Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Tun Mahathir - Bai’ah hanya kepada Allah

Dr. Mahathir Mohamad menurunkan tandatangan selepas hadir pada syarahan perdana bertajuk Transformasi Minda Penyelidik Muda di Dewan Agong Tuanku Canselor, Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Shah Alam, semalam. Turut hadir, Dr Sahol Hamid Abu Bakar (kiri). – BERNAMA
Oleh ABDUL RAZAK IDRIS SHAH ALAM 22 Feb. – Presiden Pas, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang sepatutnya meminta ahli parti itu berbai’ah kepada Allah dan bukannya kepada pemimpin mereka yang hanya berminat untuk menang pilihan raya.
Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad berkata, ini kerana jika manusia biasa membuat bai’ah atau lafaz taat setia sesama manusia atau parti, mereka mempunyai kecenderungan melanggar lafaz yang telah dibuat.
“Sebagai seorang yang beragama Islam, kita hanya berbai’ah kepada tuhan iaitu Allah dan hanya kepadaNya kita tunduk.
“Kita juga wajar berbai’ah kepada semua Nabi dan Rasulullah yang diiktiraf oleh agama Islam,” katanya selepas menyampaikan syarahan perdana bertajuk Transformasi Minda Penyelidik Muda di Dewan Agong Tuanku Canselor, Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) di sini hari ini.
Hadir sama Naib Canselor UiTM, Datuk Prof. Ir. Dr. Sahol Hamid Abu Bakar dan Dekan Fakulti Sains Gunaan UiTM, Prof. Dr. Ri Hanum Yahaya Subban.
Beliau mengulas kenyataan Abdul Hadi bahawa setiap calon Pas yang bertanding dalam Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13 (PRU-13) diwajibkan berbai’ah dan sesiapa yang melanggar bai’ah itu akan ‘celaka dunia dan akhirat’.
Dr. Mahathir berkata, Pas kini dalam keadaan terdesak untuk menguatkan parti dengan cara menguatkuasakan bai’ah dalam kalangan ahli yang bakal bertanding PRU-13.
“Bai‘ah ini hanya akan mengongkong pemikiran, yang mana pemimpin Pas tidak dengar dan terima pendapat ahli sendiri.
“Kesetiaan kepada pemimpin sepatutnya berpada-pada kerana sebagai manusia mereka tidak sempurna dan bila-bila masa boleh membuat salah, Presiden Pas bukannya nabi,” katanya.
Mengulas mengenai penubuhan Pertubuhan Jalur Tiga (Jati) oleh bekas Pesuruhjaya Pas Selangor, Datuk Dr. Hasan Ali, beliau berkata, pertubuhan tersebut diharap dapat menjelaskan objektif penubuhannya dengan lebih jelas.
Ujar beliau, jika Jati cenderung kepada perjuangan politik, perpecahan orang Melayu akan menjadi kepada empat bahagian hingga akhirnya menjadi golongan minoriti sahaja.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Friday, February 24, 2012
The 'Arab spring' and the west: seven lessons from history
Drawing on the British Pathé archive, Seumas Milne picks out the recurrent themes of imperial efforts to control the Middle East

October 2011: Egyptians in Talat Harb square, Cairo, protest against military rule; October 1956: Egyptians demonstrate in the same square against British-French invasion.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Bukan Bumiputera menguasai 88% kekayaan Malaysia?
KUALA LUMPUR: Hong Kong-based Robert Kuok has maintained his position as Malaysia's richest man with a wealth of RM45.7bil, despite an 8% drop in his fortune.
The next richest persons are T .Ananda Krishnan and Public Bank's Tan Sri Teh Hong Piow.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Hew owes media an apology - Sahrein Maloh, Pemuda PBB
Hew owes media an apology
KUCHING: PBB Youth has joined chorus to slam DAP election publicity chief Hew Kuan Yau for labelling journalists in the country as “prostitutes”.
Its press secretary Sahrein Maloh said Hew owed the Malaysian media fraternity a public apology.
He said Hew should not use his position to make harsh statements against journalists or seek cheap publicity.
“Although Hew claimed that it was just his personal opinion, it is still unacceptable given that he holds a position in the party. He has no right to label journalists like that.
“Journalism started in 1806 in Malaysia and has played a big role in the country’s history. Hew has no right to label our journalists to something that is so low,” he said in a press statement yesterday.
On Feb 6, Hew had posted on his Facebook: “Our society has recently slammed some teenagers for not having self-respect by prostituting themselves for their material needs. Have we ever thought that there are reporters who have no self-respect and ‘prostitute’ themselves to Barisan Nasional for the same reason?”
It was reported that when Hew’s remark became public, Sin Chew Daily contacted the party’s disciplinary committee chairman Tan Kok Wai who said no action would be taken against Hew as he was merely being truthful.
Tan even went on to accuse several reporters in smaller towns of receiving “benefits” from local politicians.
On Friday, Hew posted on his Facebook: “I apologise for causing controversy by telling the truth.”
Sahrein, a former reporter, said Hew should realise that every media organisation and journalist, like everyone else of different industries and professions, had a role to play in nation building.
“They are carrying a heavy res-ponsibility too. Hew should experience the challenges of working as a journalist before commenting on other’s professions,” he pointed out.
“Does Hew’s labelling include the Opposition’s alternative media as well?”
Sahrein said Hew’s sweeping statement could just be a diver-sion to sidestep internal problems faced by Pakatan Rakyat such as contradicting opinions between DAP and PAS on Valentine’s Day celebration, seat allocation for the 13th general election and PKR’s leadership crisis.
In America and Britain, he said, such actions were known as publicist — creating issues or crisis to divert one’s attention from the real issues.
Sahrein said the media fraternity had done a good job to improve the political, economic and social landscape in the country.
“As a former reporter, I feel that Hew’s statement has hurt many journalists and it is disrespectful towards the media fraternity,” he added.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Pemberita adalah pelacur - DAP Tan Kok Wai dan Hew Kuan Yau
Friday, February 17, 2012
NUJ kecewa DAP mengejek wartawan-wartawan sebagai pelacur
NUJ disappointed with DAP's Hew and Tan
KUALA LUMPUR: The National Union of Journalists (NUJ) is disappointed with DAP election publicity chief Hew Kuan Yau for making a sweeping statement that journalists were "prostitutes".NUJ general secretary V. Anbalagan said the union was equally appalled by DAP disciplinary committee chairman Tan Kok Wai's stand for giving tacit support by saying that Hew was merely stating a fact.
He said Hew's statement had tarnished the image of journalists working in the print, electronic and online media.
"This is unfair as he has cast aspersions on journalists, a special category of people to serve the public and raise issues of public interest," he said in a statement Sunday.
It was reported Sunday that Hew had apologised for the controversy caused by his remarks.
Anbalagan said Hew should have backed his statement with a specific case like, who the person was, and which organisation he/she worked in.
"Hew should have complained to the organisation so that action could be taken, irrespective of whether the journalist was an executive, bargainable employee (most of whom are NUJ members), contract employee or stringer.
"We demand that the DAP leadership take action against Hew and Tan as truth or fact must be supported with evidence.
"Anything short is baseless and unfounded allegation against journalists and the profession," he said. - Bernama
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Hew Kuan Yau - DAP self-claim SUPERMAN
DAP’s Election Publicity Chief

He is their hero although he curses his political opponents, cursing their entire generations to be perished.
During the Sarawak election, the DAP Election Publicity Chief called SUPP politicians “orang utan” but this crude politician think it’s funny.
Now, Hew Kuan Yau calls journalists from the Chinese press “prostitutes” especially those from the small towns. Worse, party disciplinary chairman Tan Kok Wai also joined in to support this statement.
It seems Hew is upset that these small town reporters attend luncheons from both DAP and MCA! That’s their only crime!
He refuses to apologise out right except to say that he apologised for the controversy caused. What kind an apology is this? You are nothing but a political prostitute. It’s politicians like you who make Malaysians sick of politics. You talk about democracy but you cannot even conduct yourself in a decent manner.
What kind of message are you passing to the DAP members or worse, would you want your children to grow up to be as offensive like you. You are truly a dick head of the highest degree.
You are unbelievable. Superman wears his underwear outside but somebody should give some underwear to cover his big and dirty mouth.
He claims he has a Phd from Taiwan and we hope it is recognised. He also claimed that he used to be a public relations person. Yes, unbelievable.
Sorry, you are not a super hero. You are a super RUDE and super MALICIOUS!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Monday, February 13, 2012
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Airasia "misleading pricing" (berbohong mengenai harga) sejak 2004
Since 2004 there were complaints of “Misleading Pricing” in AirAsia’s website!
January 26, 2012 by weechookeong
In the story of Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) having filed a suit against AirAsia for its misleading pricing in its website, AFP has stated that AirAsia could not be reached for comment. This was most unusual by AirAsia’s standard.
However, your truly has received an interesting comment from Sdr Charles F Moreira with regards to the issue of “AirAsia’s misleading pricing of its fares in its website” and it has been a point of contentions since January 2004. In fact, there were many public complaints about AirAsia’s business model especially the way in which ancillary charges were structured in AirAsia’s website.
Sdr Charles F Moreira took the trouble to provide us with the AirAsia/Tony Fernandes’s press statement in January 2004, which was during the famous “Sleepy Age” in Malaysian history a.k.a known as the “Fourth Floor Administration”.
From the 2004 press statement which quoted none other than Mr Tony Fernandes, as he then was, who spoke on behalf of AirAsia on the allegations of “MISLEADING ADVERTISEMENTS” by AirAsia. Of course, during the “4th Floor Administration” everything done by AirAsia was sacrosanct including the glaring fact that AirAsia was allowed to owe Airport Tax, which was paid by passengers, for so many years totaling more than RM120 million!
It was only after yours truly brought it up in Parliament about this matter that AirAsia had no choice but to settle the Airport Tax debts with a BIG discount of about 30%. By right MAHB should have imposed interest on the airport tax debts.
Well, Khazanah turned a blind eye on the said Airport Tax debts owed by AirAsia at the material time. At that material time, there was nothing MAHB could do. This was how Khazanah, under the stewardship of Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar, was looking after MAHB, which is one of the GLCs. It didn’t come as a surprise to yours truly because Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar and YB Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakop, the then extremely powerful Minister of Finance II, were both calling the shots in Khazanah.
Yours truly just wonder whether ordinary Malaysian owing income tax for years will be spared for many years and thereafter granted a handsome discount upon settlement.
After inking the secret MAS-AirAsia share swap, Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar was also responsible for installing his ex-business partner in BinaFikir Sdn Bhd and crony, En Mohammed Rashdan Yusof aka as Danny (Rashdan), to head MAS from 10-8-2011 to 19-9-2011. Now Rashdan is the Deputy Managing Director of MAS.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Airasia terlampau berkuasa untuk tindakan diambil ke atasnya?
Why no action against ‘arrogant’ AirAsia?
Aneesa Alphonsus | February 4, 2012
The government is not interested in protecting its citizens from profiteering private enterprises such as AirAsia, claims a consumer activist.
KUALA LUMPUR: There is “no political will” in Malaysia to safeguard the rights of consumers against “tricksters” such as AirAsia which thrived on false advertising, unlike in Australia, says consumer rights activist Jacob George.George, who is the Consumer Association of Subang and Shah Alam (Cassa) president, said just as in Australia, he has been receiving complaints about discrepancies in Air Asia’s actual airfares and its published rates since 2009 but has received no support in his bid for consumer justice.
“It’s become a waste of time to do this (complaining to the government) because nothing gets done.
“We have received many complaints about AirAsia’ fares and hidden costs. We’ve lodged complaints with the Transport Ministry.
“We’ve even met the minister himself several times, and each time, he’s told us to send a memo and we did but until now there is no response,” George told FMT.
Fed up with banging on the doors of the Transport Ministry, George took the complaints of false advertising to the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry and here too he was dismissed.
“We have repeatedly brought this up with the Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry, but nothing has been done to address the issue.
“We always get the standard response: ‘We’ll look into the problem.’
“But they never do (look into the problem).
“I am actually very glad that the Australians said something about it and decided to take some action.
“It didn’t happen in Malaysia because there is no political will (to safeguard consumers) here,” he said referring to a case filed by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) against AirAsia.
Camouflaged charges
The ACCC is a consumer watchdog in Australia. Last week, it filed a suit in Melbourne against AirAsia for alleged false advertising.
The suit was filed the same day AirAsia launched its A$99 (RM319) one-way fare to Sydney from Kuala Lumpur.
ACCC said that “businesses that choose to advertise a part of the price of a particular product or service must also prominently specify a single total price” and noted that some fares sold on AirAsia’s website did not display prices inclusive of all taxes, duties, fees and other charges.
The ACCC is seeking both penalties and orders for the airline to issue corrective notices on its website.
The airline is scheduled to face the ACCC in court on March 2.
AirAsia, on its part, has blamed the situation, as always, on “technical glitches” and has announced that it has taken “corrective action” to resolve the complaints.
According to George, as in the case of Australia, the most common consumer complaints in Malaysia were about camouflaged charges.
He said that while AirAsia is supposed to be a low-cost carrier, there are also many hidden costs. These include travel insurance, seating choice and also luggage fees apart from the mandatory taxes, fuel surcharge and passenger service fee.
He cited a Singapore flight which was advertised as RM14 one way (on Feb 2) but in reality it cost RM147. The breakdown cost included airport taxes/levy (both ways), fuel surcharge (both ways), passenger service fee and passenger security fee.
AirAsia not compassionate
Said George: “There is so much of false representation (in the AirAsia advertising).
“The thing that is very disappointing is that the Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry will go into supermarkets and verify the prices of the goods.
“Why aren’t they doing the same with AirAsia? There are so many questions that need to be asked…”
George added that AirAsia has been trying to contain this, but the fiasco with the Australian situation has got it running around like a headless chicken.
“AirAsia is arrogant… It isn’t very compassionate when it comes to genuine reasons concerning people,” he said, adding that in Malaysia “a problem has to reach international proportions before something is done about it”.
“What is proven is the Australian government is taking care of its people.”
Thursday, February 9, 2012
NFL sponsorship solely tony fernandes decision
malay mail
It’s all up to the boss
Where to put the money is solely decision of enterprise owner
Friday, June 26th, 2009 11:39:00
Why didn’t somebody ask why AirAsia put their sponsorship for the English Premeir League? Isn’t it the same, since that sport also “hardly” has a decent following here in Malaysia? I think we are ranked like 280 or something in world football.
If AirAsia wants to sponsor Azerbaijan’s chess team or Turkey’s belly dancing team, I think that is solely, entirely up to their big boss.” — Steppenwolf “
It is funny to see this contribution by AirAsia to NFL. First, NFL is not a No. 1 sport in Malaysia, or even in Asia. Second, Raiders contribution – maybe AirAsia got a cheaper deal since this team is considered one of the worst in NFL.
Finally, I don’t see the benefit for the short- or long-term to AirAsia, unless it wants the rights to land in USA, especially Oakland airport. But, it is not acceptable by Malaysia. AirAsia holding payment to MAHB worth millions is like a threat to the airport authority! It will allow other airlines to follow AirAsia by holding up payments!”
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Airasia membazir duit di negara tidak diterbangi tetapi kurang menyumbang Malaysia yang dimonopoli
AirAsia taken to task over NFL deal
While local sports bodies beg for money, airline sponsors American football team
Thursday, June 25th, 2009 08:32:00
SPONSORED: Oakland Raiders team players posted on an aircraft
Equally puzzling is how the no frills airline, which had its early success from strong Malaysian support to see a local airline make a global name, can afford to splash extravagant amounts when it owes Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB) RM65 million in airport tax.
Yesterday, AirAsia even admitted that it was withholding the payment unless MAHB lowered the airport charges! (See accompanying story)
Meanwhile, Malaysian sports figures said AirAsia could do a lot more to support local sports rather than be generous with foreign sponsorships.
Olympic Council of Malaysia (OCM) secretary-general Datuk Sieh Kok Chi said the carrier's support has been quite minimal so far. "At the moment, all we get are minimal rates for flights domestically and within South East Asia. There is no cash funding involved.
"But something is better than nothing. They have helped us, I don't want to be ungrateful by saying that they have not helped at all. However, I'm disappointed as I feel that they can offer much more. But we got to live with what we have."
Sieh continued by saying that OCM does not have constraints in finding sponsors, adding that AirAsia could definitely afford to be more generous.
While details are still sketchy on the National Football League (NFL) deal with the Oakland Raiders, the sponsorship is likely to be worth at least RM1 million. At the sponsorship announcement by AirAsia group chief executive officer Datuk Seri Tony Fernandes and Oakland Raiders owner Mark Davis, the airline will also unveil the Oakland Raiders livery on AirAsia's aircraft.
The event is expected to be attended by Oakland Raiders legend Ted Hendricks and famed Raiderettes (official cheerleaders of the Oakland Raiders) April Dizon, Angel McCoy and Amanda Voecks.
Contacted yesterday, Fernandes declined to say much about the deal.
"There will be a Press conference on Friday (tomorrow) and it will not be fair to others if I respond (to your questions). Everything will be revealed on that day," said Fernandes, who turned AirAsia into Asia's No 1 low budget carrier. AirAsia has expanded its routes outside Asia to include Australia and London. It had announced in March that it was looking at the US and Middle East sectors as well.
And one way the carrier has made headway in globalising its brand name is by involving itself in sports sponsorships - mainly overseas.
Among the millions AirAsia has pumped for international presence includes a reportedly S$1million (RM2.3m) sponsorship for a basketball team in Singapore called Singapore Slingers, which takes part in the National Basketball League.
While the value of its other major sponsorship deals were not revealed, the endorsement of professional referees in the English Premier League, the AT&T Williams team in Formula One, and now with Oakland Raiders, run into millions.
To get an idea of just how much money is being splurged, AirAsia had earlier this year flirted with the idea of being the jersey sponsors for Manchester United - in a deal which would have cost a staggering US$100m (RM340m).
Even a football team in Thailand received three million bahts (RM300,000) in the form of travel, a privilege the Olympic Council of Malaysia (OCM) enjoys with the carrier.
AirAsia was also the main sponsors for the Asia Cup hockey tourney in Kuantan, for which it reportedly provided RM500,000.
Local sports not good enough...
AZZUDIN: AirAsia has contributed a substantial amount to FAM
Football Association of Malaysia (FAM) general secretary Datuk Azzudin Ahmad said: “AirAsia has helped us. It provided minimal rates for all the teams from the Malaysian League. I can’t give any figures but all I can say is that it has contributed a substantial amount to FAM.”
Asked whether AirAsia could do more for Malaysian sports, he said: “Of course it can! If you look at what it has done for the English Premier League, the support for us is not even worth a mention.”
For the lack of financial support, at least three local soccer teams have hit the limelight recently for the wrong reasons.
The Perlis Football Association is almost bankrupt.
MyTeam is disbanding without any sponsors and some Malacca soccer players claim their salaries have not
been paid for two years.
This financial malady has been the bane of local soccer clubs for some years now and if more local firms follow AirAsia’s example of focusing on overseas sponsorships, the outlook for sports in Malaysia remains grim.
Hockey too has been facing money problems while the National Sports Council is badly in need of cash infusion.
Amidst this bleak landscape, several corporate bodies have stood out as shining examples for supporting local sports. Among them are CIMB for squash and Nestle for schoollevel sports.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Datuk Seri Ibrahim bin Mahmud Bin Yahya - Al Fatihah
Allahyarham Datuk Seri Ibrahim Bin Mahmud telah berkhidmat dalam Polis Diraja Malaysia selama lebih 30 tahun. Beliau bersara dari pangkat Superintendent. Allayarham Datuk Seri Ibrahim Bin Mahmud adalah adik kepada Ketua Menteri Sarawak Yang Amat Berhormat Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Bin Mahmud. Beliau meninggal balu Datin Seri Hajijah Abdullah dan 4 orang anak lelaki. Anak sulung beliau adalah Dato Ahmad Bin Ibrahim yang merupakan Ketua Pemuda Parti PBB Cawangan Batu Kawah.
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