During the debate on the presidential address at the Umno general assembly today, Mukhriz said Pakatan is backed by neo-imperialists with deep pockets and the government that the people have built over the decades would be lost forever.
"Do we realise that the opposition are merely tools of the foreign powers who may want to colonise the country?
"They are backed with big finances to occupy the country. This will be a new form of neo-colonialism," said Mukhriz, who is a delegate from Kedah.
Thus, Mukhriz said the public should be wary of Pakatan, but did not give any examples to back his claims.
He also called Pakatan hypocrites for using derogatory terms against Umno and BN leaders, such as Maha Firaun and Maha Zalim, which were directed at his father Mahathir, who was the premier for 22 years.
"They claimed themselves to be Islamic but used such words to smear Umno and BN," he said.
PAS is sinking Kedah
Mukhriz, who is also the Jerlun MP, then shifted his attacks to the PAS-led Kedah government, which he said was putting the brakes on the state’s economy.
He said businesses were closing while indiscriminate logging activities were causing erosion.
"The welfare of the people have been neglected, business closed and even security lost as a result of the erosion," he said.
He said all this can return to normal should BN recapture Kedah.
"We have to ensure that BN puts winnable candidates to recapture Kedah," he said.
Meanwhile Federal Territory Umno representative Syed Ali Alhabshee called for the party disciplinary committee to be reactivated as the general election approaches.
"We have to counter traitors and saboteurs among party members and I would like to propose that the disciplinary committee be activated," he said.
This, he added is to ensure that Umno would win this time without the effects of saboteurs.
Hafiz Yatim
4:52PM Dec 1, 2011
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