakan Mega Luar Bandar Batang Sadong yang dibangunkan oleh FELCRA
Berhad dengan objektif utama untuk menghapuskan kemiskinan luar bandar melalui
peningkatan pendapatan, meningkatkan kualiti hidup serta mempercepatkan
pembangunan di kawasan mundur, terpencil dan terbiar. Perlaksanaan projek
Agropolitan ini akan memberi manfaat kepada penduduk melalui:
(i) Penglibatan secara aktif di Ladang Sejahtera dan meningkatkan ilmu
pengetahuan di dalam penanaman kelapa sawit;
(ii) Peningkatan pendapatan penduduk melalui penglibatan di Ladang
Sejahtera; dan
(iii) Peningkatan liputan dan kualiti prasarana asas, utiliti, ameniti dan
moment we have 1341 post vacant and those that has been filled is 1286 that is for the
Assistant Medical officers. For the Medical Specialist we have 169 vacancies available
all together and at the moment, we are able to fill in only 151. Adverts has been done by
the Ministry of Health to fill up the available post and at the moment they are undergoing
the process of interviewing qualified Medical Students to fill up front the Colleges and at
the same time, they are also training Medical Officers for further training in various
(11) Y.B. Ir. Aidel Lariwoo bertanya kepada Timbalan Ketua Menteri dan Menteri
Pemodenan Pertanian: Apakah objektif program lonjakan mega luar bandar di kawasan
Agropolitan Batang Sadong dan bagaimanakah ia dapat memberi manfaat terutamanya
dari segi peningkatan ekonomi penduduk di kawasan ini?
Timbalan Ketua Menteri dan Menteri Pemodenan Pertanian dan Mneteri
Pembangunan Luar Bandar (Y.B. Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) Alfred Jabu anak
Numpang): Tuan Speaker, untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Sadong Jaya,
Ladang Sejahtera adalah projek pembasmian kemiskinian yang dikelolakan oleh
Kerajaan Barisan Nasional untuk rakyat di luar bandar . Satu daripada komponen utama
Projek Lonjakan Mega Luar Bandar Batang Sadong yang dibangunkan oleh FELCRA
Berhad dengan objektif utama untuk menghapuskan kemiskinan luar bandar melalui
peningkatan pendapatan, meningkatkan kualiti hidup serta mempercepatkan
pembangunan di kawasan mundur, terpencil dan terbiar. Perlaksanaan projek
Agropolitan ini akan memberi manfaat kepada penduduk melalui:
(i) Penglibatan secara aktif di Ladang Sejahtera dan meningkatkan ilmu
pengetahuan di dalam penanaman kelapa sawit;
(ii) Peningkatan pendapatan penduduk melalui penglibatan di Ladang
Sejahtera; dan
(iii) Peningkatan liputan dan kualiti prasarana asas, utiliti, ameniti dan

15 MEI 2012

tersebut. Dengan ini, sebahagian besar pesakit yang memerlukan rawatan doktor pakar
boleh menikmati perkhidmatan tersebut di hospital-hospital berdekatan.

Y.B. Encik Joseph Mauh anak Ikeh: (Soalan Tambahan) Terima kasih Tuan Speaker,
dua soalan tambahan, pertama, berapa keperluan kekosongan bagi jawatan pegawai
perubatan dan berapakah ramai kekosongan ini akan diisi,kedua, kita tahu tentang
kekurangan doktor pakar dan berapa ramaikah kekurangan itu bagi negeri Sarawak dan
berapakan jawatan akan diisi.
Menteri Muda Kesihatan Awam (Y.B. Dr. Jerip anak Susil): Tuan Speaker, thank you
for the member of Tamin who has pause two questions. The first question is regarding
the vacant post for the Medical Assistant or the Assistant Medical Officers. At this

kemudahan sosial.

Y.B. Ir. Aidel Lariwoo: (Soalan tambahan) Apakah modal pembangunan Ladang
Sejahtera di kawasan lonjakan mega Batang Sadong dapat memberi peluang pekerjaan
terus kepada penduduk di kawasan ini dan seterusnya meningkatkan pendapatan
mereka dan kedua, adakah kerajaan mengambil peluang dari program lonjakan mega
ini atau Agropolitan untuk membina segala kemudahan infrastruktur, seperti jalan raya,
bekalan air, elektrik, telekomunikasi, gerai tani dan sebagainya di kawasan ini? Terima


15 MEI 2012

Timbalan Ketua Menteri dan Menteri Pemodenan Pertanian dan Menteri
Pembangunan Luar bandar (Y.B. Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) Alfred Jabu anak
Numpang): Memang adalah tujuan dan hasrat Kerajaan bagi membangunkan kawasan
seperti ini di Ladang Sejahtera Batang Sadong untuk memberi peluang pekerjaan
dengan seberapa boleh dan begitu juga diduga di masa hadapan apabila ladang ini
sudah cukup dibangunkan mengeluarkan hasil dan ramai penduduk akan juga
mendapat manfaat daripada ladang ini.

Maka juga di sekitar kawasan ini kita menduga lebih ramai anak-anak kampung
akan sama-sama attracted to the area because of the potentials from this growth area,
therefore will require the necessities for basic facilities. I mean basic facilities for school,

tadika, primary school and government facilities to ensure that the people from the rural
areas will enjoy all the basic care and the welfare that the people in the urban areas
already enjoying now and it is part of the rural transformation program and I foresee that
what is being the great concerned by Ahli Yang Berhormat for Sadong Jaya who‘s is in
line very much aspiration with the government, you are caring for the rakyat and that I
would like to ensure you as the Minister for Rural Development, we will go all out to
ensure this to be successful. If we recall, I was the originator of this project. There are
five agropolitans, pembasmian kemiskinan in Sarawak one of it is Batang Sadong, the
other one is Lingga Sebuyau, Stumbin Sembau, Layar Agropolitan, Pulau Beruit as well
as Kedayan Telang Usan and Batang Sadong Agropolitan project is one of the very
important poverty irrigation project in the rural areas, which unfortunately members from
DAP right from the very start, they suppressed and oppressed the opportunity of such
project to be implemented... (Laughter)
(12) Y.B. Encik Mohammad Razi Sitam bertanya kepada Menteri Kemudahan
Awam: Apakah pelan Kerajaan dalam usaha untuk membekalkan air paip yang bersih
kepada rumah panjang, kampung-kampung, sekolah dan juga klinik di Kawasan Saribas
seperti di kampung-kampung berikut; Tuie, Serabang, Supa, Medang, Tanjung Assam,
Sebemban, Balingan serta Lubok, Trusan dan Budak?
Menteri Muda Kemudahan Awam (Bekalan Air) dan Menteri Muda Pertanian
(Pertubuhan Peladang) (Y.B. Datuk Sylvester Entri anak Muran): Tuan Speaker,
untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Saribas, kerja-kerja pemasangan paip
agihan berserta dengan pembinaan sebuah tangki simpanan air bersaiz 2.5 juta liter
untuk menyalurkan bekalan air ke Kampung Tanjung Assam, Kampung Sebemban,
Kampung Belingan, Rumah Trusan dan juga ke kampung-kampung dan rumah-rumah
panjang yang terletak di sepanjang Jalan Belingan/Tanjung Assam seperti Rumah
Stambak Ulu, Rumah Stambak Ili, dan lain-lain sedang dalam pelaksanaan. Kemajuan
fiskal projek tersebut ialah 50.2% dan dijangka siap sepenuhnya pada akhir bulan Julai
Kawasan-kawasan Kampung Tuie, Kampung Serabang, Kampung Supa dan
Kampung Medang akan dibekalkan dengan air paip bersih melalui pelaksanaan Projek
Cadangan Bekalan Air Tuei/Supa/Medang dan Manggut yang telah dikemukakan
kepada pihak Kementerian Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah (KKLW) untuk
dipertimbangkan di bawah Rancangan NKRA Third Rolling Plan (3RP).

Siasatan lanjut dan kajian akan dilaksanakan untuk penyambungan bekalan air
ke Rumah Budak dan Rumah Lubok bagi menentukan kesesuaian dan keberkesanan
pelaksanaan projek tersebut.



15 MEI 2012

Y.B. Encik Mohammad Razi Sitam: (Soalan Tambahan) Tuan Speaker, I have two
supplementary questions:
What is the contract cost of Pipeline Project?
What is the estimated cost for estimating pipelines for all this kampung in
the Third Rolling Plan? Thank you.
Menteri Muda Kemudahan Awam (Bekalan Air) dan Menteri Muda Pertanian
(Pertubuhan Peladang) (Y.B. Datuk Sylvester Entri anak Muran): Kos projek untuk
penyambungan paip ke Kampung Tanjung Assam yang sedang dijalankan ialah
RM14.688 billion dan kos untuk penyambungan paip ke beberapa kampung yang telah
disebutkan tadi yang dikemukakan dalam Third Rolling Plan adalah RM13 juta dan ini
termasuk pipeline dan juga untuk pembinaan tangki air yang diletakkan di beberapa
lokasi yang strategik di kawasan tersebut. Terima kasih.


(13) Y.B. Dr. Annuar Rapaee bertanya kepada Timbalan Ketua Menteri dan Menteri
Pembangunan Luar Bandar: Beberapa buah rumah PPRT di kawasan Nangka yang
tiada bekalan air dan elektrik menyebabkan penghuni tinggal dalam keadaan daif.
Apakah kerajaan tidak bercadang untuk memasukkan kos menyambung bekalan air dan
elektrik dalam kos pembinaan rumah-rumah tersebut?
Timbalan Ketua Menteri dan Menteri Pembangunan Luar Bandar (Y.B. Datuk
Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) Alfred Jabu anak Numpang): Tuan Speaker, untuk makluman
Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Nangka, harga pukal bagi sebuah rumah di bawah Program
Bantuan Rumah (PBR) sehingga 31 November 2011 ialah berjumlah RM40,000 seunit.
Harga tersebut termasuk kos penyambungan air dan elektrik. Untuk makluman Ahli
Yang Berhormat bagi Nangka, terdapat sebelas unit rumah penerima Program Bantuan
Rumah di kawasan Nangka yang masih belum disambung elektrik. Ini disebabkan kos
penyambungan yang tinggi dan melebihi peruntukan yang sedia ada. Bagaimanapun,
maklumat bagi sebelas unit rumah penerima Program Bantuan Rumah tersebut
telahpun dihantar kepada pihak SESCO untuk kerja-kerja penyambungan segera.
Manakala Pejabat Daerah Sibu akan mengambil tindakan segera bagi penyambungan
bekalan air ke rumah-rumah tersebut.
Y.B. Dr. Annuar Rapaee: (Soalan Tambahan) Terima kasih Yang Berhormat Timbalan
Ketua Menteri. Saya ada satu soalan tambahan. Adakah pihak kerajaan bercadang
untuk menambahkan jumlah peruntukan RM40,000 kepada jumlah yang lebih besar
memandangkan harga barang binaan dan juga tempat-tempat yang jauh di sekitar
Negeri Sarawak?
Timbalan Ketua Menteri dan Menteri Pembangunan Luar Bandar (Y.B. Datuk
Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) Alfred Jabu anak Numpang): Setakat ini secara umum,
RM40,000 seunit adalah had yang sudah ditetapkan oleh Kerajaan Pusat dan
adakalanya dengan justifikasi-justifikasi tertentu di Negeri Sarawak special cases, di
mana kita boleh merayu kepada pihak Kerajaan Pusat and I am prepared to support to
all general cases because I know in the very rural area, cost of the transportation is very
exorbitant and compared to in the urban areas. Your question is worth nothing no doubt.
Thank you very much.


(14) Y.B. Encik Wong Ho Leng asked the Minister for Industrial Development: On
small and Medium Enterprise (SME):


15 MEI 2012

(a) What industries are considered SME in Sarawak? How has the State and
Federal Government been helping these industries?
(b) State the benefits to Sarawakians from these SME.

Menteri Muda Pembangunan Perindustrian (Pelaburan dan Promosi) dan Menteri
Muda Pembangunan Luar Bandar (Y.B. Tuan Haji Julaihi bin Haji Narawi): Tuan
Speaker, Soalan (a) perusahaan kecil dan sederhana di Malaysia didefinisikan seperti

(i) Sektor pembuatan dan perkhidmatan berkaitan pembuatan:
Jumlah tahunan kurang daripada RM25 juta atau bilangan pekerja
sepenuh masa kurang daripada 150 orang.

(ii) Sektor perkhidmatan, ICT dan lain-lain:
Jualan tahunan kurang daripada RM5 juta atau bilangan pekerja sepenuh
masa kurang daripada 50 orang.

Bagi mana-mana jenis perusahaan, jika jualan tahunan atau bilangan pekerja
separuh masa sesebuah perniagaan berada di bawah kriteria (i) dan (ii) di atas, maka ia

merupakan sebuah perusahaan kecil dan sederhana.
Kerajaan Persekutuan dan Negeri telah menawarkan banyak bantuan kepada
perusahaan kecil dan sederhana. Antaranya adalah:
(i) Bantuan kewangan dalam bentuk geran dan pinjaman mudah;
(ii) Program meningkatkan kapasiti dan kebolehupayaan;
(iii) Program pemasaran dan promosi; dan
(iv) Penyediaan lot perindustrian dengan kemudahan infrastruktur yang
Bagi soalan yang kedua, dari segi faedah yang diperolehi rakyat Sarawak
daripada Pusat Kemahiran Sarawak (PKS) adalah seperti berikut:
(i) Menyumbangkan kepada pertumbuhan ekonomi negeri;
(ii) Mewujudkan peluang pekerjaan.
Tuan Speaker, Perusahaan Kecil dan Sederhana diiktiraf sebagai tulang
belakang Ekonomi Negeri di mana Perusahaan Kecil dan Sederhana mencakupi
sebanyak 98.6% (33,059) daripada jumlah penubuhan perniagaan (33,529)
(berdasarkan banci tahun 2005) di Negeri Sarawak. Oleh yang demikian, Perusahaan
Kecil dan Sederhana memainkan peranan yang penting dalam menyumbangkan
pertumbuhan ekonomi dan mewujudkan peluang pekerjaan dalam negeri.
Y.B. Encik Wong Ho Leng: (Soalan Tambahan) Thank you, Honourable Assistant
Minister. Tuan Speaker, if I may just ask my first question, I believe the SME in Sarawak
had been complaining about a very high operating cost. Can I know whether the State
Government of Sarawak may consider helping the SME by lowering its electricity tariff
utilizing the excessive power supply from Bakun Hydro?
Menteri Muda Pembangunan Perindustrian (Pelaburan dan Promosi) dan Menteri
Muda Pembangunan Luar Bandar (Y.B. Tuan Haji Julaihi bin Haji Narawi): Soalan
ini sebenarnya tidak ada kaitan dengan SME tetapi … (Interruption)



15 MEI 2012

Y.B. Encik Wong Ho Leng: Tuan Speaker, it has to do with SME, Tuan Speaker
because I am talking about the operating cost of the SME.
Menteri Muda Pembangunan Perindustrian (Pelaburan dan Promosi) dan Menteri
Muda Pembangunan Luar Bandar (Y.B. Tuan Haji Julaihi bin Haji Narawi): Tetapi
saya belum habis lagi menjawab.

Y.B. Encik Wong Ho Leng: Thank you very much.
Menteri Perancangan Sumber dan Alam Sekitar II, Menteri Kemudahan Awam dan
Menteri Pembangunan Perindustrian (Y.B. Datuk Amar Haji Awang Tengah bin Ali
Hasan): Kos di sini adalah lebih Semenanjung Malaysia
dari segi
Disebabkan itu kerajaan telahpun mempertimbangkan
melaksanakan beberapa
tinggi daripada di yang
melibatkan kadang-kalanya kedudukan tempat industri-industri itu kos
pengangkutan dan lain-lainnya.
bagaimana cara untuk nak membantu dan kita telahpun
industrial estate bukan sahaja tertumpu di kawasan-kawasan bandar tetapi juga di luarluar
bandar dan ini dapat mengurangkan dari segi kos operasi itu sendiri dan berhubung
dengan bekalan elektrik seperti yan dibangkitkan oleh Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Bukit
Assek secara puratanya kadar elektrik di Negeri Sarawak ini untuk tujuan perindustrian
dan komersial adalah lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan kadar elektrik yang dikenakan
oleh TNB.

Now my second

big question in SME in Sarawak. These have been

Julaihi Bin Haji Narawi):

soal peluang pekerjaan

Dan oleh kerana
mempunyai tenaga kerja yang

rakyat yang dipilih oleh rakyat negara kita sendiri sepatutnya kita
mengutamakan kepada tenaga pekerja tempatan kita sendiri dan ini perlu dihayati oleh
Yang Berhormat bagi Bukit Assek.

Y.B. Encik Wong Ho Leng: Tuan Speaker I am quite honoured that my question for
supplementary received the assistance of the Minister himself to reply.
question has to do with the employment opportunities, which the Assistant Minister had
highlighted a while ago; creating of employment opportunities so is the Minister reply or
the Assistant Minister reply? Alright, thank you. Now, there has been complaint about
employment opportunities in a sense that a lot of SME are unable to source a labour
supply. It‘s a question; it‘s a
aggravated by the fact that a lot of local employees are not prepared to take up job in
SME. Now can the state government consider imposing or reducing the levy for foreign
labour in order for the SME to survive in Sarawak?
Menteri Muda Pembangunan Perindustrian (Pelaburan dan Promosi) dan Menteri
Muda Pembangunan Luar Bandar (Y.B. Tuan Haji
Menjawab soalan Yang Berhormat, soalan tambahan,
merupakan perkara global dan mana-mana negara di dunia ini menghadapi masalah
untuk mendapatkan tenaga pekerja yang mencukupi dan murah.
negara kita masih lagi dilihat sebagai tempat yang
murah, maka kita dapati banyak di antara pelabur-pelabur datang untuk melabur di
negara kita. Jadi apabila dicadangkan supaya levi itu dikurangkan, maknanya kita
menggalakkan pekerja daripada luar negara. Jadi sebagai rakyat Negara Malaysia dan
sebagai wakil
Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat question time is up.

Peraturan... (Interruption)

Y.B. Encik Wong Ho Leng: Now, just a follow up from the suggestion by the
Honourable Deputy Chief Minister who moved the motion to amend the Standing Orders
in November. Can I ask the Honourable Minister to supply to me the answer relating to
Question (39)?


15 MEI 2012

Tuan Speaker: You want what?

Y.B. Encik Wong Ho Leng: Written answer for (39).
Tuan Speaker: That I leave to the Honourable Minister. Proceed.


Menteri Kewangan II dan Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan dan Pembangunan Komuniti
beg to give

(Y.B. Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh): Tuan Speaker, I beg to introduce the Supplementary
Supply (2011) Bill, 2012 and let this bill be read as first time.
Bill read a first time

Menteri Kewangan II dan Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan dan Pembangunan Komuniti

(Y.B. Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh): Tuan Speaker, I notice that the
Supplementary Supply (2011) Bill, 2012 be read as second time tomorrow on 16th May,
Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, the second reading, committee stage and
third reading of the Supplementary Supply (2011) Bill, 2012 is set tomorrow on 16th May,
Menteri Perancangan Sumber dan Alam Sekitar dan Menteri Kemudahan Awam
dan Menteri Pembangunan Perindustrian (Awam dan Menteri Pembangunan
Industri (Y.B. Datuk Amar Haji Awang Tengah bin Ali Hasan): Tuan Speaker, I beg
to introduce the Regional Corridors Development Authorities (Amendment) Bill, 2012 are
read first time.
Bill read a first time
Menteri Perancangan Sumber dan Alam Sekitar, Menteri Kemudahan Awam dan
Menteri Pembangunan Perindustrian (Datuk Amar Haji Awang Tengah bin Ali
Hasan): And I beg to introduce the Corridors Regional Development Authorities
(Amendment) Bill, 2012 be read a second time at a same Sitting.



Menteri Perancangan Sumber dan Alam Sekitar, Menteri Kemudahan Awam dan
Menteri Pembangunan Perindustrian (Datuk Amar Haji Awang Tengah bin Ali
Hasan): The Bill is introduced with the purpose of amending the existing Regional



15 MEI 2012

Corridors of Development Authorities Ordinance, 2006 (Chapter 64) which was passed
in 2006 to provide for the creation of Regional Corridors for development and
establishment of Authorities for such Corridors in Sarawak including the roles and
functions of such Authorities.

The said Ordinance came into force on 1st August, 2008 with the establishment
of the first regional corridor development authority known as RECODA to spearhead the
development of the Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy or SCORE. The major tasks
of RECODA are the administration, management, investment promotion, project
planning and execution of SCORE, which together with the Government Transformation
Programme and Economic Transformation Programme will move the Sarawak economy

up the value chain and become a high income and developed State by the year 2020.
Since its launching in 2008, SCORE has been progressing very well especially in
the three Growth Nodes of the Samalaju Industrial Park, Mukah Smart City and Tanjung
Manis Halal Hub. To date, 17 projects with total investments of RM24.63 billion and
14,471 job opportunities have been approved in SCORE. Some have even either started
the construction of the plant or the manufacturing operation.
In addition to the 17 approved projects, the Government is currently negotiating
with other interested investors in SCORE. The establishment of industries in SCORE will
generate many spin-off effects to our economy particularly the many business and
employment opportunities for the local SMEs and the rakyat.
With this positive response of private investors, the Government is implementing
projects to provide the necessary infrastructure, utilities and telecommunications as well
as human capital development to meet the needs of investors. These projects include
the development of the Samalaju Industrial Park together with a new Township and a
dedicated Port to meet the requirements of heavy industries. The provision of these
facilities and amenities will also directly benefit the rakyat in the interior and hinterland
areas of SCORE especially in terms of connectivity and accessibility.
The rapid progress and development that is currently taking place in SCORE
necessitates us to relook at the existing organisational structure of RECODA. This is to
ensure that RECODA has adequate manpower to cater for the present and future needs
of development that are taking place in SCORE.
And in order to strengthen RECODA, the Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri at its
meeting held on 19th April, 2012 has endorsed the amendment of RECODA Ordinance
to be tabled in this august House. The Bill proposes the amendments to be made in four
major areas.
The First Amendment Is To Have Two Deputy Chairmen
Currently RECODA Board has 10 Members including one Deputy Chairman who
is responsible for the developments that are being planned and progressing rapidly in
the coastal areas of SCORE. This is especially so in the development of energy
intensive industries in the Samalaju Industrial Park and Mukah.

With the bigger inflow of investment than expected, there is a need to restructure
the present RECODA Board. In this respect, a second Deputy Chairman is to be
appointed to oversee the development of SCORE interior and hinterland areas. The
development in these areas will focus on resource-based industries, agro-based
industries and the halal hub so as to ensure a more balanced development of the entire
SCORE area.



15 MEI 2012

The Second Amendment Touches On The Execution Of
Documents by the Authority

To ensure the continued success of SCORE, RECODA must operate efficiently
and be expected to respond quickly to the needs of all stakeholders. The amendment to
the said Ordinance provides for the authentication of the corporate seal of the Authority
by its Chairman or any other member especially authorised by that Authority and the
Secretary. In this case, it allows any one of the other members available including the
two Deputy Chairmen together with the Secretary to execute the instruments or
documents in the event the Chairman is not available.

For any other instruments or documents that are not required to be executed
under seal they can be carried out by the Chairman or any other member of the
Authority and the Secretary or the Chief Executive Officer. Here it allows more flexibility
whereby either the Secretary of the Authority or the Chief Executive Officer of RECODA.
Here it allows more flexibility whereby either the Secretary of the authority or the Chief
Executive Officer of RECODA and either the Chairman or any other members of the
Authority to execute the instruments or documents.

The Third Amendment Relates To the Application of the State Public

Service General Orders
At present there are eleven staffs of RECODA Management Team to manage
and coordinate all the on-going developments within SCORE. Obviously the present
strength is not adequate. It will be gradually expanded in tandem with the ever
increasing development that is taking place in SCORE. More staff will be recruited in
the near future to meet the needs to deal efficiently and effectively with all stakeholders
and to coordinate the many planned and on-going development programmes and
projects in SCORE.
Like any other Government agencies including statutory bodies, RECODA being
a statutory body itself should not be exempted from the rules and regulations such as
the State Public Service General Orders. The application of the State Public Service
General Orders is very important to ensure that the recruitment is duly and properly
done and the staffs are protected in executing their duties whilst enjoying all facilities
and benefits like any other State Civil Servants.
The Fourth Amendment Is In Respect Of the Statutory Bodies
(Conduct and Discipline) Ordinance, 2004
RECODA is currently operating like any other Statutory Bodies. Therefore, it
should be subject to the rules and regulations stipulated under Statutory Bodies
(Conduct and Discipline) Ordinance, 2004. The application of this Ordinance will help to
instil good governance and improve service delivery of RECODA.

Tuan Speaker, Rang Undang-Undang ini apabila dilluluskan akan membolehkan
Kerajaan memperkasa struktur dan pengurusan RECODA untuk memastikan
pembangunan SCORE yang cekap dan berkesan. Maka saya, dengan ini menyeru
semua Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat di Dewan yang mulia ini menyokong Rang Undang-
Undang ini. Saya dengan ini ingin mencadangkan.

Menteri Pembangunan Infrastruktur dan Perhubungan (Y.B. Dato Sri Michael
Manyin anak Jawong): I beg to second.



15 MEI 2012
Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, we have a short break. Sitting resume at

11:00 a.m.
(Mesyuarat ditangguhkan pada jam 10:38 pagi)
(Mesyuarat dimulakan pada jam 11:30 pagi)
[Tuan Speaker mempengerusikan Mesyuarat]


[Perbahasan ke atas Rang Undang-Undang]
Tuan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Jemoreng.
Y.B. Encik Abu Seman bin Jahwie: Tuan Speaker, terima kasih kerana memberikan
saya peluang untuk turut serta dalam membahaskan Rang Undang-Undang pindaan
mengenai Regional Corridor Development Authorities (Amendment) Bill, 2012.
Saya juga ingin mengucapkan tahniah kepada Yang Berhormat Menteri
Perancangan Sumber dan Alam Sekitar II, Menteri Kemudahan Awam dan Menteri
Pembangunan Perindustrian kerana telah membentangkan Rang Undang-Undang
pindaan yang tepat pada masanya setelah .the principal Ordinance. diluluskan pada 11
November 2006 dan diwartakan pada 26 Disember 2006.
Susulan daripada itu, pindaan kepada .the Principal Ordinance. ini adalah
penting dan perlu bagi memantapkan lagi struktur yang sedia ada bagi mempastikan
perancangan Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy (SCORE) dapat dilaksanakan
supaya Negeri kita yang tercinta ini dapat dimajukan seperti negeri-negeri lain dan tidak
ketinggalan di dalam arus pembangunan untuk mencapai status negeri maju pada tahun
2020 dan kemajuan menyeluruh pada tahun 2030.
Tuan Speaker, izinkan saya menyentuh berkenaan dengan pindaan tersebut.
Seperti yang telah saya nyatakan, dengan membuat pindaan ke atas Seksyen 6
(1)(b) adalah bagi mempastikan struktur Regional Corridor Development Authorities
(RECODA) lebih mantap lagi di mana Pengerusi akan dibantu oleh dua (2) orang
Timbalan Pengerusi pada masa akan datang.
Bagi menyelaraskan pindaan ke atas Seksyen 6 (1)(b) di atas, pindaan juga
perlu dibuat ke atas Seksyen-seksyen yang melibatkan definisi Timbalan Pengerusi
kepada Timbalan-Timbalan Pengerusi di Seksyen 2(1)(a) & (c), Seksyen 7(2) dan
Seksyen 7(3).

Tuan Speaker, pindaan-pindaan kepada Seksyen 6(1)(b), Seksyen 2(1)(a) & (c),
Seksyen 7(2) dan Seksyen 7(3) juga adalah langkah yang bijak dari aspek perundangan
supaya Ordinan RECODA adalah konsisten, relevan dan tidak bercanggah yang boleh
membawa kepada keputusan-keputusan RECODA yang boleh dipersoalkan oleh manamana



15 MEI 2012

Pindaan-pindaan ke atas Seksyen-seksyen tersebut adalah perlu
memandangkan tugas-tugas yang dipikul oleh Pengerusi, Timbalan Pengerusi, Ahli-Ahli
Lembaga Pengarah serta Pengurusan RECODA adalah amat berat sekali bagi
mempastikan perancangan dan pelaksanaan SCORE di bawah Second Wave of
Development yang diilhamkan oleh Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri iaitu Bapa
Pembangunan Negeri Sarawak dapat direalisasikan.

Tuan Speaker, struktur RECODA yang lebih mantap adalah bagi mempastikan
pembangunan di seluruh Negeri Sarawak adalah seimbang, baik di bandar, di persisiran
bandar dan di pendalaman Sarawak yang luas ini. Seperti yang kita sedia maklum,
Koridor Pembangunan Wilayah (SCORE) sedang rancak dilaksanakan oleh RECODA
yang melibatkan kawasan 70,000 sq km, ataupun 320 km panjang persisiran pantai dan
pelaburan di SCORE (approved
SCORE mensasarkan untuk
besar pecahan
dianggar melibatkan 600,000 orang di kawasan tersebut. SCORE
.energy intensive industries. dan berbeza dengan konsep Koridor
Wilayah di bawah IERDA di Johor, iaitu based on property dan leisure, dan koridorkoridor
pembangunan yang lain di Malaysia.

Mengikut data yang terkini, setakat ini
investment) adalah berjumlah lebih kurang RM24 billion.
menarik minat pelaburan berjumlah RM334 billion dan menyediakan 1.5 million peluang
pekerjaan menjelang tahun 2030. Sebahagian pelaburan yang

disasarkan menjelang tahun 2030 adalah daripada pihak swasta iaitu 55% atau RM185
billion daripada RM334 billion keseluruhan pelaburan.
Tuan Speaker, oleh yang demikian, adalah perlu bagi struktur RECODA
dimantapkan lagi dengan pindaan ke atas Seksyen 6(1)(b), Seksyen 2(1)(a)&(c),
Seksyen 7(2) dan Seksyen 7(3) tersebut.
Tuan Speaker, bagi melicinkan pentadbiran dan pengurusan RECODA, pindaan
juga perlu dibuat ke atas Seksyen 2(1)(b), Seksyen 7(2), Seksyen 15, Seksyen 17 dan
penambahan Seksyen yang baru iaitu Seksyen 15A dan Seksyen 17A.
Pindaan-pindaan ke atas Seksyen-Seksyen tersebut dan penambahan Seksyen-
Seksyen yang baru sekali lagi ianya bagi mempastikan Ordinan RECODA adalah
komprehensif, konsisten, relevan dan jelas.
Tuan Speaker, penambahan Seksyen 17A ini adalah relevan bagi mempastikan
semua pegawai-pegawai, pekerja dan sesiapa yang RECODA perlukan bagi
melaksanakan fungsi-fungsi dan tugas-tugas yang termaktub di bawah Ordinan
RECODA tertakluk kepada undang-undang yang sedia ada da selaras dengan semua
Badan-Badan Berkanun Negeri yang lain.
Tertakluknya RECODA di bawah Statutory Bodies (Conduct and Discipline)
Ordinance, 2004 seperti Badan-Badan Berkanun Negeri yang lain maka kepentingan
RECODA dan pegawai-pegawai, pekerja dan sesiapa yang RECODA perlukan akan
terjamin di bawah Ordinan yang komprehensif dan adil.

Sebagai contoh, Section 6 of Statutory Bodies (Conduct and Discipline)
Ordinance, 2004 menerangkan berkenaan dengan Disciplinary Committee, bidang
kuasa dan proses rayuan.

Section 8 of Statury Bodies (Conduct and Discipline) Ordinance 2004, pula
menerangkan berkenaan perkara-perkara berkaitan dengan pemberhentian di dalam
perkhidmatan di bawah Badan-Badan Berkanun dan Second Schedule Part II, of
Statutory Bodies (Conduct and Discipline) Ordinance, 2004 menerangkan secara



15 MEI 2012

terperinci Code of Conduct yang harus dipatuhi oleh pengurusan, pegawai-pegawai dan
pekerja-pekerja yang bekerja di Badan-Badan Berkanun Negeri.

Memandangkan Ordinan RECODA yang sedia ada tidak menerangkan undangundang
atau peraturan-peraturan yang komprehensif berkenaan dengan Conduct and
Discipline pegawai-pegawai dan pekerja-pekerja maka penambahan Seksyen 17A ini
amat tepat sekali dan syabas kepada Yang Berhormat Menteri Perancangan Sumber
dan Alam Sekitar II, Menteri Kemudahan Awam dan Menteri Pembangunan
Perindustrian kerana mempunyai pandangan yang jauh dengan penambahan Seksyen
17A ini bagi mempastikan kepentingan RECODA, pegawai-pegawai dan pekerja akan
terjamin di bawah Ordinan yang komprehensif dan adil ini.

Justeru itu, saya sekali lagi ingin mengucapkan tahniah kepada Yang Berhormat
segi pengurusan
Menteri Perancangan Sumber dan Alam Sekitar II, Menteri Kemudahan Awam dan
Menteri Pembangunan Perindustrian kerana telah membentangkan Rang Undang-
Undang Pindaan yang mempastikan semua aspek baik dari

pembangunan di bawah RECODA bertambah mantap supaya RECODA sebagai pihak
pelaksanaan berkuasa yang dipertanggungjawabkan ke atas SCORE dapat
merealisasikan perancangan bagi memajukan negeri kita sebagai sebuah negeri yang
maju pada tahun 2020 dan seterusnya kemajuan yang menyeluruh pada tahun 2030.

Akhir kata, dengan itu saya turut serta dalam menyokong usul yang
dibentangkan. Sekian, terima kasih.
Tuan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Pantai Damai.
Y.B. Dr. Haji Abdul Rahman bin Junaidi: Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker. Terlebih
dahulu saya ingin mengucapkan penghargaan dan terima kasih kepada Yang
Berhormat Menteri Perancangan Sumber dan Alam Sekitar II, Menteri Kemudahan
Awam dan Menteri Pembangunan Perindustrian di atas pembentangan Rang Undang-
Undang Pindaan —Regional Corridors Development Authorities (Amendment) Bill,
Matlamat utama Pindaan Undang-Undang ini adalah semata-mata untuk
memperkukuhkan jentera Regional Regional Corridors Development Authorities atau
RECODA serta melicinkan pentabdirannya bagi menarik lebih banyak pelaburan dan
merancakkan pembangunan dalam kawasan SCORE. Pindaan yang dilakukan ini sejak
pengwartaan Ordinan utama RECODA pada tahun 2006 ini akan memastikan semua
pelan rancangan dan pelaksanaan projek dalam kawasan SCORE berjalan dengan
lancar dan seterusnya menjadi pemangkin kepada misi Kerajaan untuk menjadi
Sarawak sebuah Negeri termaju di Malaysia menjelang tahun 2030.
Tuan Speaker, pindaan dalam Seksyen 6(1) yang mencadangkan diwujudkan
satu lagi jawatan Timbalan Pengerusi amatlah perlu bagi memenuhi keperlukan
pentadbiran SCORE secara keseluruhan. Ini berkaitan rapat dengan tanggungjawab
pengurusan bagi mengendalikan dua (2) tugasan utama dalam SCORE iaitu pertama,
sektor industri berat dan pelaburan dan yang kedua bidang pertanian, hub-halal,
ternakan dan industry asas tani. Pindaan kepada Seksyen 15 pula ialah cadangan
penambahbaikan dalam pengurusan RECODA yang menekankan kepada perlantikan
serta peranan yang dimainkan oleh Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif iaitu jawatan yang
terpenting yang menentukan hala tuju dan kejayaan SCORE.

Bagi memastikan projek berskala besar ini Berjaya, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif
SCORE mestilah seorang yang berwibawa, mempunyai ketahanan minda yang tinggi
serta berpandangan jauh. Begitu juga dengan pegawai-pegawai lain yang diberi



15 MEI 2012

tanggungjawab melaksanakan semua projek dalam SCORE ini. Walau bagaimanapun
pada hari ini, kita rasa bangga walau pun kakitangan-kakitangan RECODA amat kecil
iaitu hanya 11 orang tetapi mereka telah berjaya melaksanakan tugas dan
tanggungjawab dengan begitu berkesan setakat ini.

Proses penambahbaikan dari segi pentadbiran sesebuah organisasi besar
seperti RECODA ini perlu dilakukan dari masa ke semasa kerana projek pembangunan
di bawahnya akan sentiasa berkembang dan meningkat. Contoh yang menarik adalah
dari segi kejayaan pihak Kerajaan Negeri menarik pelaburan ke dalam kawasan
SCORE. Dalam tempoh masa yang pendek, iaitu baru empat (4) tahun dua (2) bulan,
kepelbagaian pembangunan dalam kawasan SCORE telah berjaya menarik banyak

pelaburan sama ada dari dalam atau luar Negara.

Umpamanya seperti yang telah disebut oleh Yang Berhormat Menteri
RM24.63 billion
bahawa sekarang sudah ada 17 projek yang telah dikeluarkan lessen untuk beroperasi
dalam kawasan SCORE dengan jumlah pelaburan sebanyak yang
membuka kepada 14,000 peluang pekerjaan. Manakala saya juga dimaklumkan bahawa
ada 11 lagi projek besar yang bernilai pelaburan sebanyak RM13 billion masih dalam
peringkat perbincangan.

Tuan Speaker, jumlah pelaburan yang besar ini menjadi testimoni kepada kita

semua terhadap satu perkara iaitu pelabur-pelabur luar amat yakin dan percaya dengan
pentadbiran kerajaan negeri yang ada sekarang. Kerajaan Barisan Nasional telah
berjaya mewujudkan iklim pelaburan yang kondusif untuk negeri ini. Kejayaan ini adalah
hasil daripada kestabilan politik yang berpanjangan, barisan pemimpin yang berwibawa
dan jentera pentadbiran kerajaan yang cekap. Di masa yang sama, faktor-faktor yang
lain seperti kehidupan harmoni serta berbilang kaum di negeri ini, persekitaran yang
aman dan tenang dengan kadar jenayah yang rendah dan semangat jati diri yang tinggi
di kalangan masyarakat Sarawak turut menarik perhatian dan meningkatkan keyakinan
pelabur-pelabur ini.
Kesan peningkatan pelaburan-pelaburan ini bukan saja berkisar dengan
pembangunan SCORE, malah yang lebih penting ia akan memberi tempias dan kesan
positif kepada industri hiliran yang lain seperti pembangunan sektor SME, perkhidmatan
pembinaan, pengangkutan, pelancongan dan yang lainnya. Harapan kita ialah semoga
iklim pelaburan yang telah diwujudkan oleh kerajaan negeri ini akan terus meningkat
supaya pembangunan dalam kawasan SCORE akan terus berkembang dan membawa
kejayaan ke seluruh negeri Sarawak pada masa-masa yang akan datang.
Dengan pandangan yang ringkas sedemikian, saya menyokong Regional
Corridor‘s Development Authorities (Amendment) Bill, 2012. Terima kasih.
Tuan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Kota Sentosa.
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Thank you, Tuan Speaker, for giving me this
opportunity to debate the Regional Corridor‘s Development Authorities Amendment Bill


Tuan Speaker, so much have been said about SCORE and so much have been
shouted about SCORE by the Government of the day. About creating jobs, about
bringing our state‘s economy to another level. I have taken the trouble to visit the official
website of SCORE last night and that is why I found the statistic given or the projection
given published in the official website boasted that by 2012, by year 2012, demand for
manpower in the SCORE area by skill labour and resource the demand will be 200,000
by 2012. And by year 2015, the demand for manpower will reach 397,000. By 2020, the



15 MEI 2012

demand for workforce in the SCORE area will reach 570,000. By 2025, the demand for
manpower in the SCORE area will reach a level of 719,000 and by 2030, the demand for
manpower in the SCORE area will reach 836,000.

Tuan Speaker, we have passed the year 2012, have we achieved that? Have we
achieved the level set up in the official website of SCORE Sarawak? No, we are far from
it and yet despite the official figure as published in SCORE website, I have received an
answer from the Chief, answer to my question submitted in our last sitting which give the
projection. I will read .The study on SCORE Manpower Requirements for Skill and
Technical Workforce that was conducted by UNIMAS in 2009 projected the following
creation of jobs. Year 2015, 145,445, year 2020, 331,033 jobs, year 2025, 478,228 jobs,

year 2030, number of new jobs 667, 238.

Tuan Speaker, these are the figures given by me in answer to my question
raised in the last Dewan Undangan Negeri sitting. This answer obviously differs a lot,
differs a lot from the projections published in the official website of the SCORE. Just
take an example, in the website, the projection 2015, for the year 2015, the projection
for the demand of manpower is 397,000 and yet few years later now, we received the
answer saying that in 2005 the number of jobs created on manpower requirement is only
145,465. This is 50% discount from what was initially boasted when the Government
started the SCORE project. Are we in for a failing project? And what has gone wrong?

That the figures initially projected at the inception of SCORE can be really so much?
Can differ so much? Discounted by 50%? Has Sarawakian been discounted by 50% by
the Barisan Nasional Government? That is the question we would like to know.
Tuan Speaker, and why such a wide varies of projected figures of jobs
requirement, jobs creation, one can only conclude that these figures are figures pluck
from the air, it has no basis, no such things... (Interruption)
Tuan Speaker: Honourable Member, what is your point?
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: My point is ... (Interruption)
Tuan Speaker: You can confine your debate to the amendment.
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Yes, the amendment is about SCORE, how good is the
SCORE and why we need... (Interruption)
Tuan Speaker: You have made your point clear, you are making your observation on
those two matters.
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Yes, Tuan Speaker.
Tuan Speaker: What is your point?
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: My point is that, my point is that the figures given by
the government on how good SCORE is, how it is going to improve our economy, I am
in doubt, I am in doubt.
Tuan Speaker, we look at the Amendment Bill, the reason given for the need of
this amendment is that SCORE is expanding. We need to expand the management on
SCORE to achieve the intended anticipated result of SCORE but yet the figures tell us
otherwise SCORE is failing, is not doing well.



15 MEI 2012

Tuan Speaker, let me go on. Just an observation. Are those Governments
serious about SCORE? Are we wasting our time in the tabling of this bill? Is the
Government serious about SCORE?

Tuan Speaker, as we all know, we are in the internet era. Official website of any

organisation is the key to the world. When we look at the SCORE‘s website, it was last

updated 24th July 2010. Almost two years ago. Almost two years ago and the last article
I can get is July, 22nd.

Tuan Speaker: Order, order.

Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Tuan Speaker, can you ask those hooligans to keep
quiet. And one more to say, Tuan Speaker, as I was driving along the road of Kuching,
we saw advertisement billboards about SCORE, creating some 2.5 million jobs. How on
earth do we create 2.5 million jobs? By 2030, so which is the figure? 667,238, I rephrase
667,238 new jobs by 2030 as stated in the answer or 836,000 jobs as stated in the
website of SCORE or the 2.5 million jobs as stated in the billboard along the roads of
Sarawak? Which is which? We want to know, which is which. And furthermore, let me
elaborate a bit. On the answers given to me by the Chief Minister, as so far how many
jobs have been created? How many jobs have been created ... (Interruption)
Tuan Speaker: What point is that?
Y.B. Encik Abdullah bin Haji Saidol: Please direct him to observe.
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Standing Order 32(1) is minta penjelasan, eh.. read it
properly. 32(1) minta penjelasan, come on. I know you have been promoted to be the
Chief Political Secretary but you still have to apply by the Standing Order... (Interruption)
Y.B. Encik Abdullah bin Haji Saidol: Standing Order 32(1) … Your observation on the
subject matter. You are talking about Internet and billboard.
Tuan Speaker: Order, order. Order Yang Berhormat Kota Sentosa, under Standing
Order 34(1).
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Standing Order 34(1), relevant?
Tuan Speaker: Yes, it is relevant.
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Tuan Speaker... (Interruption)
Tuan Speaker: You have to confine your observation to the Amendment Bill, okay?
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Yes, I know it is relevant. The Barisan Nasional talk so
much good things about SCORE. Yes, I am pointing out the figures, the figures, that
dispute their own figures that is still their own claim. The SCORE is zero.

Tuan Speaker: Order, order.

Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Okay. Let me inform. Assistant Minister, behave
yourself. Come on lah, you are Assistant Minister.
Tuan Speaker: Order, order.



15 MEI 2012

Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: If you are eyeing to be the Minister, you have to behave
like a Minister, otherwise you‘ll be dropped next time may be by the rakyat. Okay, I‘ll go
into specific, the facts here I read out. I read out the answer. Since the launching of
SCORE in February 2008, three companies with a total investment of RM2.7 billion are
already in operation. The total number of people employed by these companies is 780.
My Goodness, .Comprising 393 Malaysians and 387 foreigners in both engineering and
non-engineering works. The salary offered range between RM750 to RM4,000 per
month based on the type of jobs..

Tuan Speaker, the Federal Government has already introduced the minimum
wages rate of RM800 in Malaysia. That is the minimum. Tuan Speaker, never mind and

here there are I know they have increased the wages, okay, alright. You will increase the
wage later, alright but how much?
The fact is that Tuan Speaker, the jobs in SCORE is not that lucrative after all. It
is ranges from RM750 per month to RM4,000 per month. If that is the rate and even
when the rate is increase can they be increased by how much?
So, Tuan Speaker, looking at the trend or the policy even the direction of the
development in SCORE. The government is concentrating on the heavy industries very
energy intensive industries. And this heavy industry has by products which are polluted,
which can damage the environment, number one.
Number two, the spinal effect of the job created or job creation for this heavy
industries are not a lot, is not a lot. It has not have the effect like other manufacturing
industries whereby you can create a lot of job opportunities.
Heavy industry, Tuan Speaker relies heavily on machines. They are very
machinery intensive as such it does not create a lot of job. That is why the figure which
was given for my question, RM2.7 billon have been invested over the past three years
and yet there is only 780 employment for these three companies, they are not labour
intensive. As such you will not create the jobs, the number of job as projected by the
government. (Interrupted)
Oh, sure, sure, sure. I will give way.
Menteri Muda Pembangunan Belia (Bandar) dan Menteri Muda Perumahan (Y.B.
Tuan Haji Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah): You are mentioning about two points
something billion ringgit investment that has come in. My question, does that reflect
investors confident towards Sarawak?
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Thank you, Yang Berhormat Assistant Minister, still
Assistant. Your day to be Minister may come, may only. Depending on your performance
and never mind, I answer your question. The actual fact.
Tuan Speaker: That is not relevant. Go ahead.

Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: This is well wishing, isn‘t it my friend Yang Berhormat
for Asajaya. Your day may come.

Tuan Speaker: Go on that is not relevant. No, Honourable Member for Kota Sentosa.
Just move on. Okay.

Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Tuan Speaker, answering to the question. Whether it
shows confident in the Sarawak Government let me tell you. These companies come in


15 MEI 2012

because of cheap electricity subsidies by local users, our Sarawakian. We pay
expensive electricity to subsidy this cheap electricity to these companies. Tell us. Tell us
how much is SESCO is charging ... (Interruption)

Tuan Speaker: Adun for Kota Sentosa that is irrelevant to the issue here.

Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: You mean the question from Yang Berhormat for
Asajaya irrelevant?
Tuan Speaker: The Honourable Member for Kota Sentosa he did not ask for electricity
rate and all that. He is asking for clarification only.

Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Tuan Speaker, energy, electricity is source the of
SCORE; if we don‘t talk about electricity you don‘t launch SCORE. No electricity, no

SCORE. That is it. ZERO SCORE. Kosong. So electricity is relevant and how much may
I ask, how much is SESCO charging companies likes Press Metal for the aluminium
smelting plant? Minister should answer. If Minister cannot answer, Assistant Minister

should help to reveal the answer. Don‘t hide.

Don‘t hide from Sarawakian. How much recently, recently OM Materials (S) Pte.

Ltd. signed a Memorandum of Understanding a joint venture agreement with CMS. We

all know whose company it is. Whereby CMS have 20% shareholding and OM Materials
(S) Pte. Ltd of whole 80% shareholding. How much is SESCO charging this joint venture
company for their electricity bills? They are, they are magnesium/meganist production
plan. They are going to set up a meganist production plant and how is the government to
ensure that there is no pollution to environment. We all don‘t want people from Bintulu
falling sick. My friend from Kidurong just visited Normah Hospital this morning. Ini ubat
dari Normah.
Tuan Speaker: Order, order please.
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Air in Bintulu is polluted, water in Bintulu is polluted
because of SCORE, because of all these heavy industrial plants in SCORE.
Tuan Speaker: Alright honourable members, order please.
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Tuan Speaker, the point I am trying to... (Inaudible) we
can have SCORE but who benefits at the end of the day? Because of SCORE
electricity, cheap electricity from Bakun Dam cannot be used to supply to the local
people. The Bakun Dam electricity will have to use for SCORE. Bakun Dam, the cost of
electricity is 6.25 cents per kilowatt hour. Sarawakians are paying 30 cents on average
per kilowatt hour. 5 times the cost of what Bakun Dam can supply us the electricity. Is
that fair? (Interruption)
Tuan Speaker: Honourable Member can you now confine it to relate to the amendment.

Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Yes.
Tuan Speaker: Ok. You have the whole day explaining about other things.
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Yes. It‘s about development of SCORE.
Tuan Speaker: Ok.
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: it‘s about the development of SCORE.


15 MEI 2012

Tuan Speaker: Yes. You ... (Interruption)

Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Development of SCORE.
Tuan Speaker: Confine to the ... (Interruption)
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Yes.
Tuan Speaker: Amendment bill
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Development of SCORE is relevant. Yes. Bakun is in
Tuan Speaker: It must be confined to the amendment bill.
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Alright.
Tuan Speaker: Ok.
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: The amendment is about ... (Interruption)
Tuan Speaker: You can talk about that in the king speech.
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: TYT‘s speech. Not the King‘s speech.
Tuan Speaker: Well, the tradition says the King‘s speech.
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Ok. Right, anyway, locals are made to pay a subsidise
this foreign investors. Just to answer question from Honourable member of Asajaya.
This foreign investor comes in because of cheap electricity subsidised by Sarawakians.
Alright, I come to my last point, Tuan Speaker, oh no, not last point, second last point.
Tuan Speaker: How long is the point?
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Without interruption it could be quiet fast. With
interruption I don‘t know. And with all the howling there from the other side ...
Tuan Speaker: Ok. Order. Order.
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Tuan Speaker, when we talk about development for the
people, for the benefit of the people it should be real benefit and not statistic figures.
Barisan Nasional government is so fond of playing around of statistic to fool whosoever
people eyes. Tuan Speaker, let me tell you, let me show you an example just like which
was said by the Prime Minister. Is it irrelevant?

Tuan Speaker: Nothing to do with SCORE.

Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Oh, he is not irrelevant. Ok. What was said by the
Prime Minister, a review of his ... (Interruption)
Tuan Speaker: Confine to the amendment bill. I am sure the Prime Minister will talk
about that.



15 MEI 2012

Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: if he is irrelevant than never mind. I will not talk about it.
Tuan Speaker: The rulling is you confine your debate on the amendment bill. Ok.

Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Tuan Speaker, from the time being our Prime Minister
is irrelevant. Never mind. So, we talk about fit and proper person to be the CEO. I am
sure that it is on the point and highly irrelevant. Fit and proper person. Tuan speaker, we
have obtained our independent and come out of the colonial rules for many years, many
decades and the perception that the white man are more superior should not be there
anymore. I am referring to the engagement of the CEO, the policy, the CEO of SESCo.
You remind me ... (Interruption)
Tuan Speaker: You cannot PM. You are not allowed to PM under standing orders.
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: I am not going to PM but ... (Interruption)
Tuan Speaker: You are talking about the white person about appointment.
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: I want to make my suggestion on the criteria for the
selection of the CEO. Alright it should not ..the Sarawakian are knowledgeable enough,
experience enough, skill enough, to have the RECODA and I hope the government will
not adopt such mentality as white man are more superior than us like what they done to
SESCo. Appointing a Norwegian CEO paying to our loss. Paying 4.4 million Ringgit
Malaysia a year. What point of order Asajaya? I can‘t hear you. I can‘t hear you. The mic
is not on. ... (Interruption)
Menteri Muda Pembangunan Belia (Bandar) dan Menteri Muda Perumahan (Y.B.
Tuan Haji Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah): Point of order. Tuan Speaker, Kota
Sentosa is going too much away from the subject matter of debate today. ...
Tuan Speaker: Honourable Member for Asajaya. What point of order, what point of
Menteri Muda Pembangunan Belia (Bandar) dan Menteri Muda Perumahan (Y.B.
Tuan Haji Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah): A point of order 33(b) (Interruption)
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: 33(b) is asking ... (Interruption)
Menteri Muda Pembangunan Belia (Bandar) dan Menteri Muda Perumahan (Y.B.
Tuan Haji Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah): Confine yourself to the subject matter. Ok.
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: I am confining myself to the amendment but your mind
is away. You have drifted away. The amendment on Clause 5. A Regional Corridor
Development Authority may with the approval of the minister appoint a fit and proper
person on such terms and conditions as it determine to be the CEO of the authority. So
Minister approval on terms and conditions. The discretion liaise with the Minister to
appoint and also Assistant Minister and I would like to say in this house that a
Sarawakian should be appointed and not practice what have been done in SESCo.
Appointing a foreigner and making Sarawakian pay. Alright, on the second point of fit
and proper person Tuan Speaker, the person appointed, CEO or RECODA must keep in
mind that, must always keep in mind that he is serving the Rakyat. He is a public


15 MEI 2012

servant, he is a servant of the rakyat and not the towkay of the rakyat as manisfested by
a statement by a Minister here saying that, Jangan lawan towkay. Make it a public
statement in press. In the paper, Jangan lawan towkay. Who is towkay?

Tuan Speaker: The article is irrelevant. Member for Kota Sentosa, those are irrelevant.

Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Tuan Speaker, Honourable Member for Baleh, sees
himself as a towkey and the rakyat as a servant.
Tuan Speaker: No, no, no, don‘t stray, don‘t stray.

Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Alright, alright, I will remind this House that we practice
democracy and that in democracy the rakyat is the towkey. Anyone holding public office,
other servants and must always keep in mind that the rakyat is towkey and he who hold
office is not towkey not like what Honourable Member for Baleh has said jangan lawan
towkey and he refer himself and Barisan Nasional as towkey....that is ...(Interruption)
Tuan Speaker: Order, order, you confine to the amendment bill ... (Interruption)
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: ...disgusting ... (Interruption)
Tuan Speaker: Honourable Member for Kota Sentosa, you are the debate
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Not fit and proper person
Tuan Speaker: You are not a fit and proper person, is it right?
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Tuan Speaker, I will demand that, Tuan Speaker
withdraw such a statement.
Tuan Speaker: No... You were saying that...
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Tuan Speaker, you have to withdraw such a
statement... (Interruption)
Tuan Speaker: No. I am asking you.
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: It is not very sweet for Tuan Speaker, to say such a
Tuan Speaker: Now, you listen first.
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Tuan Speaker, you are lowering yourself for ...
Tuan Speaker: Sit down, Member for Bukit Assek, you sit down, sit down or I order you
out. Now you listen to me first, listen to me.

Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Tuan Speaker, you are not there to speak.
Tuan Speaker: No, you listen to me first. I am ... (inaudible).... solo, you was saying not
fit and proper person, so I was asking you, you mean referring to yourself. I am asking
you question, I not making a statement.



15 MEI 2012

Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Ok alright, you are asking a question.
Tuan Speaker: Yes
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Ok, of course my answer is I am a fit and proper
Tuan Speaker: Ok to yourself, so you don‘t live with what other people … (Interruption)

Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: It referred to this office.
Tuan Speaker: You are not confiding to the Amendment bill.
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Alright, why not in one or two minutes. I give way to the
opposition leader.
Y.B. Encik Wong Ho Leng: Tuan Speaker, we heard clearly...
Tuan Speaker: Are you asking for clarification? Are you asking for clarification?
Y.B. Encik Wong Ho Leng: We heard you clearly say that the Member for Kota
Sentosa is not fit and proper person. That is very ... (Inaudible)
Tuan Speaker: No, no, no. I was asking him, I was asking him and he heard it.
Y.B. Encik Wong Ho Leng: That is wrong, just warning you, you are this is wrong.
Tuan Speaker: He has acknowledged that I am asking him that question, so you don‘t
try to make issue out of this.
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Irrelevant... you are irrelevant ... (Interruption)
Tuan Speaker: No, no, order, order.
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: I‘ll bring it My King‘s speech but for now let‘s confine to
Tuan Speaker: Confine to the amendment bill. Ok confine to the amendment bill.
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Yes, I am asking Member for Asajaya, not to disturb,
not to bring irrelevant stuff into this dewan. I am referring it to him... (Interruption)
Tuan Speaker: That was off your instigation, you know.
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: I am referring it to him, I am referring to Member for
Asajaya himself, he is irrelevant, Member for Sebuyau also irrelevant. No, no this bill is
table by Minister for Resource Planning, you are not in this ministry. So you are not
relevant for the time being, accept that.
Tuan Speaker, let me conclude, I hope the CEO of the RECODA to bear in mind
always that rakyat is the towkey and he is not the towkey and... (Interruption)

Tuan Speaker: I think this is irrelevant to the amendment bill.



15 MEI 2012

Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: He has to work for the rakyat and not the rakyat
working for him.
Tuan Speaker: Honourable Member for Kota Sentosa, I think you end, you and your
debate ok.

Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: With that I conclude. Thank you.
Tuan Speaker: Any Honourable Member who wish to speak? Ahli Yang Berhomat Bagi

Y.B. Dr. Annuar bin Rapaee: Tuan Speaker, terima kasih. Sebelum saya meneruskan
saya hendak
disebabkan oleh murahnya
ucapan bahas saya mengenai Rang Undang-Undang ini, ingin
memperbetulkan apa yang telah diperkatakan oleh Yang Berhormat bagi Kota Sentosa
Pertama, beliau menyatakan bahawa untuk menarik atau pun
pelaburan yang datang dalam SCORE, adalah takrif
electricity. Walau bagaimanapun, beliau tidak sedar bahawa faktor utama yang menarik
pelaburan ke negara ini adalah merupakan kestabilan politik yang kita nikmati. Semurah
manapun takrif elektrik itu tetapi kalau negara tidak dalam keadaan politik yang stabil,
negara kita asyik mengadakan

way. You have enough time

Undang-Undang Pindaan Regional
2012 yang secara khususnya

Cabaran dunia masa kini

lebih spesifik.

sekali itu juga pelabur tidak akan masuk kalau
demonstrasi jalanan sudah pasti pelabur tidak akan datang.
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: ... (Interruption)
Y.B. Dr. Annuar bin Rapaee: I am not giving you a
already. You have given so much time just now. Let me proceed. No, no. You are not
Assistant Minister.
Tuan Speaker: Speak to the Chair. Ahli Yang Berhormat of Kota Sentosa, you speak to
the Chair. Sit down.
Y.B. Dr. Annuar bin Rapaee: Let me proceed.
Tuan Speaker, terima kasih kerana memberi kesempatan ini untuk saya bangun
mengambil bahagian dalam perbahasan Rang
Corridors Development Authorities (Amendment) Bill,
memperuntukkan penambahan jumlah Timbalan Pengerusi dari satu kepada dua. Tidak
syak lagi bahawa RECODA, walaupun ditubuhkan enam tahun yang lepas, perlu diberi
kekuatan melalui struktur organisasi yang lebih mantap.
terutamanya dalam dunia pelaburan dan tuntutan pentadbiran yang lebih fokus kepada
tugas-tugas tertentu memerlukan sesebuah badan itu mempunyai jurusan tugas yang
Penambahan seorang lagi Timbalan Pengerusi RECODA, saya percaya
memenuhi keperluan ini dan akan menjadikan RECODA lebih mantap dan berdaya
saing terutama dalam memberi mutu perkhidmatan yang lebih tinggi kepada pelabur
dan rakyat sekitar kawasan SCORE yang mendapat faedah daripada anjung
pembangunan ini. RECODA yang menjadi badan pentadbir akan memberi tumpuan
yang lebih khusus di bidang industri tinggi dan industri asas tani dan yang harus
dipertanggungjawabkan kepada dua personaliti yang berbeza dengan spesifikasi tugas
yang lebih jelas. Saya ingin menyuarakan di Dewan yang mulia ini bahawa saya adalah
merupakan mereka yang percaya dan menaruh harapan yang besar terhadap SCORE.
Bagi saya konsep anjung pembangunan ekonomi yang memberi tumpuan kepada



15 MEI 2012

bidang kemajuan dalam hal berasaskan industri tenaga yang boleh diperbaharui
merupakan strategi pembangunan yang amat bijak.

SCORE merupakan satu strategi pembangunan yang agak luar biasa kerana ia
memberi tumpuan kepada kekuatan dan sumber yang memang terdapat dan sesuai
dengan infrastuktur di kawasan itu. Kedudukan geografi SCORE yang terletak di
tengah-tengah kawasan maju dan membangun serta laluan yang strategik di Laut China
Selatan menjadikannya sebuah tapak pelaburan yang cukup menarik.

Sejak ditubuhkan ia terbukti mampu menarik pelaburan modal asing yang sudah
diluluskan berbillion ringgit dan akan melonjakkan pembangunan Negeri ini ke tahap
yang lebih tinggi lagi. Ia akan menyaksikan pertumbuhan
rancak dan memberi
penduduk supaya
yang saya tekankan
penduduk dan keperluan
tenaga yang lebih tinggi menjelang 2030.

Semua ini akan menjana satu ekonomi yang sangat
dimensi baru kepada kita termasuk di Kawasan Nangka. Sebaik dipilih, saya terus
memberi tumpuan dengan persiapan mental kepada mendapat
manfaat secara maksimum daripada SCORE. Seperti kepada
mereka bahawa Sibu boleh membekalkan pengeluaran tenaga teknikal dan menyedia
barangan keperluan kepada SCORE.

Tuan Speaker, SCORE is one of the best gift out of the far-sightedness and
innovative ideas of our leaders. I am more excited than anybody else because my
constituency is situated within the parameter of this development. I am confident that the
trickle-down effect of SCORE will have the tremendous benefit to the people of Sarawak
including the people of my constituency. The government give so much emphasize on
the development of SCORE especially on the human capital aspect so that it really
benefits the people of Sarawak. SCORE can‘t afford to pay not only looking and solving
for national, international investors to make it as a new investment area but also it must
fulfil the dream of our people in establishing economy.
As such I urge RECODA, to manage and promote the development of SCORE in
a more expeditious and efficient manner while implementing the plan and project for its
development. While RECODA continue to provide efficient service to investors‘ client, I
also hope that the body will continue to engage the people in its development by giving
them the right and the latest information.
Tuan Speaker, SCORE is such an expeditious and futuristic development plan by
the government. It needs so much innovation and creativity, and this can be provided by
leaders who have good insight of what is taking place around them and a great mind to
see and plan for the future of our generation. Let me recall you, the alternative budget of
the Pakatan Rakyat for Sarawak which they failed to table last year, the page 46, they
suggested that SCORE to be stopped completely just because of the few small matters.
If this happened 17,000 job opportunities which been created for SCORE will make all
the 17,000 people unemployed.

Tuan Speaker, therefore, SCORE must survive and drive on the strong footing. It
must sit on a stable and durable platform, more importantly SCORE must grow on a
fertile politically soil and economic climate guided by a very strong leadership, will and
capability and harmonious society. These are important ingredient more than anything
else. More than cheap electricity that will ensure the success of SCORE. We must not
be distracted by any political disturbance or economic slowdown either infected by
domestic or international cause. Therefore Tuan Speaker, I would like to urge in this
august House so that the Federal Government will give more allocation for the
implementation and for the success of SCORE in future. Only the Barisan Nasional


ialah untuk mempromosi pendidikan serta latihan teknikal dikalangan lepasan sekolah.
Usaha kerajaan melalui TEGAS kami sambut dengan
kerana ini akan memberi peluang kepada rakan-rakan belia saya di kawasan saya dan
seluruh Sarawak secara amnya untuk terlibat sebagai warga kerja dalam industri yang
akan dibangunkan di kawasan SCORE.
Untuk membangun kawasan industri seluas SCORE memerlukan pembangunan
infrastruktur yang pesat seperti sistem perhubungan jalan raya, kemudahan elektrik dan
bekalan air dan saya berharap begitu juga rakan-rakan saya di semua kawasan seluruh
Sarawak harap keadaan ini begitu baik untuk masyarakat di kawasan saya dan harap
pembangunan infrastruktur akan berlarutan hingga ke kawasan saya dan kawasan-
kawasan yang sewaktu dengannya.
SCORE dibangun oleh Kerajaan Barisan Nasional. Hasil ilham daripada
wawasan bijak Yang Amat Berhormat Pehin Sri Ketua Menteri antara lain bertujuan
untuk membangun sumber ekonomi yang baru atau to create new sources of what
among other things. Saya yakin dan percaya bahawa tujuan utama Kerajaan Barisan
Nasional memperkenalkan kawasan pembangunan SCORE ini ialah untuk
kesejahteraan rakyat dan kepentingan ekonomi Negeri Sarawak terutama sekali untuk
generasi masa depan.
The development of SCORE is not a small scale effort by the Government but
ialah untuk mempromosi pendidikan serta latihan teknikal dikalangan lepasan sekolah.
Usaha kerajaan melalui TEGAS kami sambut dengan
kerana ini akan memberi peluang kepada rakan-rakan belia saya di kawasan saya dan
seluruh Sarawak secara amnya untuk terlibat sebagai warga kerja dalam industri yang
akan dibangunkan di kawasan SCORE.
Untuk membangun kawasan industri seluas SCORE memerlukan pembangunan
infrastruktur yang pesat seperti sistem perhubungan jalan raya, kemudahan elektrik dan
bekalan air dan saya berharap begitu juga rakan-rakan saya di semua kawasan seluruh
Sarawak harap keadaan ini begitu baik untuk masyarakat di kawasan saya dan harap
pembangunan infrastruktur akan berlarutan hingga ke kawasan saya dan kawasan-
kawasan yang sewaktu dengannya.
SCORE dibangun oleh Kerajaan Barisan Nasional. Hasil ilham daripada
wawasan bijak Yang Amat Berhormat Pehin Sri Ketua Menteri antara lain bertujuan
untuk membangun sumber ekonomi yang baru atau to create new sources of what
among other things. Saya yakin dan percaya bahawa tujuan utama Kerajaan Barisan
Nasional memperkenalkan kawasan pembangunan SCORE ini ialah untuk
kesejahteraan rakyat dan kepentingan ekonomi Negeri Sarawak terutama sekali untuk
generasi masa depan.
The development of SCORE is not a small scale effort by the Government but

15 MEI 2012

Government can provide and ensure the achievement of this aliment. As such, as such,
it is important for the people to continue putting this government in power in the next
General Election. With this note Tuan Speaker, I beg to support this Bill. Thank you.

Tuan Speaker: Honourable Member who wishes to speak? Ahli Yang Berhormat for

Y.B. Encik Abdullah bin Haji Saidol: Assalammualaikum, terima kasih, Tuan Speaker.
Ucapan saya akan pendek. Berhubung dengan RECODA, I won‘t run away from the

subject. N.36 -
Semop walaupun berada di kawasan pesisiran pembangunan SCORE
antara Tanjung Manis dan Bintulu tetapi dalam masa jangka yang panjang semua

perancangan pembangunan di SCORE terutama sekali apa yang berlaku di Tanjung
Manis akan secara langsung atau tidak akan mempengaruhi sahaja
pembangunan infrastruktur di kawasan saya malah akan turut
pembangunan sosio ekonomi masyarakat di kawasan saya. Seperti yang kita ketahui,
pembangunan SCORE akan melibatkan industri-industri yang berat atau berteknologi
tinggi, maka keadaan ini akan melibatkan keperluan tenaga kerja yang ramai terutama
ialah Tabung
sekali mereka yang mempunyai kelayakan dan kemahiran ataupun separuh

mahir. Kami di N.36 - Semop terutama sekali teruja dengan penubuhan TEGAS yang

berkaitan dengan pembangunan SCORE ini yang antara lain objektifnya ialah untuk
makluman rakan-rakan di seberang sana TEGAS Ekonomi Gagasan
Bumiputera Sarawak yang telah ditubuhkan Februari yang lepas. Antara objektifnya

this is a massive world class development project which involve participants which may
affect big multi-national companies from other develop nations but also will involve billion

of ringgit of foreign direct investment into our State. It was reported, I mean I don‘t read

this from internet, this is real figures. You have to meet the officers from RECODA to

find the figures. Don‘t go and make assumptions by reading it from the internet. This is

real facts, 13 companies have obtained their manufacturing license, which involves
RM22 billion investments. We also believe (yes sir…. (Interruption)

Tuan Speaker: Are you giving way?



15 MEI 2012

Y.B. Encik Abdullah bin Haji Saidol: You want me to give you way? No. It‘s ok, I‘ll
continue. Later, we can talk outside during lunch hour. Saya ingin meneruskan ucapan
saya yang pendek ini. We will also duly inform that more interested parties are lining up,
making queries and had conveyed their keen interest to invest in Sarawak and moving

their base to Sarawak probably from Penang, I don‘t know because various competitive

factors such as cheap source of electricity which they need, who dare to deny ok,
number one, the State Government have received clean audit report for the last couple
of years compared to other state in Malaysia especially Penang and Selangor and for
the record, Sarawak Government have received excellence rating from international
rating agencies for the way we manage our financial compare to other state probably
Penang or Selangor.

Even the China Government, this is facts you can check with the China
Embassy, they are offering Sarawak Government, of all the state in Malaysia a =G‘ to =G‘
financing which no other States in Malaysia has the privilege to obtain. So you know
what it means by =G‘ to =G‘ financing, it‘s a Government to government financing. The
government of China is offering to the State Government. So that‘s how, even a state
manage, Barisan Nasional like China is having confidence in our state, the way we
manage this state compared to other state. In view of all the things, I have seen other
vulnerable things that have been mentioned by our fellow Honourable YB‘s from Barisan
Nasional. I have no doubt about the government‘s effort including amendments of this

bill to further strengthen the administrative effort to further bring in investments to
Sarawak. So before I end my speech, allow me to remark a bit of what Yang Berhormat,
my fellow friend over there from Kota Sentosa. Number one, he admit in his first few
sentences he said .this facts I go through Internet.. Ya, he acknowledged the important
of internet in obtaining information, but I would urge Yang Berhormat Kota Sentosa not
only to go through internet to browse for information. I don‘t know what else you do with
the internet, watching all sorts of things there, probably people with towel? So he
probably should also go to Bintulu and to the site itself in Samalaju and all 12 of you
should go there and visit and see what‘s happening there and you will see the real things
happening, things that will be developed by RECODA through SCORE. Secondly, he
said he walked through Kuching town and watched billboards and that‘s where he got
the information. Oh please lah, if that is the way you find or to obtain information about
what‘s happening in SCORE, I think you can do better than that. Please go to Bintulu,
look at the site, probably have a visit at Tanjung Manis and see what‘s happening there.
Don‘t make assumptions that all this is not happening. And secondly, he was saying that
all the industries involved machines.
Again I don‘t think he‘s fit to or qualified enough to mention that how industry has
been developed. I think you should go there and see the site and there is not less than
4000 workers at one particular site, workers involved in the construction of any or some
of the projects. And then for instance, even in Mukah cool plant which has already been
completed, there were at one time 2000 to 3000 workers at site. Definitely there‘s a spin
off to that. So I wish not to further involve with all the innuendo assumptions by Kota
Sentosa‘s. I mean he was definitely a good clown over there, but with due respect to
him, I cannot agree and all my fellow beckbenchers friends on Barisan Nasional cannot
agreed to what he said, and that is clumsy, reckless, an assumption which is totally

With that, Tuan Speaker, dengan ini, saya menyokong penuh amendments to
the Regional Corridor Development Authority to make the amendments bill, 2012.
Terima kasih.



15 MEI 2012

Tuan Speaker: Any other members wish to speak? I think it is time for lunch, so the
sitting is adjourned until 2:30 in the afternoon.

(Mesyuarat ditangguhkan pada jam 12:40 tengahari)

(Mesyuarat dimulakan pada jam 2:50 petang)

[Tuan Speaker Menpengerusikan Mesyuarat]

Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat I shall call up the Minister to do the wind up.

Menteri Perancangan Sumber dan Alam Sekitar II, Menteri Kemudahan Awam dan
bahagian diDevelopment Authorities
Menteri Pembangunan Perindustrian (Y.B. Datuk Amar Haji Awang Tengah bin Ali
Hasan): Tuan Speaker, saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua Ahli Yang
Berhormat di Dewan yang mulia ini yang telah mengambil dalam
perbahasan Rang Undang-Undang Regional Corridors
(Amendment) Bill, 2012. From the debate I can say the members of this august House
fully understood the objective and intention to be achieved by this Bill. Let me assure this
august House that this Bill will strengthen the Board and RECODA and instil confidence
among ambassadors in the running of RECODA, and more importantly the excellent
leadership, political stability, and social harmony that strongly advocated by the

In view of the massive inflow of investment into score within a short period of
three years, it is indeed timely for the Government to ensure that this momentum be
enhanced apart from energy intensive industries, investors are also keen to invest in
agro-based in Halal Industries as well as tourism, agriculture and livestock especially in
the handling of SCORE.
All these investments will create spin-off to the local SMEs besides generating
employment opportunities to the rakyat. Oleh yang demikian, kerajaan ingin memastikan
RECODA berupaya untuk mengawalselia semua projek pelaburan yang dibuat di
kawasan SCORE dapat dilaksanakan dengan jayanya dan ini akan mewujudkan budaya
ketelusan (culture of transparency) dan tadbir urus yang baik (good governance) dalam
Tuan Speaker, menyentuh tentang isu yang dibangkitkan oleh ahli-ahli yang
berhormat Kota Sentosa, angka yang dihuraikan oleh Yang Berhormat bagi Kota
Sentosa adalah merupakan unjuran secara kasar tentang keperluan tenaga kerja untuk
tempoh masa sehingga tahun 2030. Unjuran tersebut hanya berasaskan kajian awal
yang dibuat oleh kerajaan pada tahun 2007 oleh sebuah consultant yang pakar dalam
bidang ini. Pada masa itu SCORE belum lagi diwujudkan, apatah lagi industri-industri
berkenaan belum lagi melabur di kawasan tersebut.
Unjuran ini adalah sebagai panduan (guide line) di dalam proses perancangan
pembangunan SCORE. Memandangkan keperluan tenaga kerja mahir dan separuh
mahir merupakan komponen penting untuk menjayakan pelan pembangunan SCORE,
maka Kerajaan Negeri telah membuat keputusan untuk melantik UNIMAS menjalankan
kajian yang lebih terperinci mengenai keperluan khusus tenaga kerja industri-industri
yang dicadangkan untuk SCORE. Dan kita akan meneruskan kajian-kajian ini dengan
melibatkan sama para pelabur supaya kita akan mengetahui secara jelas tentang
keperluan-keperluan. Disebabkan oleh kedua-dua kajian yang dilaksanakan dalam
tempoh masa yang berbeza dengan mengambil kira andaian yang berbeza, maka
adalah tidak tepat untuk Ahli Yang Berhormat membuat perbandingan yang melulu.
Tambahan pula, kedua-dua kajian ini telah dijalankan oleh pakar-pakar yang



15 MEI 2012

berkelayakan tinggi dan kenyataan Ahli Yang Berhormat yang mendakwa .these figures
are pluck from the air. adalah tidak berasas sama sekali. Ingin saya tegaskan di sini
bahawa Kerajaan tidak akan berkompromi dengan pihak industri mengenai pencemaran
alam sekitar.

Semua industri yang bercadang untuk melabur di kawasan SCORE, malahan di
seluruh Negeri Sarawak mestilah mematuhi semua syarat yang ditetapkan oleh Jabatan
Alam Sekitar (DOE), Lembaga Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar (NREB). Oleh itu,
kenyataan oleh Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Kota Sentosa yang mendakwa bahawa alam
sekitar di Bintulu sudah tercemar adalah tuduhan liar yang tidak berasas kepada
kenyataan. Dan saya telah pun berkesempatan melawat kilang polysilicon yang

dilaksanakan oleh Syarikat Tokoyama yang melabur juga di Bintulu dan sekarang sudah
mencapai progress yang begitu baik, dalam 64% dan dalam pembinaan, tenaga kerja
yang terlibat dalam pembinaannya telahpun mencapai 5000 kurang setakat ini kilang
yang dibuat di Bintulu. Lagipun industri-industri ini yang dilaksanakan dalam SCORE
adalah bukan sahaja industri yang akan memberi peluang pekerjaan. There are so
many other opportunities generated from these that trigger in general employment. At
the same time, opportunities generated from these has been all for the service industry,
for the tourism industry, for transportation and so forth and so forth telah pun meningkat
sekali. Dan di Jepun, Tokoyama yang mempunyai kilang di Hiroshima, located right in
the middle of the city within a very densely populated area dan begitu juga apabila saya
pergi satu kilang lagi yang juga membuat aktiviti yang sama di Tukishima. Ia betul-betul
terletak dalam bandar itu disekelilingi dengan rumah-rumah kediaman. Jadi kita
Kerajaan Negeri tidak akan berkompromi dalam soal kepentingan alam sekitar supaya
ia tidak akan menjejas kepentingan masyarakat pada keseluruhannya. Menyentuh
tentang tarif letrik yang ditawarkan ... (Interruption)
Tuan Speaker: Honourable Minister you are giving way? You are winding up, you are
giving way?
Menteri Perancangan Sumber dan Alam Sekitar II, Menteri Kemudahan Awam dan
Menteri Pembangunan Perindustrian (Y.B. Datuk Amar Haji Awang Tengah bin Ali
Hasan): Yes, it‘s okey. You have your time.
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Thank you, Honourable Minister. Ya, I accept that you
said, you mentioned that the figure in the official website of SCORE is different from the
figure given in the answers provided to me I accept that because it‘s a study of two
different bodies here, the figure, the latest figure which state that in year 2030, the
number of new job will be 667,238 that is the projected job creation. But just now I went
over to Satok round about, I saw in a billboard where are by the State Government that
2.5 million job will be created. Okay, 2030? Are this only propaganda, business
propaganda just to fool the people. Whereas the real number is 600 over thousands
Terima kasih. Seperti saya katakan tadi, itu adalah unjuran yang bukan sahaja
melibatkan dalam SCORE dan itu adalah melibatkan the downstream activities, the
indirect employment in other sectors dan itu adalah unjuran yang dibuat, alright?

Menyentuh tentang tarif elektrik yang ditawarkan kepada para pelabur dari
industri yang berintensifkan tenaga, ingin saya tegaskan di sini bahawa perkara ini
diputuskan berasaskan rundingan komersil di antara SEB dengan para pelabur. Dalam
hal ini, kerajaan tidak memberi sebarang subsidi kepada para pelabur seperti yang
didakwa oleh Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Kota Sentosa. Perjanjian Pembelian Tenaga
(PPA) di antara SEB dan para pelabur merupakan perjanjian jangka panjang
berasaskan konsep .Take or Pay. dan .Escalation Factor. yang mengambilkira kadar



15 MEI 2012

inflasi tahunan di samping aspek perundangan, komersial dan teknikal yang berkaitan.
Just... (Interruption)

Tuan Speaker: Honourable Members, the Minister had explained just now when the first
figure was extrapolated it was before it goes in full esteem. After it goes in esteem, a
second study have been made to extrapolate the figures of people employed. So subject
point is clear. Are you raising another point or the same point? Are you giving way?

Menteri Perancangan Sumber dan Alam Sekitar II, Menteri Kemudahan Awam dan
Pembangunan Perindustrian (Y.B Datuk Amar Haji Awang Tengah bin Ali Hasan): I
think I just want to continue.

Tuan Speaker: You continue?
Menteri Perancangan Sumber dan Alam Sekitar II, Menteri Kemudahan Awam dan
Pembangunan Perindustrian (Y.B Datuk Amar Haji Awang Tengah bin Ali Hasan):
Tuan Speaker: The Honourable Minister, you can continue to wind up. Proceed.
Menteri Perancangan Sumber dan Alam Sekitar II, Menteri Kemudahan Awam dan
Pembangunan Perindustrian (Y.B Datuk Amar Haji Awang Tengah bin Ali Hasan):
Saya setuju CEO yang dilantik haruslah yang pakar. SEB telahpun berjaya dalam
perancangan pembangunan tenaganya, membuat perancangan bagaimana kita nak
membangunkan sektor tenaga kita and also the distribution system.
Disebabkan itulah CEO SEB telah dianugerahkan dengan award from the Asian
Utility Industry, the most employee clean energy advocate, given in Singapore on 17th
April, 2012. Dan anugerah ini telahpun diberikan kepada CEO, SEB dan merupakan
pengiktirafan kepada SEB keseluruhannya. Ya, Honourable Member for Kidurong?
Y.B. Encik Chiew Chiu Sing: Thank you very much, Honourable Minister, you are
talking about the pollution on the environment by some of the industries that were built in
other countries where the industry was in the middle of a city. But, is it trues the
Honourable Minister that those cities and places actually grow up because of the
existence of the plant? Like for example, in Australia they built on an island where the
aluminium smelter was built. That place, that town actually grew, that place actually grew
because of the workers who were working in the plant are staying around and that is
how the plant happened to be in a city like that. But in Bintulu it a case where we have
the people there already and you are putting the aluminium plant that is very polluting
and so, I do not agree. So, whether the Honourable Minister agree with me, that when
there is already existing a township that is already there, we should not import a plant
that is polluting to a place that will add on to the polluted pollution in the area especially
in Bintulu. Whether the Honourable Minister agree with me? Thank you.
Menteri Perancangan Sumber dan Alam Sekitar II, Menteri Kemudahan Awam dan
Pembangunan Perindustrian (Y.B. Datuk Amar Haji Awang Tengah bin Ali Hasan):

Ya. Bintulu daripada Samalaju Industrial Park 60km dan kilang yang ditempatkan, yang
dilaksanakan Hiroshima, Tokishima betul-betul dalam kawasan bandar itu sendiri dan ini
menunjukkan bahawa industri ini tidak mengakibatkan pencemaran.

Tuan Speaker, saya ingin menyatakan di sini bahawa Kerajaan akan mengambil
maklum semua cadangan dan komen yang dibuat khususnya daripada Ahli-Ahli Yang
Berhormat daripada Barisan Nasional yang mengambil bahagian dalam perbahasan di
Dewan yang mulia ini. Terima kasih.



15 MEI 2012

Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, the question before Dewan is that the motion
standing in order paper in the name of Yang Berhormat Second Minister of Resource
Planning and Environment, Minister for Public Utilities and Minister for Industrial
Development be referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

[Tuan Pengerusi Mempengerusikan Mesyuarat]


Question put and agreed to

Tuan Pengerusi: The Dewan shall now consider the Regional Corridors Development
Authorities (Amendment) Bill, 2012.
Clauses 1 –8
Tuan Pengerusi: The question is that Clauses 1 –8 be ordered to stand part of the bill.
Question put and agreed to
Clauses 1 –8 are ordered to stand part of the bill
Enacting Clause and Title
Tuan Pengerusi: The Dewan shall now resume.
[Tuan Speaker mempengerusikan Mesyuarat]
Menteri Perancangan Sumber dan Alam Sekitar II, Menteri Kemudahan Awam dan
Menteri Pembangunan Perindustrian (Y.B. Datuk Amar Haji Awang Tengah bin Ali
Hasan): Tuan Speaker, the Regional Corridors Development Authorities (Amendment)
Bill, 2012 has been considered by the Committee of the Whole House and agreed to
without amendment.
Menteri Perancangan Sumber dan Alam Sekitar II, Menteri Kemudahan Awam dan
Menteri Pembangunan Perindustrian (Y.B. Datuk Amar Haji Awang Tengah bin Ali
Hasan): Tuan Speaker, I beg to move that the Regional Corridors Development
Authorities (Amendment) Bill, 2012 be now read a third time and do pass.

Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, the question before the Dewan is that the
Regional Corridors Development Authorities (Amendment) Bill, 2012 be read a third time
and do pass.

Question put and agreed to
Bill is read a third time and passed



15 MEI 2012


Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, I have received a total of six motions from
Honourable Members concerned. First motion, I had received a motion dated 2nd May,
2012 from the Honourable Member for Meradong. I shall call for the Honourable
Member to read the motion.

Y.B. Cik Ting Tze Fui: Thank you. Tuan Speaker.

(1) On 8th December 2011, Assistant Minister of Agriculture, Y.B. Datuk
Mong Dagang had directed the Agriculture Office in Sri Aman to withdraw
all forms of government assistance to Encik Frusis Lebi on the ground
that Encik Frusis Lebi opposed government policies and openly supported
the Opposition on the 2011 State Election.
(2) Encik Frusis Lebi is an OKU with deformed hands and feet, has a son
who is also physically handicapped, and used to receive RM300.00
monthly assistance from Welfare Department and fertilizer and fruit
seedling subsidies from Agriculture Department. Encik Frusis Lebi is no
longer receiving these aids aforesaid and the Assistant Minister‘s
revengeful act has caused Encik Frusis Lebi and his family hardship.
Wherefore it is moved:
(a) This House declares adherence to the Federal Constitution and the
principle of democracy that no one shall be punished for their political
(b) This House condemns the actions of the said Asistant Minister in failing to
act fairly and justly and in accordance with the freedom of association
provision enshrined in the Federal Constitution;
(c) That action be taken against the said Assistant Minister for having abused
his power, such action to include the following;
(i) that the Assistant Minister to render an apology to this House and
to Encik Frusis Lebi forthwith;
(ii) that he be impeached and suspended from Ministerial office for a
period of 3 months; and
(iii) that thereafter his salaries as the Assistant Minister be deducted
by RM10.00 per month.
Tuan Speaker: Ya?

Y.B. Encik Wong Ho Leng: Since the subject matter is an Assistant Minister, I believe
that the Assistant Minister has to identify himself and stand up in this Dewan for the
purpose of impeachment.
Tuan Speaker: It depends on the ruling. This is my ruling. I‘ve heard the motion being

read, this is my ruling. It was reported on 16th March, 2012, the Honourable Member for

Padungan had gone to the MACC‘s office in Kuching to lodge a report against the said

Honourable Assistant Minister. Pursuant to that report, the State MACC Director had



15 MEI 2012

given a public statement that the investigation into the matter was completed two weeks
after 16th March, 2012. Referral had been made to the Deputy Public Prosecutor in Putra
Jaya. It was also reported that the Honourable Member for Kota Sentosa had made a
public statement to the effect that a report had been lodged against the Honourable
Assistant Minister in Sri Aman Police Station.

As the matter is now in the hands of the Deputy Public Prosecutor and well under
police investigation, ipso facto the said matter is within their preview and jurisdiction,
therefore the matter falls within the ambit of the Federal Legislative list. As such, this
motion violated Standing Order 23(6). Under Standing Order 23(6) quotes -.No motion
relating to a matter contain in a Federal Legislative list shall be in order..

It is entirely up to the Deputy Public Prosecutor
Alternatively the
thto conclude
whether there is any merit in the complaint made. Deputy Public
Prosecutor adheres to the dictum of Lord Denning, Master of the Rolls, England, that
quotes; .Legal theories must yield to political reality.. Erskine May 24Edition, page 401
quotes; .When a Member is in the course of making a motion or moving an amendment

Ninth Schedule (Article 74, 77), Legislative List, List 1-
ascertain and
Federal List No. 3 (a) –
Police; criminal investigation; registration of criminal; public order; No. 4 (f) Official
secrets; corrupt practices.

at any stage of proceedings on a bill., a Member rising in his place may claim to move;
.That the question be now proposed and, unless it appears to the Chair that the motion
is an abuse of the rules of the House, the question shall be put forth with by the Chair..
The motion is an abuse of the rules of the House and is therefore dismissed. My
decision is not subject to appeal and not subject to review based on Standing Order 39
and 86. It cannot be reviewed unless it is by Substantive Motion ... (Inaudible)
Is reported but the MACC Director had made a statement, it is under police
investigation. (Inaudible)
The State Director of MACC had made a public statement that the report had
been completed two weeks after. Nonetheless it is in the hand of the Deputy Public
Prosecutor. I shall now move the Second Motion.
I had received a motion dated 3rd May, 2012 from the Honourable Member for
Piasau. I shall now call upon the Honourable Member for Piasau to read his motion.
Y.B. Encik Alan Ling Sie Kiong: Thank you, Tuan Speaker.
(a) On 3rd March, 2012, diesel leaked IN to Sg. Liku caused by a spillage
from a Cahya Mata Sarawak Premix (CMSP) plant in Lambir.
(b) Located nearby the plant (about two km) is the LAKU Water Treatment
Plant whose supply of water comes from Sg. Liku.

The Department of Environment (DOE) had stopped the operation of the
CMSP plant right after the incident.
However, on 27th March 2012, DOE allowed CMSP to start operation
It Is Hereby Moved:

The plant be ordered to cease operation forthwith to ensure the safety of
the 300,000 residents in Miri and Bekenu;


15 MEI 2012

The State Government explained the diesel leakage and why a Premix
plant is allowed to operate in a water catchment area;
The State Government to assess the loss and damages caused by the
leakage and make reasonable compensation to residents in Miri and
The State Government explain why the CMSP was allowed to operate
and not relocated elsewhere; and
The State Government to state measure that will be taken to ensure
similar incidents will not occur in water catchment areas in the future.
Thank you.
Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat this is my ruling. In the preamble of the motion
paragraph (c), .the Department of Environment. (DOE) had stopped the operation of the
CMSP plant right after the incident..
In Paragraph (d) it is again expressly stated that .however, on 27th March, 2012,
DOE allowed CMSP to start operation again.. The Department of Environment (DOE) is
a federal department under the Federal Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.
It has the authority and responsibility to look after the environment in the area where the
plant is allocated, including the location of the plant and the authority to stop the
operation of the plant if it is proven to be an environmental hazard, as it had done so
The fact that DOE has allowed the plant to operate again shows that the DOE
and the Federal Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment are satisfied that the
operation is no longer hazardous. The complaint had been resolved by the DOE which
has the authority and jurisdiction over the complaint made. These is a matter well, within
the ambit and purview of a Federal Authority.
Under Standing Order 23 (6), no motion relating to the matter in the Federal list
shall be in order. Ninth Schedule (Article 74, 77) Legislative List, List 1-Federal List No.
6 (g) -The machinery of the Government, subject to State List but including Federal
Public Authorities. The motion is dismissed.
I shall move to the third motion. I have received a motion dated 3rd May, 2012 from
the Honourable Member of Bukit Assek. I shall now call the Member for Bukit Assek to
read. First I shall deal with the one on the replies made by the Ministers‘ you may read
that one first.
Y.B. Encik Wong Ho Leng: You mean motion No. 3? No. 3?
Tuan Speaker: Motion No. 3, your first motion is whereas a democratically government
must be.

Y.B. Encik Wong Ho Leng: Ya.
Tuan Speaker: That one.

Y.B. Encik Wong Ho Leng: Thank you, Tuan Speaker. This motion deals with the
decorum and integrity of this august House, nothing much to do with MACC or federal
jurisdiction. Now Tuan Speaker, my motion reads, but it is also concern Tuan Speaker,
your function under Standing Order 7, of the standing order.


15 MEI 2012

Tuan Speaker: You proceed with the motion.

Y.B. Encik Wong Ho Leng: Preamble, preamble Tuan Speaker.

A democratically elected Government must be accountable and
Cabinet Ministers are duty bound to answer questions raised by the
elected State representatives in meetings of the Dewan Undangan Negeri
Elected State representative are entitled to request that answers be given
power abuse
to them in writing but the Ministers have either been slow or even totally
failed to supply written answers.
Failure and/or refusal to answer questions breeds and
contempt to the elected representative as well as the Dewan Undangan
Negeri and will generate ridicule to the administration is both
unhealthy and dangerous; and
The Dewan should not condone the lackkadaisical attitude or laziness of
the Cabinet Ministers.
It Is Hereby Proposed To Move:
(1) That the Chief Minister explains the lackadaisical attitude and failure of
his Cabinet Ministers to answering questions from elected state
(2) The Cabinet Ministers be condemned for their derelict in their duties;
(3) All written answers be laid on the tables small tables, tea Tuan Speaker.
All written answers be laid on the table of the elected State
representatives before the final day of each Dewan sitting and be
included in the Hansard. These in order to comply with Standing Order 7,
Tuan Speaker.
(4) It will be reaffirmed that the right of the elected state representative to
receiving answers from the Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak is a right
as well as the privilege attached to the offices which rights and privileges
should not be eschewed or brushed aside by the Cabinet Ministers. And
lastly but not leastly the salaries of the Cabinet Ministers be deducted by
RM100 per month with immediate effect for the failure and delayed in
their duties.
Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, this is my ruling. All the written answers to the
question had been forwarded to the Honourable concerns in various stages. All the
written answers had been sent;
(1) By hand and also by fax to the Yang Berhormat for Kota Sentosa, Yang
Berhormat for Padungan, Yang Berhormat for Batu Lintang and Yang
Berhormat for Batu Kawa on 9th May 2012 and acknowledged receiving
the written answers on the same day;

By Pos Laju and by fax to Yang Berhormat for Pujut on 9th May and
acknowledged receiving the fax copy of the written answers on the same
day by confirming through the telephone call by my office.
By Pos Laju and by fax to Yang Berhormat for Kidurong, Yang Berhormat
for Bukit Assek, Yang Berhormat for Piasau and Yang Berhormat for
Dudong on 9th May, 2012 and acknowledged receiving the written
answers on 10th May, 2012;


15 MEI 2012

By Pos Laju and by fax to Yang Berhormat for Palawan on 9th May, 2012
and acknowledged receiving the written answers on 11th May, 2012; and
By Pos Laju and by fax to Yang Berhormat for Meradong on 9th May,
2012 and acknowledged receiving the fax copy the written answers by
th th

confirming through telephone call by my officer on 9May and 12May

The issue raised in the motion is overtaken by event and no longer arises, the
motion is dismissed. Honourable Members … (Inaudible) but all have received. But, ....
(Inaudible) you have never receive? The question on Pending will be finalised pending
on the outcome and confirmation by the Secretary but the ruling remains .... (Inaudible).

Honourable members, the decision of the Chair is final, not open to appeal, not open to
review by the dewan except by substantives motion. Standing Order 39, Standing Order
86. I shall now move to the fourth motion … (Inaudible). These is the motion raised by
you and had been answered, okay. Fourth motion, fourth motion. Order, order, order …
(Inaudible) irrelevant .... (Inaudible) I have received a motion dated 4th May, 2012 from
the Honourable member for Bukit Assek, you can read your second motion.
Y.B. Encik Wong Ho Leng: Please, Tuan Speaker.
Tuan Speaker: Proceed with the second motion.
Y.B. Encik Wong Ho Leng: Please lah that was the fundamental error.
Tuan Speaker: You don‘t want to proceed.
Y.B. Encik Wong Ho Leng: I want to proceed, but ... (Interruption)
Tuan Speaker: Proceed, proceed.
Y.B. Encik Wong Ho Leng: Alright I will proceed, but the last one has not finish, that
was genuine ... (Interruption) we have received it and we know it and you know it.
Anyway, my motion reads as follows ... (Interruption) they are not listening.
Tuan Speaker: Proceed, proceed.
Y.B. Encik Wong Ho Leng: They are not listening. Minister and the Assistant Minister,
respective the two young Assistant Ministers, learn, learn, learn ... (Interruption)
Tuan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat for Bukit Assek, proceed.
Y.B. Encik Wong Ho Leng: Look, look.
Tuan Speaker: Order, order. Proceed.
Y.B. Encik Wong Ho Leng: And the two standing, two immature to be Assistant
Ministers. Anyway, my motion reads as follows ... (Interruption) see, see.
Tuan Speaker: Order, order.

Y.B. Encik Wong Ho Leng: Cannot behave.
Tuan Speaker: Order, order. Proceed.


15 MEI 2012

Y.B. Encik Wong Ho Leng: Ya, thank you. Tuan Speaker, my motion reads as follows:

On March 1, 2012, the Chairman of Sibu Municipal Council (SMC)
directed that .any member of the public who wishes to attend the Full
council Meeting. had to .write in officially and attendance is only granted
to those whom we approve.;

In March and April 2012, the Sibu Municipal Council (SMC) conveyed pre-
Full Council Meetings which excluded the press and members of the
The SMC contravened Section 21(6) of the Local Authorities Ordinance,
abused its power and disallowed transparency and accountability in its
administration; and
(4) Sibu is not a city, yet the SMC Chairman and Deputy Chairman has been
misrepresented to the world by the Barisan Nasional (BN) leaders as
.Mayor. and .Deputy Mayor. respectively.
Wherefore It Is Moved:
(1) The Minister in charge of the Local Government explain:
(a) The pre-Full Council Meetings of the SMC, (ie, the logic and its
legality) and;
(b) The direction of the SMC Chairman to restrict attendance at the
Full Council Meetings to only those who wrote in officially and
(2) The practice of pre-Full Council Meetings and attendance by application
and approval be stopped immediately;
(3) Sanction be imposed on the SMC Chairman for convening pre-Full
Council Meetings in contravention of the Local Authorities Ordinance and;
(4) The Sarawak Government and the Barisan Nasional (BN) leaders to stop
misrepresenting to the people of Sarawak and the world as the status of
Sibu being still a town and to not misrepresent to Malaysians and the
whole world by describing Council Chairman...(Interruption)(Inaudible)
Tuan Speaker, it is now my own words. This representation had even landed in
Beijing by Barisan Nasional (BN) leaders coming from Sibu. So, not my own words.
Anyway, because of disturbance, Tuan Speaker, I reread number four (4). The Sarawak
Government and BN leaders to stop misrepresenting the people of Sarawak and the
whole world as the status of Sibu being still a town and to not misrepresent to
Malaysians and the whole world by describing council Chairman and the Deputy as
.Mayor. and .Deputy Mayor. respectively. Thank you.
Tuan Speaker: This is my ruling. The Sibu Municipal Council (SMC) as the name
suggests is a municipality. The name Sibu Municipal Council is stipulated under First
Schedule, Status of Local Authorities, (Section 3 (2) and (4)) Part II Municipal Councils
of the Local Authorities Ordinance, 1996.
Section 3 (2) of the Ordinance provides: .Any Local Authority named in the First
Schedule shall be deemed a Local Authority constituted under Subsection (1) and shall

have the status specified in that schedule..

Section 5 of the Ordinance reads:

.A local authority shall have and shall exercise only such powers within

its area of jurisdiction as maybe as expressly conferred by this Ordinance
and under any written laws, and the exercise thereof shall be subject to



15 MEI 2012

the provisions of and under the restrictions contained in this Ordinance or

such other written laws..

Section 9, reads:

.The Yang di-Pertua Negeri may from time to time gives the local
authority direction of a general character, and not inconsistent with this
Ordinance, on the policy that be followed in the exercise of the powers
conferred and the duties imposed by the local authority by or other this
Ordinance in relation to matters which appeared to the Yang di-Pertua
Negeri to affect the interest of the local authority and the local authority

shall as soon as possible give effect to all such directions..
Contrary to the complaints made in the motion against the Chairman and SMC, the
complaints confirmed the compliance and adherence of the Chairman and SMC to the
provision of the Local Authorities Ordinance, 1996.
Section 21(6) states: .All meetings of the local authority shall be opened to public
and representatives of the press unless the local authority by resolution at the meeting,
otherwise decides provided that this Sub Section shall not apply to any committee of the
local authority unless such committee by resolution otherwise decides by virtue of this
provision and local authority can if it so chooses by way of resolution exclude the public
and the members of the press from its meetings.
The Local Authorities Ordinance 1996 conferred wide powers and scope of
authority on local authorities to conduct and safeguard its meetings and affairs.
Section 27 of the Ordinance expressly states: .Every local authority may, subject
to this Ordinance, from time to time make standing orders for regulating its proceedings
and those of any Committee thereof, for preserving order at its meetings or at the
meetings of any Committee thereof and for regulating the duties of the Councillors and
the transaction of its affairs..
Section 28 of the Local Authorities Ordinance goes even further as to ratify and
rectify defects in the decision made by the Local Councils.
In view of the general provisions of the Ordinance and the specific provisions
mentioned the SMC is in invested with comprehensive powers.
As such the Chairman and SMC has acted INTRA VIRES the Local Authorities
Ordinance 1996.
According to Black‘s Law Dictionary, page 1000, the word .Mayor. is defined as
.an official who is elected or appointed as the chief executive of a city, town, or other
The motion is defective, has no merits and is therefore dismissed.

Tuan Speaker: I have received a motion dated 4th May 2012 from the Honourable
Member of Padungan. The motion reads as follows:

Y.B. Encik Wong King Wei: Thank you.
The public transport infrastructure and facilities in Kuching was poor and
greatly insufficient;


15 MEI 2012

According to the answer given in November 2006 Dewan Undangan
Negeri sitting, two (2) studies have been conducted and completed in
2005, namely, .Integrated Transport Inftrastructure Masterplan Study for
Sarawak (INTIMS). and .Kuching Public Transportation Study.
(hereinafter collectively referred to as .the studies.) which suggested,
inter alia, the followings:

Frequent bus services;
Park N Ride System;
Provision of information system to public transport users for better
travel planning;
Four (4) Phase tramline of 102km length for Kuching and
Samarahan area ; and

To target 40:60 public transport/private transport ration for
urban trips.
It has been seven (7) years after the abovementioned studies in 2005; but
the Government has yet to implement above listed
This House Hereby Resolves:

The State Government to show serious to the plight of the
people due to traffic congestion and lack of public transport in Kuching;
(b) That the State Government immediately implement the following
recommendations in Kuching:-
(i) Frequent bus services to all parts of Kuching;
(ii) Park N ride system;
(iii) Provision of information system to public transport users for better
travel planning i.e. via SMS, Internet, GPS, proper signboards,
(iv) Tramline for Kuching and Samarahan; and
(v) To reach 40:60 public transport/private transport ration for all
urban trips within three (3) years.
Tuan Speaker: Honourable Member, the public transport infrastructure and facilities
require astronomical funding and such colossal funding is the constitutional
responsibility of the Federal Authorities, namely, the Federal Ministry of Finance. This
falls directly under Standing Order 23(6) and Federal List No. 6(g) – Federal public
Under Federal List No. 10(a);
.Communications and transport, including—
(a) Roads, bridges, ferries and other means of communication if declared to
be federal by or under federal law.;

This motion contravenes Standing Order 23(6). Tenth Schedule (Article 109,
112C, 161C(3) Part II-State Road Grant:

.(3b) The maintenance of State roads means the preservation, up keep
and restoration of State roads, roadside furniture, bridges, viaducts or
culverts forming part thereof or connected therewith as nearly as possible

in their original condition as constructed or as subsequently improved..



15 MEI 2012

.6(1) The State had road grant payable to Sabah or Sarawak shall, in
each of the years 1964 and 1965, be payable at the rate of $4,500 a mile
in respect of a mileage in Sabah of 1,151 miles and in Sarawak of such

amount as may be agreed between the Federal and State Governments..

This is under Federal matter, in the Federal constitution. The motion is

Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, I had received a motion last, motion No. 6 dated 4th
May, 2012 from the Honourable Member for Pelawan. I shall now call Honourable
Member for Pelawan to read his motion.

Y.B Encik Wong Kee Woan: Tuan Speaker, the only surviving one. The one out of six
(6) motions, I hope this one will go for debate. Tuan Speaker;

Many homeowners in Sarawak
Housing Developer (Control
are without occupation permit or/and
individual land title years after they had purchased their properties;
These home owner might never get the land title and the property‘s value
highly devalued in the end ; and
The problem lies in The
and Licensing)

Ordinance 1993, this one. In particularly, two (2) of the Sections as
(i) In Section 6(a), a deposit of RM100,000.00 or 5% of the value of
works whichever is lesser;
(ii) Under the third Schedule of Form G, 95% of the purchased
monies are paid to the developers before the issuance of the
occupation permits and land title. That means only 2.5% is
retained before the issuance of the occupation permit and 2.5%
for the issuance of land title.
It is hereby moved that;
(1) The amount/percentile in Part G and Part H of the Third Schedule of
Form G of The Housing Developers (Control and Licensing) Ordinance,
1993 should be increased to protect the home owners;
(2) The deposit under Section 6A, for the obtaining of the developer license,
should be increased to protect the house buyers.
Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, this motion is misconceived. Ahli Yang
Berhormat for Pelawan could proposed a private members Bill to amend the housing
developers (Control and Licensing) Ordinance, 1993 under Standing Order 45 and to be
listed under the order of business according to Standing Order 11. Standing Order 23 is
not an avenue to amend a legislation. To propose amendments, to The Housing
Developers, (Control and Licensing) Ordinance, 1993 under Standing Order 23 is out
the ambit of the provision, thereby, nullifying the motion. To move a motion, under
Standing Order 23. In order to amend a legislation would be ULTRA VIRES the said

Under Erskine May Parliamentary Practice, 24th Edition, page 340, paragraph
3,line 14 to 16; —

.It is
general rule applicable to all substantive motions for the

adjournment that the subject to be discussed must not involved
legislation except accidentally, though the rule is now enforced less



15 MEI 2012

rigidly that hitherto (particularly during adjournment debates in
Westminster Hall), the private members now have few opportunities to

move substantive motion..

Under Standing Order 23, you cannot amend a legislation. It should be under
Standing Order 45, not 23. You cannot amend a legislation under Standing Order 23.
Then the private members Bill will be listed under Standing Order 11 for a proper title to
move an amendment to the motion. The motion is dismissed.

Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, sitting is adjourned until 9:00 a.m. tomorrow.

(Mesyuarat ditangguhkan pada jam 3:45 petang)

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