Saturday, December 31, 2011
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Tony Fernandes tidak suka menyumbang kepada negara Malaysia (dimana Airasia diberi monopoli)
Thursday, June 25th, 2009 05:17:00 malay mail
BUDGET AIRLINE: It has a lot of money to spare, it appears, but not for local sports
Eyebrows were instantly raised, especially in the wake of so many sports associations struggling to stay afloat. Stories of football associations failing to pay their players on time, families of budding talents having to fork out their own money to achieve glory for their country and the likes are a dozen a dime. So much so that some had stopped being sympathetic.
Others, like the government, association leaders, rulers and corporations, do their best to intervene. You can't save everybody, but you can at least try. As such, every single sen counts.
Now, one can argue that AirAsia too has been sponsoring some tournaments here and there, but really, in times like this, a sponsorship to promote a sporting event that has less following here than, say, sepak takraw, in a sponsorship-rich country where the airline doesn't even fly to, seems wrong. So decisively wrong.
Indeed, it is the prerogative of Tony Fernandes and gang to spend their money for branding anywhere and in any way they wish. No one can argue that the strategy to get as many eyeballs on the brand, as was the case when the airline went into the Barclays Premier League, is nothing short of being brilliant.
But is it really all about making more money? What about these ailing local sports associations then?
It doesn't require a genius to figure out that this deal is going to cost AirAsia, to quote the ironic word dreaded
by any airline, a bomb. Top of the list of questions is: why can't it commit to giving more to local talents, when it can "fly" out money to promote a fairly alien form of sports, and indirectly assist in developing talents in American football.
AirAsia, as seen from this exercise, is more than capable - financially - to assist the Malaysian government to nurture better talents and keep the struggling sports industry afloat.
Naturally, it owes the Malaysian government too, especially when one considers that the government has shown such patience and understanding by not taking any drastic action to claim the RM65 million in airport tax AirAsia owes Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd.
It is a slap in our faces as the message seems to be this: we are just not good enough for AirAsia money.
Shame on AirAsia.The Malay adage anak kera di hutan disusukan, anak di rumah mati kelaparan is an apt description for this act of betrayal.
AirAsia looks set to score a touchdown or two in terms of branding, but back home, forgive some for thinking that while everybody can now fly, not everybody here counts for much.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Tak Payahlah MAHB atau Khazanah, keputusan Kabinet Malaysia pun dilawan Tony Fernandes
I thought Tony Fernandes is an educated man, having been schooled in England and I believe he is an accountant and so is a blinking professional. Now this man has been showing some strange behaviour not becoming of a person having such a respectable position and he does it with glaring audacity. This man who has been helped by the government to bring Air Asia to where it is today is now still fighting with Malaysia Airports authority, here.
In fact he has been confrontational with Malaysia Airports authority (MAHB) from the time when he failed to get the green light to build his own airport in Sepang somewhere…. imagine guys, the man had wanted to build his own airport, such is his ambition! He has been fighting with MAHB ever since, accusing them of being unreasonable, uncooperative and monopolizing .
I believe he is yet to transfer his air Asia operations to the new airport terminal in Kota Kinabalu . The airline was supposed to do so six months ago. In fact I heard from some people from Sabah in East Malaysia, that he swore he would have to be dragged there rather than moving voluntarily. Gosh! And nobody has reminded him that he is acting like a spoilt child. Come on Fernandes, grow up!
Now his latest action is showing a bad example to his staff who do his bidding for him, right from the managers to those in the lowest rung! The arrogance of this man is too much. And no politicians dare to say anything to him. Why? Is it because he has given some favours to them? What kind of person is this who can carry on in public in this manner? After all the decision to raise the airport tax is made by the government and not by the board of directors of MAHB.
The decision asking his airlines operation to move to the new terminal in Kota Kinabalu is made by the Federal Cabinet.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Orang Shahrizat serang Ketua Bahagian UMNO? Perlukah begini?
Isnin, 19 Disember 2011
Tindakan biadap NGO serbu pejabat UMNO Cheras; Shahrizat dituntut berikan penjelasan
MENTERI Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarg dan Masyarakat, Shahrizat Abdul Jalil dituntut menjelaskan motif sebenar kehadiran dua orang pegawainya bersama kumpulan yang mengaku sebagai NGO membuat kekecohan di pejabat UMNO Bahagian Cheras, 15 Disember lalu.
Menurut Timbalan Ketua UMNO Bahagian Cheras, Datuk Mahadi Haji Abdul Shukor, Shahrizat yang juga Ketua Pergerakan Wanita UMNO Malaysia perlu bertanggungjawab di atas kejadian yang berlaku.
Beliau berkata, mereka datang disambut dengan baik oleh Ketua UMNO Bahagian, Datuk Wira Syed Ali Alhabshee kononnya untuk menyerahkan memorandum bantahan berhubung isu ‘memikul biawak hidup’ tetapi sebaliknya mereka membuat kecoh dan mengeluarkan maki-hamun dan kata-kata kesat.
“Seluruh warga UMNO Bahagian Cheras amat kesal dengan tindakan sekumpulan yang mendakwa sebagai NGO yang membuat kecoh dan cuba mencederakan Syed Ali,” tegasnya kepada media selepas Mesyuarat Khas Berhubung kejadian 15 Disember, di Pusat Rekreasi Cheras, lewat petang ini (Isnin).
Sementara itu, Ketua Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO Bahagian, Datuk Syed Mehdhar Syed Abdullah mengecam keras perbuatan tersebut yang disifatkannya sebagai biadap dan samseng.
Menurut Timbalan Ketua UMNO Bahagian Cheras, Datuk Mahadi Haji Abdul Shukor, Shahrizat yang juga Ketua Pergerakan Wanita UMNO Malaysia perlu bertanggungjawab di atas kejadian yang berlaku.
Beliau berkata, mereka datang disambut dengan baik oleh Ketua UMNO Bahagian, Datuk Wira Syed Ali Alhabshee kononnya untuk menyerahkan memorandum bantahan berhubung isu ‘memikul biawak hidup’ tetapi sebaliknya mereka membuat kecoh dan mengeluarkan maki-hamun dan kata-kata kesat.

Sementara itu, Ketua Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO Bahagian, Datuk Syed Mehdhar Syed Abdullah mengecam keras perbuatan tersebut yang disifatkannya sebagai biadap dan samseng.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
PKR meracuni pelajar-pelajar menerusi SMM dan 'BEBAS'
Oleh Muda Tengah
Kami amat sedih dengan tindakan pelajar untuk menghuru-harakan Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra beberapa hari lepas. Kumpulan yang menggelarkan diri mereka SMM dan BEBAS telah mengakibatkan masalah trafik untuk ribuan kenderaan. Dalam rancangan mereka untuk maksimakan publisiti untuk tindakan mereka, SMM dan BEBAS berarak di jalanraya dan mengakibatkan ribuan kenderaan terhenti dan lambat kepada destinasi mereka.
Setelah menduduki 'private premises' PWTC secara haran SMM dan BEBAS pula terpekik-pekik dan menggangu ketenteraman awam. Pihak UMNO iaitu pemilik PWTC tidak menghalau gerombolan SMM dan BEBAS walaupun mereka mencerobohi premis persendirian. Sebaliknya dengan hati yang murah dan lembut pimpinan UMNO sudi untuk menerima 'Memorandum' yang diasak oleh SMM dan BEBAS kepada mereka.
Sewaktu pemimpin UMNO dan Timbalan Menteri Plejaran Tinggi YB Datuk Saifudin Abdullah sedang berucap menerima 'Memorandum' SMM dan BEBAS tersebut, Adam Adli Bin Abdul Hamid dengan senyap menurunkan bendera pemimpin UMNO di perkarangan PWTC. Mengetahui bahawa perbuatannya sungguh biadap dan terkutuk Adam Adli Bin Abdul Hamid memilih bendera yang paling jauh dari bangunan UMNO dan penglihatan orang ramai. Waktu itu orang ramai sedang mendengar ucapan.
Seluruh gerakan dan pekikan gerombolan SMM dan BEBAS hari itu di 'control' oleh Naib Presiden PKR Tian Chua yang senantiasa berada dibelakang.
Adakah ibubapa mahu anak-anak mereka pergi ke pusat pengajian tinggi untuk mengambil pelajaran sebagai persiapan hidup atau memberhentikan trafik di bandaraya dan membuat kacau di premis persendirian?
Ibubapa menghantar anak-anak mereka ke pusat pengajian tinggi agar mereka dapat memperolehi pelajaran yang tinggi untuk kerjaya dan budaya yang tinggi. Bukan untuk mengganggu perhatian anak-anak mereka terhadap pelajaran dan merendahkan budaya mereka. Kita berharap PKR akan berhenti meracuni dan mengganggu masa depan pelajar-pelajar pengajian tinggi semata-mata untuk objektif rampas kuasa mereka
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Penutupan Fireflyz merudumkan industri pelancongan Sandakan
STORY BY Raymondjim
The End of the Road for Firefly's Air Service to East Malaysia
Firefly made its maiden flight to Sandakan on August 1, 2011 with a big bang. The brand new Boeing 737-800 was greeted with the traditional aviation industry welcome – a water spraying guard-of-honor - upon arrival.Firefly, the low cost subsidiary of Malaysia Airlines had just taken over the route formerly operated by its parent airline providing a twice daily all economy service and a better alternative in that it utilized the aerobridge for passengers embarkation and disembarkation.
Today’s flight marked the end of Firefly into Sandakan. Unlike Tawau, another East Malaysian town that Firefly had yet to take over the route from Mas, continues to have two direct daily services between Kuala Lumpur; there is no news that Malaysia Airline will return to operate this route. This thus left Sandakanites with no other choice in selecting their flights.
Though operated for just four months, Firefly was quick to attract a huge following of customers with cheaper fare and comfortable seats. It also provided easy connection for passengers holding onward journey to international destinations at Kuala Lumpur International Airport.
Gloomy faces of Firefly staff were seen. They were engaged just a few months and are now faced with the misfortune of joblessness.
Regular travelers and the large number of Sabahan working communities in West Malaysia now find that they have no other choice in selecting their flights. Added to all these, Malaysia Airlines’ Boeing flights between Sandakan and Kota Kinabalu are withdrawn altogether leaving only the smaller Turbo-prop ATR operated by Maswing.
From now on, passengers with ailments and those seeking medical treatment in West Malaysia will have to face the reality that their wheelchairs or stretchers are to be wheeled down the ramp and across the tarmac to be carried up the passenger steps, a situation prior to 2002 when the airport was without an aerobridge.
Surprisingly, the last flight FY540/541 arrived and departed with a full load of passengers.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Biro Ekonomi Pemuda PBB prediction on Airasia monopoly comes true
AirAsia to MAS: Your Loss is my Gain
Your loss is my gain
Winds of change are swirling in the Malaysian aviation industry. AirAsia yesterday announced frequency additions on routes left behind by MAS/Firefly. In the process, AirAsia’s market share will increase at the expense of the national carrier, and yields are likely to improve. We maintain our Outperform rating and target CY13 multiple of 7x. AirAsia is likely to see strong earnings growth in 2012 because the competitive environment in Malaysia has become more benign (ie Airasia has no competition and can charge high monopolistic prices).
What Happened
AirAsia announced yesterday that it will, from February 2012, increase frequencies from Kuala Lumpur to Kota Kinabalu (KK) and Sandakan, as well as from KK to Hong Kong, taking over capacity that has been or will be abandoned by MAS and Firefly. It also announced expected long-haul route cuts to Rome, Johannesburg, Cape Town, Buenos Aires, Dubai, Damman and Karachi, and its pullout from short-haul routes like the daily Langkawi-Penang-Singapore flights and KL-Surabaya. MAS’s route cuts will take effect in January 2012.
What We Think
The developments are in the direction of our expectations. The announcements of frequency additions by AirAsia and route removals by MAS are some of the CCF’s most tangible benefits to AirAsia. AirAsia will continue to garner more market share next year as it fills part of the void left behind by the capacity reductions. Its yields will also improve following the removal of Firefly as an LCC competitor (and hence Airasia gets monopoly gift from khazanah nasional) and MAS’s selective pullout of routes to East Malaysia. Apart from that, MAS is likely to stop plying international routes from its KK hub. This is an excellent opportunity for AirAsia to profit further
What You Should Do
This is definitely the time to load up on AirAsia. We have a high conviction Outperform call on this stock, which is one of our top picks for Malaysia in 2012. We think this airline will do very well next year despite the high jet fuel price because of its monopoly.
MAS/Firefly route cuts provide opportunities to AirAsia
AirAsia said during its 3Q11 results conference call last month that it was adding two leased A320s to its Malaysia fleet in 4Q on top of the three new aircraft deliveries that Malaysia will be allocated this year. The reason for this move has now been made very clear. AirAsia is using the opportunity provided by the withdrawal of MAS and Firefly from several domestic and regional routes to expand its schedule and network capacity. In other words, AirAsia is expanding on the back of opportunities left behind by MAS and Firefly, by at least partially restoring the capacity removed by the two latter airlines and taking the rest of the benefits from potentially higher ticket prices/yields since net capacity on the relevant routes will still be reduced as the capacity withdrawals exceed capacity additions by a large margin.
Firefly has stopped its domestic LCC business; AirAsia takes advantage by expanding frequencies to KK and Sandakan
In mid-November 2011, Firefly stopped selling tickets on the 189-seater B737-800 planes on routes between KL and KK, Kuching, Sandakan and Sibu. Not coincidentally, AirAsia yesterday announced that it will from 6 February 2012 increase its KL-KK flights from 13 to 14 times/day and step up its KL-Sandakan flights from two to three times/day. This shows that AirAsia is taking over the capacity abandoned by Firefly. Additional frequencies by AirAsia to Kuching and Sibu cannot be ruled out.
AirAsia planning increase in KK-HK frequencies in anticipation of MAS withdrawal
MAS has not announced definite cuts to its international routes from the KK hub but earlier indicated that these are on the chopping board. In anticipation of the MAS move, AirAsia will from 21 February 2012 increase its KK-Hong Kong flights from seven times/week (once daily) to 10 times/week, a net increase of 24 one-way flights/month. MAS is currently flying 56 times/month on the KK-HK route. Hence, if MAS abandons the KK-HK route altogether, there will be a net 15% reduction of capacity (Dragonair also serves the route).
From KK, AirAsia also flies to Taipei and Shenzhen, and may benefit from reduced competition to Taipei if MAS pulls out. AirAsia does not currently fly from KK to Seoul, Perth, Tokyo or Osaka. However, if MAS cancels its flights from KK to the latter four destinations, it may open up new route opportunities for AirAsia.
MAS may withdraw from KL-Tawau/Sibu, potentially leaving AirAsia as the monopoly operator on the routes
We believe that MAS is also likely to announce in the near future reductions to its West Malaysia to East Malaysia crossings. While we do not expect MAS to reduce frequencies on truck routes like KL-KK/Kuching, it could cut less profitable routes like KL-Tawau/Sibu. The airline currently flies 11 times/week on KL-Tawau while AirAsia flies 21 times/week. On KL-Sibu, it flies 14 times/week while AirAsia flies 35 times/week. Hence, AirAsia dominates the capacity on these two routes and the domination could turn into a monopoly if MAS axes these routes. We believe MAS will retain KL-Miri/Labuan/Bintulu as there is likely to be more business traffic on these routes and average ticket pricing should be higher.
To me this sounds like really bad news, [1] from a corporate governance point of view (Tony Fernandes being the CEO of AirAsia, director of AirAsiaX and director of MAS, a clear conflict of interest), [2] for the minority investors of MAS (it seems from the above report that MAS gets the short end of the stick), and [3] for the consumers (on many routes, a duopoly is turned into a monopoly).
Friday, December 16, 2011
Airasia low cost to passengers is a lie, airasia has many unsavoury practices and makes millions from MAHB airport tax

Everyone wants to support Tony but...
9:32AM Dec 3, 2011 |

Reborn:Malaysia, being so much bigger than Singapore, has thousands of domestic flights and millions of travellers. Singapore, on the other hand, needs only one international airport.
AirAsia will grow and as such, Tony's initial plan of building his own terminal is so that he can have the cake and eat it too.
Kannan Msakti: What goes around, comes around. This is the case for AirAsia. There are many new fees imposed by AirAsia on its passengers unlike two years ago. AirAsia keeps making money but it is no more a cheap airline.
They are charging for:
1. Standard baggage less than 15kg
2. Seats
3. Credit card payment processing fee RM16 per passenger
4. Compulsory insurance
5. Manual check-in
6. Helpline call - RM1.95 per minute
7. They don't allow cancellation of excess baggage booked, but allow excess baggage add in.
8. Service fees up to RM200 for change of schedule
Where is the money going, Tony? Where is your social obligation?
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Selain rakyat/kerajaan Malaysia, pembeli tiket QPR juga ditipu?
QPR owner Fernandes accused of short-changing fans after season ticket promises
By Joe BernsteinDaily Mail 10th December 2011
QPR owner Tony Fernandes has backed down on plans to give 'significant refunds' to season-ticket holders and handed them vouchers for the club shop instead.
Fernandes earned plenty of good publicity when it was reported he would refund season ticket holders shortly after he bought the club from unpopular owners Bernie Ecclestone and Flavio Briatore in August.
QPR fans were up in arms at the time about 40 per cent increases imposed by the Ecclestone regime that pushed up some season tickets to £999 and viewed Fernandes, owner of Asia's first cut-price budget airline, as an incoming hero.

Hero or villain?: Tony Fernandes was welcomed with open arms by QPR fans
John Reid, secretary of the QPR Loyal Supporters' Association (LSA), said: 'We have asked the club for a meeting to discuss pricing and other matters and we are still awaiting a reply.
'At the moment our club is going forward and the atmosphere has never been better. But euphoria is often shortlived.'
While Fernandes is viewed in a positive light, fans are keen to see the new owner live up to his promises.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
AirAsia monopoly on lucrative Sandakan route
AirAsia will now have monopoly on the route between Kuala Lumpur and Sandakan, as Malaysian Airlines (MAS) subsidiary airline Firefly has axed its flights between the two destinations.
Minister in the Chief Minister’s Department Datuk Edward Khoo expressed disappointment at the decision, saying the reduced number of airlines operating direct flights between Sandakan and Kuala Lumpur was not fair to the people of Sandakan.
“MAS used to have daily return direct flights between Sandakan and Kuala Lumpur, and then Firefly came in to serve this route, so MAS stopped doing it,” Mr Khoo said.
Now the decision to stop MAS fights clearly shows a monopoly of the route by a single airline, defeating State Governments recent efforts to promote the east coast as a tourism destination.
These flights may later be operated by MASwings smaller aircraft, however may not be suitable as there are many tourists as well as business people flying in and out of Sandakan stated Mr Khoo.
Not only impacting on Sandakan, air travel to other towns in Sabah will be affected as well.
Mr Khoo said he was informed that MAS would be withdrawing its two Boeing flights from Kota Kinabalu to Sandakan and vice versa from 8 December.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
Sir Tony Fernandez dan rakan-rakan beruntung dari 'insider trading?
Fernandes’ greed, MAHB’s weak bosses
Mohd Ariff Sabri Aziz | December 8, 2011
Since the people at MAHB don’t know how to run airports, maybe in the interest of efficiency, we allow Fernandes to make his own airport.

Malaysia Airlines has to pay more to acquire 10% of AirAsia’s share while MAS’ own shares dropped.
AirAsia chief executive officer Tony Fernandes and friend got MAS shares on the cheap. Investors holding AirAsia shares saw their value dropped just after the so-called merger.
After the transaction was finished, MAS shares moved up again.
Fernandes and friend then were able to make another round of financial killing when the shares they got cheap, now went up.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Why Tony Fernandez is fighting airport tax hike
By Presenna Nambiar BTIMES
Carbon Offset Surcharge will Impact Air Asia Operation |
Checks done by Business Times showed that the gap between Malaysia Airlines and AirAsia's long haul arm AirAsia X fares is fast closing in on a few routes.
A check on fares for London in January showed the fare difference between the two airlines was less than RM1,000.
For example, on both MAS and AirAsia X fares (excluding fees and taxes) for a return trip to Paris in January showed that MAS' fare was RM1,841 while AirAsia X's fare was RM2,108 (excluding baggage and meal charges) for return.
The differentiating factor, however, was its fees and taxes. MAS' charges stood at RM1,359 while AirAsia X's charges were RM606.
The increase in fees in AirAsia X are from a RM80 (return) carbon offset surcharge to be implemented in 2012.
It is believed that this charge is connected to the European Union Emissions Trading scheme, which comes into force January 1 2012.
The ruling requires airlines to pay up for carbon emissions, which have not been accounted for, in its air space.
"It could be because of all these charges that are coming up now. I guess they don't want to add on any other charges that don't actually help ease their own costs," an analyst who declined to be named said.
On claims that MAHB was profiteering from passengers, another analyst pointed out that a quick calculation of profit against number of passengers handled would show which company profits more from passengers.
A check showed that according to 2010 profit before tax (PBT) figures, AirAsia makes twice more money from passengers than MAHB.
MAHB made RM445 million in PBT for 2010, while AirAsia earned some RM1.1 billion in PBT.
According to this, AirAsia made RM42 per passenger, while MAHB earned RM15 per passenger. Only half of the 57.8 million passengers handled by MAHB are taken into account as it only collects airport tax one way.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Africa Lies Naked to Euro-American Military Offensive
The US and its Allies are Positioned to "Take" Much of the Continent
by Glen Ford

As the U.S. and its NATO allies move southward to further consolidate their grip on Africa, following the seizure of Libya and its vast oil fields, most of the continent’s leadership seems to welcome re-absorption into empire. “Africa is the most vulnerable region in America’s warpath, a continent ripe for the plucking due to the multitudinous entanglements of Africa’s political and military classes with imperialism.” AFRICOM is already in the cat-bird seat, placed there by Africans, themselves.
“The United States and its allies, principally the French, are positioned to ‘take’ much of the continent with the collaboration of most of its governments.”
The United States and its allies are engaged in an Asian and African offensive, a multi-pronged assault thinly camouflaged as humanitarian intervention that, in some regions, looks like a blitzkrieg. This frenzied aggression, still in its first year, saw NATO transformed into an expeditionary force to crush the unoffending Gaddafi regime in Libya and is now poised to topple the secular order in Syria. Although drawing on longstanding schemes for overt and covert regime change in selected countries, and fully consistent with global capital’s historic imperative to bludgeon the planet into one malleable market subordinate to Washington, London and Paris, the current offensive had a particular genesis in time: the nightmare vision of an Arab awakening.
Monday, December 5, 2011
'Aviation Market Demand' di Sabah dan Sarawak meningkat tetapi Fireflyz dipaksa tutup?
MASwings records hike in passenger load, cargo volume
Borneo Post November 22, 2011, Tuesday
KUCHING: MASwings recorded encouraging increases in passenger load and cargo volume in bothSarawak andSabah in the first nine months of this year, said a statement from the Transport Ministry.
It noted this was made possible following an increase of 6.4 per cent in MASwings aircraft movement, with 71,513 movements recorded from January till September compared to 67,213 movements in the corresponding period last year.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
MAS has been saved by the corp GURU?

According to very reliable sources, on 21-11-2011 Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar told the Public Account Committee (PAC) the followings:
There were 50 verbal and written questions raised by 36 MPs regarding the secret MAS – AirAsia share swap and his brain child, the Collaborative Framework;
“MAS IS NOT BEING SOLD OUT: the MAS Board composition remains balanced in line with SHAREHOLDINGS;
Share swap resulted in Khazanah selling 685, 142, 000 MAS share (20.5%) to Tune Air in exchange for 277, 650,600 AirAsia shares (10% of AirAsia)”.
“EXTREMELY CHALLENGING AVIATION INDUSTRY REQUIRES RADICAL CHANGES TO BUSINESS MODEL OF MAS: therefore, collaboration and market segmentation by carries is the norm in aviation today, MAS losses exacerbating conditions for a refocus of segment / product”;
“FAIR SWAP VALUATION, AN ARM’S LENGTH TRANSACTIONS: Share swap ratio between MAS & AirAsia based 5-8-2011 market of both airlines; key valuation matrices supported the relatives swap ratio, as at share swap DATE, 15 of 22 analysts had buys calls on AirAsia while 10 of 15 had sell calls on MAS, all regulatory requirement strictly adhered to, overseen by the Boards of Khazanah and MAS”;
(NOTES: Before the share swap was announced on 9-8-2011, the previous MAS Board didn’t know anything about the negotiations of the secret share swap resulting in YM Tengku Azmil and a few others Board members resigned in “protest” prior to or on the day of the said secret share swap announcement on 9-8-2011. Leaving behind Tan Sri Md Nor Md Yusof (ex-MD of MAS of WAU fame that he was responsible for appointing BinaFikir Sdn Bhd as MAS consultant, disposing 70% of MAS Catering Sdn Bhd to Gubahan Saujana Sdn Bhd [a company related to Datuk Ibrahim bin Hj Ahmad Badawi [the brother of Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi], Ex-Chairman of Security Commission) and Datuk Azman Yahya (also the key man in SCOMI) as Board members before the new appointment on 9-8-2011. Presumably, Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar meant that these were the two directors that were overseeing the regulatory requirement of the said share swap. It is hoped that the Security Commission and the Bursa KL will take note of the glaring facts revealed by Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar and that no DISCLOSURE by MAS Board of the possible MAS – AirAsia share swap and the movement of share prices of MAS and AirAsia Bhd during the material time i.e. end of June to 5-8-2011. Arm’s length transactions involving the said share swap: The said share swap was shrouded in secrecy. It must be noted that Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar, En Mohammed Rashdan, Tan Sri Tony Fernandes are known good friends. Perhaps Tan Sri Azman Mokthar should tell us what he meant by “arm length’s transaction”? As far as yours truly is concerned it was just another beautiful big word like CCF fitting for the understanding of those with the background of consultant. When question was put: why the share swap was based on market cap of 5-8-2011 and not net tangible asset (NTA)? The reply was: JUDGMENT CALL! What a brilliant reply.)
Friday, December 2, 2011
Pakatan are tools of neo-imperialists - Mukhriz Mahathir

During the debate on the presidential address at the Umno general assembly today, Mukhriz said Pakatan is backed by neo-imperialists with deep pockets and the government that the people have built over the decades would be lost forever.
"Do we realise that the opposition are merely tools of the foreign powers who may want to colonise the country?
"They are backed with big finances to occupy the country. This will be a new form of neo-colonialism," said Mukhriz, who is a delegate from Kedah.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Ahli-ahli Parlimen Sarawak, Johor, Melaka, Sabah dan Wilayah Persekutuan membantah CCF Airasia/MAS

Lt to Rt: Datuk Kamarudin Meranun, Tan Sri Azman Mokthar, Tan Sri Md Nor Yusof, Tan Sri Tony Fernandes, En mohammed Rashdan Yusof
During the Committee Stage of the Budget Debate today, many MPs of all divides spoke strongly against the secret MAS – Asia share swap. YB Hajah Nancy bt Hj Shukri (MP for Batang Sadong, Sarawak), YB Datuk Hj Muhamad bin Hj Aziz (MP for Sri Gading, Johor), Datuk Bung Moktar (MP for Kinabatagan, Sabah), YB Datuk Wira Hj Ahmad bin Hj Hamzah (MP for Jasin, Melaka), YB Datuk Dr Makin @ Marcus Majigoh (MP for Putatan, Sabah) yours truly and other MPS questioned the rationale and condemned the said secret share swap, the so-called “Collaborative Frameworks” and Tan Sri Tony Fernandes’ instance of his AirAsia outfits would not use the aerobridge in the new KLIA-2.
Questions were asked why AirAsia did not object to the use of aerobridge in the airports in Chiang Mai, Phuket, Singapore, Australia, London and etc. MPs insisted that the Ministry of Transport should impose regulations that make it compulsory for all airlines in KLIA-2 to use aerobrigdge for the convenience of the elders, pregnant ladies, children and disabled.
YB Kinabatangan has gone further to describe the culprits who cheat the the rakyat as “Perompak Negara”.
Tan Sri Tony Fernandes, Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar, MD of Khazanah Nasional Bhd, En Mohammed Rashdan Yusof, Tan Sri MD Nor Md Yusof and Datuk Azman Yahya were not spared by the MPs. YB Kinabatangan also called for MACC to investigate into this matter and sent those responsible to jail.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Preparing the Chessboard for the "Clash of Civilizations": Divide, Conquer and Rule the "New Middle East"
by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya
The name "Arab Spring" is a catch phrase concocted in distant offices in Washington, London, Paris, and Brussels by individuals and groups who, other than having some superficial knowledge of the region, know very little about the Arabs. What is unfolding amongst the Arab peoples is naturally a mixed package. Insurgency is part of this package as is opportunism. Where there is revolution, there is always counter-revolution.
The upheavals in the Arab World are not an Arab "awakening" either; such a term implies that the Arabs have always been sleeping while dictatorship and injustice has been surrounding them. In reality the Arab World, which is part of the broader Turko-Arabo-Iranic World, has been filled with frequent revolts that have been put down by the Arab dictators in coordination with countries like the United States, Britain, and France. It has been the interference of these powers that has always acted as a counter-balance to democracy and it will continue to do so.
Divide and Conquer: How the First "Arab Spring" was Manipulated
The upheavals in the Arab World are not an Arab "awakening" either; such a term implies that the Arabs have always been sleeping while dictatorship and injustice has been surrounding them. In reality the Arab World, which is part of the broader Turko-Arabo-Iranic World, has been filled with frequent revolts that have been put down by the Arab dictators in coordination with countries like the United States, Britain, and France. It has been the interference of these powers that has always acted as a counter-balance to democracy and it will continue to do so.
Divide and Conquer: How the First "Arab Spring" was Manipulated
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
AirAsia Q3 profit down
PETALING JAYA (Nov 23, 2011): AirAsia Bhd, the region’s biggest low-cost carrier, saw its net profit for the third quarter ended Sept 30, 2011 (Q3) fall 53% to RM152.3 million from RM327.3 million a year ago, despite a higher revenue of RM1.07 billion against RM979.7 million previously.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Airasia enggan bayar cukai, bagaimana kalau penumpang enggan bayar harga tinggi airasia?
AirAsia ignores airport tax increase
Posted on 25 November 2011 - 05:37am
PETALING JAYA (Nov 25, 2011): Budget carrier AirAsia Bhd said it will continue to ignore the government-imposed airport tax hike on departing international passengers at the current low cost-carrier terminal (LCCT) in Sepang, in an act of defiance against the move.The higher airport tax rate came into effect 10 days ago.
In a post on its Facebook fan page yesterday, AirAsia head of commercial, Jasmine Lee, said the carrier will continue to lobby the government "not in favour of the airport tax rise".
It blamed airport operator Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB) over the move to increase airport charges, saying the poor facilities at the LCCT does not justify the increase.
"Look at the queue at the immigration, space for check-in counters, quality of toilets, cleanliness of the facilities — is it really worth the increase?" Lee said.
In an earlier posting on Wednesday, AirAsia regional head of commercial, Kathleen Tan, said: "You (MAHB) can increase if you improve the facilities. I don't see the justification for it as our guests (passengers) are the ones paying for it, and it costs more to fly now."
Airlines like AirAsia collect the airport tax on behalf of MAHB.
MAHB had on Oct 27 received the Transport Ministry's nod to raise the airport tax on international passengers from Nov 15. Under the move, departing international passengers at the LCCT in Sepang and Terminal 2 Kota Kinabalu have to pay RM32, up RM7 from RM25 previously.
According to industry observers, the move by AirAsia is unprecedented.
"They (AirAsia) would have to sort the matter out with the Transport Ministry as any increase or decrease in airport charges are within the latter's purview, and not MAHB," said an observer.
"Back in 2007, the Transport Ministry was also the one who halved the airport tax at the LCCT from RM51 to RM25 for international passengers and from RM9 to RM6 for domestic passengers," he added.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Sir Tony Fernandes bersama DAP serang Kementerian Pengangkutan
Fernandes mocks Malaysia Airports over KLIA2
By Lee Wei Lian
November 23, 2011
Fernandes lashed at MAHB’s explanation over the cost overrun as “a joke”. — File pic
The Edge Financial Daily reported yesterday that the cost of the new low cost carrier terminal, dubbed KLIA2, is speculated to have increased significantly over its original estimate of RM2 to 2.5 billion.
The report also quoted MAHB officials as saying that additional cost would not immediately mean higher airport fees as these were regulated by the Transport Ministry and MAHB could recoup the costs from non-aeronautical revenues such as airport retail.
The official also said the airport charges are not based on the cost of building the airport and that the return on investment (ROI) for KLIA2 is based solely on non-aeronautical income.
Fernandes questioned the rationale behind MAHB’s comments and pointed out that MAHB recently raised its airport charges.
“They said that they won’t raise charges because of non-aeronautical revenue, then why have it raised it now,” the airline chief posted on the Twitter microblogging service. “It’s a joke and very sad.”
“They haven’t admitted the cost of the terminal (KLIA2) or delivery,” he added. “But to say that the cost of the terminal makes no difference to airlines and passengers is a joke.”

Tony Pua threatens to call for investigations by PAC and Auditor-General
Friday, November 25, 2011
Airasia quitely raises prices with baggage, golf bags, visa and check-in - Transport Minister
Transport ministry strikes back at Fernandes
Published: 2011/11/18
The Transport Ministry is incensed by Tony Fernandes’ tweets which criticised Malaysia Airports and the government for raising passenger service charges for international travellers from November 15.
Pangkor Island The Transport Ministry has struck back at Tan Sri Tony Fernandes for his critical remarks on passenger service charge increase by the government and Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB).
“When you point the finger at one person, three fingers point back at yourself,” Transport Minister Datuk Seri Kong Cho Ha said, referring to Fernandes.
He was speaking after the reactivation of scheduled flight services into Pangkor Island by Berjaya Air yesterday.
Kong was incensed by Fernandes’ tweets recently which criticised MAHB and the government for increasing passenger service
charges (PSC) for international travellers from November 15.
International PSC is now RM32 for low-cost terminals and RM65 for all other international airports.
According to Kong, the Treasury has been paying RM180 million a
year to subsidise the PSC increase which had been approved in 2009.
This is in accordance with an agreement effected between MAHB
and the government then, which states that the government
compensate for any shortfall in charges that the government
did not want passed on to passengers.
“There were other increases that were done quietly by airlines
... I won’t mention which airline. Baggage charges, golf bags, buy ticket using Visa card or credit card, even when checking
in by counter ... why nobody complain?” Kong asked.
“When you point the finger at one person, three fingers point back at yourself,” Transport Minister Datuk Seri Kong Cho Ha said, referring to Fernandes.
He was speaking after the reactivation of scheduled flight services into Pangkor Island by Berjaya Air yesterday.
Kong was incensed by Fernandes’ tweets recently which criticised MAHB and the government for increasing passenger service
charges (PSC) for international travellers from November 15.
International PSC is now RM32 for low-cost terminals and RM65 for all other international airports.
According to Kong, the Treasury has been paying RM180 million a
year to subsidise the PSC increase which had been approved in 2009.
This is in accordance with an agreement effected between MAHB
and the government then, which states that the government
compensate for any shortfall in charges that the government
did not want passed on to passengers.
“There were other increases that were done quietly by airlines
... I won’t mention which airline. Baggage charges, golf bags, buy ticket using Visa card or credit card, even when checking
in by counter ... why nobody complain?” Kong asked.
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