Thursday, November 29, 2012

Ucapan Penuh Penggulungan YAB Pehin Sri Taib Mahmud di Mesyuarat Kedua Penggal Kedua DUN ke 17

28 NOVEMBER 2012
(Mesyuarat dimulakan pada jam 2:34 petang)
[Tuan Speaker mempengerusikan Mesyuarat]
Tuan Speaker:  Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat dengan segala hormatnya saya menjemput
Yang Amat Berhormat Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib Bin Mahmud, Ketua Menteri Sarawak,
Menteri Kewangan dan Menteri Perancangan Sumber dan Alam Sekitar untuk
menyampaikan ucapan penggulungan.
Ketua Menteri (Y.A.B. Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib bin Mahmud): Bismillahir Rahmanir
Rahim. Tuan Speaker, terlebih dahulu saya ingin mengucapkan syukur ke hadrat Allah
S.W.T kerana dengan rahmat dan kurniaNya maka kita dapat bersama-sama bersidang
di Dewan yang mulia ini untuk membahas perkara-perkara yang penting mengenai
pembangunan negeri dan kesejahteraan rakyat. Kita juga perlu bersyukur kerana
negara kita Malaysia dan Negeri Sarawak khasnya berada di dalam keadaan aman dan
damai. Walaupun kita ada saksi berlakunya beberapa buah negara-negara khasnya di
Eropah yang mengalami keadaaan sosial, ekonomi dan politik yang kurang stabil.
Kestabilan politik dan ekonomi  yang stabil yang kita kecapi selama ini telah
memboleh kita meneruskan agenda perjuangan dan pembangunan kita untuk membela
nasib dan masa hadapan rakyat kita. Setelah meneliti perbahasan oleh Ahli-Ahli Yang
Berhormat di Dewan yang mulia ini, saya dapati kebanyakan Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat
telah membangkitkan isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan pembangunan, kebajikan dan
kesejahteraan rakyat.
Kesemua isu-isu tersebut telah pun dijawab oleh Menteri-Menteri saya mengikut
bidang kuasa kementerian masing-masing. Di dalam ucapan penggulungan saya ini,
saya akan menjelaskan kepada Dewan yang mulia ini betapa pentingnya pembangunan
untuk terus menyediakan tenaga ataupun  energy development yang cukup untuk
pertumbuhan ekonomi kita.
Di dalam konteks pembangunan Negeri  Sarawak, pembangunan tenaga
terutama sekali tenaga hidro secara sistematik melalui pelan pembangunan SCORE
merupa langkah yang paling sesuai untuk memacukan pertumbuhan ekonomi negeri ini
ke arah mencapai status sebuah negeri maju yang berpendapatan tinggi menjelang
tahun 2020.
Sarawak Niche in Global Economy Today
Tuan Speaker, since merdeka, the initiative of the national Government elected
by the people had always been focused on pushing the growth and diversification of the
National economy in order to bail on the success of Malaysia as a prominent commodity
producer.  We could not stay there all the time. We have to move by other strategies
especially by industrialization.
The whole of Peninsular Malaysia was transformed by this new drive. Even
Penang which was planned by British to be an entre port has to revamp its development
plan to make sure it will not be left behind by only relying on tax free position. The tax
free position could not stay forever and when it got to be taken out Penang must be
ready or through, find new base for economy development.
That was splendidly achieved by the initiative of a visionary leader in a person of
the late Tun Lim Chong Yu who through the support of the Federal Government being
the electronic industry that has become the life blood of Penang Island today. This is the
perfect case of how responsible autonomy given to a State has integrated the island BELUM DISUNTING
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economy into the big national economy.  So, as to from the construction of two very
expensive bridges, we in Sarawak, like Penang, does not have the same ready made
structure to fit into the uniform pattern of development as the main body of Malaysian
economy. And therefore have to find our own niche to further push our development to
achieve high income status. For us, SCORE is the answer. No matter what pattern of
development, Penang and Sarawak adopt, to keep pace with the Malaysian economy
which we will benefit from the fact that we have the aggressiveness to find the
appropriate role as parts of the world trader as Malaysia has always been for many,
many years.
The rising price of petrol and the changing world market configuration between
the developed and developing world gave Sarawak a chance to carve our own niche in
the new world trades shift.
World Economy Situation
Energy is an important resource for all economies. Countries can even go to war
for energy. Without adequate energy supply, there will be no modern economy. Without
the development of energy resources, there will be no economic growth. The  World
Bank this year reported that Asia Pacific account for 39% of the world‘s energy.
According to its latest available data, which are for 2009, China alone consumes
half of it, at 19%. North America and Europe consume 22% each. India consumes 6%
and Japan 4%. Much of the problem of the global warming issue comes for the burning
of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels account for over 70% of the green-house gas emissions in the
world. Fossil fuels are estimated to account or about 81% of global energy consumption,
nuclear power, nearly 6% and renewable energy nearly 13%.
The preferred shift of world energy consumption is from fossil fuels and nuclear
power to renewable energy. In renewable energy, the areas being explored are solar
energy, wind power, geothermal energy, biomass, hydropower and ocean energy. Most
of these new energy maybe available only at a very high cost.
In reality, it will be the economics of the generation and distribution of energy that
will determine the direction of the trend. Several developments are taking place.
According to the International Energy Agency, there is resurgence in oil and gas
production in the United States, driven by upstream technologies which are unlocking
light tight oil and shale gas resources. This could moderate the rise in the price of
energy. At the same time, the United States will be reducing its import of oil as it could
become the largest oil producer in the world by 2020, with North America expected to
become a net oil exporter by 2030. This is a change in scenario. American oil exports
will go to Asia, which will intensify the security of the strategic route through the Middle
Iraq is striving to be the second largest oil exporter in the world with an eye to
increase export to China.
The demand for LNG will grow in China, India and Middle East. The US will have
abundant supply, this abundant supply will see gas overtaking oil by around the year
2030 to become the biggest fuel in the energy mix. Gas in Europe is trying to regain its
previous predominance, while in Japan, gas is limited by higher gas prices and a policy
to focus on renewable and energy efficiency.
In the last decade, coal met nearly half the rise in the demand for energy in the
world. China and India are projected to account for nearly three-quarters of the growth in BELUM DISUNTING
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coal demand outside of OECD countries. China demand will peak around 2020 and
become steady by the year 2033. India will rise and by the year 2025 will overtake the
US as the second largest user of coal in the world.
Japan and France seem to reduce its use of nuclear energy. Nevertheless,
nuclear output will continue to grow, driven by capacity expansion in China, Korea, India
and Russia. But its share in the global electricity mix will fall slightly over time.
There has been a steady increase in hydropower development and the rapid rise
in wind and solar power. The development of solar energy in the equatorial area is still
not as efficient as elsewhere, and may not be able to give a firm and steady supply of
energy. Bio-fuel supply can be increased in the future but it has to compete with rising
demand for food to supply the growing world population, especially in the likely
occurrence of disruption caused by climate changes. By the year 2035, renewable
energy is expected to account for nearly one-third of the world‘s total electricity output
but at what price?
Sarawak as Energy Producer
Tuan Speaker, we know Sarawak is a major energy producer. It is probably not
on par with the big world producer, but certainly within the context of our population and
our future growth. We have benefited from the development of oil and gas and many
Sarawakians have developed world-class careers as a result. Entire towns like Miri and
Bintulu, in particular, have sprung up because of the oil and gas industry.
It is very clear in the mind of the State economic planners that the energy sector
is a sector that we must strengthen and develop further. Sarawak can become a much
bigger economy, with the availability of energy resources especially if the industrial
sector can be developed more ambitiously. We until now have petroleum and natural
gas. And now, we are going into coal-fired plants and hydro-electric power dams. We
shall also explore biofuels and solar energy in the future, once we are sure of its
economic viability.
Building a Manufacturing Industrial Base
Instead of just exporting our resources abroad, however, we are drawing the
buyers of our resources to do their operations in Sarawak so that more jobs can be
created for Sarawakians in their own country. By this incremental step, we wish to create
a significant manufacturing and industrial base in Sarawak that can generate even more
good jobs and business opportunities to our people in the immediate years ahead.
Attracting investments and investors into Sarawak and creating jobs and
business opportunities are an important step in our development strategy. It is the
inducement of investment and the corresponding build up of talents that we are going to
accelerate the development of Sarawak and equip her to compete effectively with the
rest of the world. We shall build this critical mass on the back of a competitively-priced
energy that is determined predominantly by hydro-electricity power in the energy mix.

Public Discomfort with Big Strategic Move
Tuan Speaker, it is quite understandable that any new idea and strategy is bound
to create anxiety just because it is less familiar and less known. Some people may even
feel uncomfortable with the big strategic moves like building series of dams. It is difficult
to develop Sarawak now with small, small projects and transform areas that are remote
like Ulu Baram, Ulu Kapit. Only big projects can bring about big changes with big BELUM DISUNTING
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impacts, and although rousing enormous challenges and sometimes a feeling of
uncertainty. At times of impending big changes, many Sarawakians may feel nostalgic
about our tranquil past. But we must march forward to bring changes that benefit our
children and grandchildren. If we don‘t work to build the foundation for the future
generations, then they must spend a greater part of their lives doing what we should be
now doing. I hope that we are not too late.
I am proud that we have been able to produce Sarawakians who are world-class
in their fields of expertise and who rightly are making their contributions in other parts of
the world while we are unable to offer opportunities to develop their talents with
appropriate jobs. They deserve the better reward of very high global salaries.
We have many reasons to be proud of Sarawak and what Sarawak has to offer
to its people to choose to live there. There is a lot of work for all of us to do to develop
Sarawak, to transform Sarawak into a society which can offer prosperity and develop the
talents of our children and grandchildren.
Proposal Not to Develop Out Energy Resources
Tuan Speaker, the call that we don‘t need any more energy in Sarawak is not
really in the interest of our future. This does not take into consideration the fact that the
natural growth of our population estimated to be of four million people by 2030. Purely
relying on the export of palm oil alone will not be able to allow us to maintain the
standard of living of our people at the current level. It will be a short sighted to oppose to
the construction  of dams in Sarawak and to listen to outsiders who is really intention
towards our continued development is suspect at best.
Barisan Nasional‘s plan is always to push for Sarawak to continue to grow. The
most assured way to growth is through investments in energy-intensive industries. To
achieve this, we will intensify our efforts to develop our energy resources, especially the
20,000 megawatts of potential hydro-power that we have. With this growth plan, Barisan
Nasional is, in fact, trying to ensure that the people of Sarawak will be able to enjoy a
higher income envisaged our vision 2020.
Because of Sarawak‘s determination to grow, when the First Malaysia Plan was
tabled in this august House in 1965, the late Tan Sri Ong Kee Hui and Datuk Amar
Stephen Yong supported the plan hold heartedly although at that time they were leaders
of opposition SUPP. This subsequently made it easier for SUPP to form coalition
government in 1970 with members of the Alliance and create the beginning of Sarawak
that is more stable and has given progress for us all for the last 40 years.
Wind and Solar Power Alternatives
Tuan Speaker, I am not certain what the DAP and PKR are proposing exactly.
But certainly, they owe it to the people that they should share and support the
development drive for the good of our next generation. Let me explain about other
alternative energy. The cost of construction, modern windmills is higher than hydro
especially when they are planned with a view to give massive energy to mobilize our
industries. There are not many places in Sarawak where there is constant wind blow to
ensure adequate generation of electricity to justify investment into a wind turbine. Solar
pilot projects have been in the last few years installed in selected areas in the rural area,
but so far, many of them are not functioning at full capacity because the sky in Sarawak
is overcast most of the time throughout the year.BELUM DISUNTING
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Amicable Solutions
Tuan Speaker, implementing big development projects have their difficulties,
many of  which are related to peoples understanding. The Government works closely
with the people to try to solve issues in an amicable manner. The Government welcomes
ideas of how to implement big projects better, as well as actual support in terms of
action on the ground in order to speed up the completion of projects. This is what
building dams will entail.
Economic Sabotage
Tuan Speaker, increasingly, we notice that negative actions are being organized
in Sarawak in order to make our position to become one of global attention. A handful of
local organizers seem to land this opposition to get funding from foreigners. Although in
a democracy we are free to accent our wishes I do not condemn systematic campaign
deliberately to discredit individuals and even legitimate government in a wave of lies and
half-truths wrapped around ignorance twisted and logic. Such systematic campaigns
which try to prevent a small developing economy like ours from growing tantamount to
economic sabotage. Patriotic people will find this unacceptable and would even fight
against it.
Tuan Speaker, allow me to make my concluding remarks now. I wish to reiterate
the position of Barisan Nasional that our economic strategy is to have sustainable
growth not economic technician. We shall constantly explore all avenues for our
economy to grow. We have developed with oil and gas, timber and palm oil. Now, our
development strategy is to develope our energy resources and promote energy-intensive
industries. This is because an opportunity has now  opened up in the current world
market configuration which allows us to build a niche as part of the global supply chain.
This is also a rare opportunity for us to create good-paying jobs in Sarawak and to
stimulate the business and investment environment in the State.
Opposition to Dams
Tuan Speaker, an opposition to a dam does not mean that the dam should not
be built at all. This is being acknowledged by International Rivers, an international NGO
which apparently has even spread its tentacles to Sarawak. Their biggest requirement is
that the information pertaining to the project should be verified by so called independent
experts. Basically, they want to enforce transparency of the process by which the project
is being carried out. We have no quarrel with that. But, we have quarrel with such basic
mistrust of established government processes developed over the years by people with
unimpeachable integrity in the civil service... (Interruption)
Tuan Speaker: Yang Amat Berhormat, are you taking point of clarification from Kota
Ketua Menteri (Y.A.B. Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib bin Mahmud): Okay. I hope it is a
sensible one.
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Thank you, Tuan Speaker. Thank you, Honourable
Minister. Yang Amat Berhormat Chief Minister, one question because we are going
towards the conclusion, concluding remarks. I post the question on the contribution
towards agencies approved by government which for next year is RM1.8 billion and
according to a written report, a written reply to my question  before, companies,
organisations approved by your good self but your Second Finance Minister could not
answer me on the recipients of these amounts. So, may you, Yang Amat Berhormat BELUM DISUNTING
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Chief Minister, can you enlighten us the list of the recipients of this RM1.8 billion
contribution towards agencies approved by government. Who are they? And all these
past years, who are the ones who have received these funds?
Tuan Speaker: Okay.
Menteri Kewangan II dan Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan dan Pembangunan Komuniti
(Y.B. Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh): I have answered the question.
Ketua Menteri (Y.A.B. Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib bin Mahmud): I am not sure which
one, RM1.8 billion. Is it federal projects or state projects?
Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: It is under the item, under the Development
Expenditure of the budget, of the state budget. Under the item Development Budget,
Development Expenditure Public Finance, there is an item Contribution Towards
Agencies Approved by Government. And I have been asking who are these agencies
approved by the government. All these while the Second Finance Minister...
Tuan Speaker: Okay, alright, ok.
Y.B Encik Chong Chieng Jen: The Second Finance Minister gives me a very big
answer and could not produce the recipients... (Interruption)
Tuan Speaker: Okay, clarification ... (Interruption)
Ketua Menteri (Y.A.B. Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib bin Mahmud): No problem, no
problem, Tuan Speaker. This is the normal practice. We have approved many budget
even before Yang Berhormat were elected by the same methods. All these are
provisions of money. Who is going to get it, depends on their programme, on the
submission to the Finance Department, to the Federal Government, to the State
Government, as for what projects. And then, that is the only time you can question
because it is not determined yet. We are approving a project. We are approving a
budget, not project.
Tuan Speker: No, no, no. It has been answered. Okay. Now ... (Interruption) (Inaudible)
Ketua Menteri (Y.A.B. Pehin Sri Haji  Abdul Taib bin Mahmud): You better, Tuan
Speaker, with due respect, the Honourable Member should not dwell on generalities.
Why doesn‘t he go through all the government records and the details on how the
projects are allocated, otherwise you are shooting in the dark. No. My advice to you is to
go and ask specific questions about what projects it goes to. Otherwise, I will say that
you are dwelling on generalities because of ignorance, I‘m sorry to say.
Menteri Kewangan II dan Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan dan Pembangunan Komuniti
(Y.B Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh): Tuan Speaker... (Interruption)
Ketua Menteri (Y.A.B. Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib bin Mahmud): Okay, Tuan Speaker,
I will not sit down for this Honourable Member... (Interruption)
Tuan Speaker: Okay.
Ketua Menteri (Y.A.B. Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib bin Mahmud): Because so far he
has not given me an equal standard of debate that I‘m giving to BELUM DISUNTING
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him...(Interruption)(Inaudible) Not giving an answer. No, that doesn‘t matter. This
including probably out of politeness to show how much ignorance there is in the
preparation of their questions and your debate.
Tuan Speaker: Honourable Member for Kota Sentosa ... (Inaudible) Okay. Yang Amat
Berhormat, please proceed.
Ketua Menteri (Y.A.B. Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib bin Mahmud): Tuan Speaker, I won‘t
give way with nonsense now. But the fact is, that the dams are necessary are
necessarily for survival of our modern economy, wherever there are rivers available.
According to the International Commission on Large Dams, there exist in the world as
many as 48,000 dams which are higher than 15 metres. Any artificial structure across a
waterway is called a dam including a barrage.
Hydro dams have the advantage as a cheaper source of energy, as the costs of
the operation is low compared to other source of producing electricity. Dams serve
multiple purposes, including flood control, water irrigation, water supply and shipping
navigation. Most developed countries of the world have pumps. They are more benefit
from dams which they did not despair in the form of opening up of tourists destinations.
On top of this, the development of tourism can be further top of at the later part of
SCORE programme in the future.
About 1,600 dams are being built around the world today, mostly in China,
Turkey, Iran and Japan. Developed countries had daily phase of development which
involved the building of quite a lot of dams.
Dams in SCORE
Tuan Speaker, for SCORE, we have already established a plan to develop
hydroelectric power projects and we shall carry them out in order to make SCORE a
success. We will build the projects whenever there is sufficient market demand. This
energy development road map is important because it provides Sarawak with a certainty
in our future economic direction. We  need this certainty to plan ahead our required
infrastructure. We need this certainty in order to enable business people to plan ahead
their investments. We need this certainty in order to enable our young people to decide
their future careers in Sarawak. Sarawak… (Interruption)
Tuan Speaker: No, no, no, please proceed.
Ketua Menteri (Y.A.B. Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib bin Mahmud): Okay, I give you the
Tuan Speaker: You are making what? Clarification or what?
Y.B. Encik Wong King Wei: Clarification. Yang Amat Berhormat has gives way. Yang
Amat Berhormat, I understand that state government has put the state towards this
heavy industrial biased development and the SCORE has been in the progress. For the
economy purpose, you said this is a must for Sarawak but this is treat mental to the
environment. Why not tourism? Why not tourism? I want to know the answer.
Ketua Menteri (Y.A.B. Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib bin Mahmud): I don‘t need to reply
that question. It is just obviously a gap in a perception how to plan an economy the
Honourable‘s answer. Alright. No more. I don‘t want to give way.
Sarawak Social Environmental Impact Assessment (SEIA) ProcessBELUM DISUNTING
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To demonstrate our seriousness in ensuring that our hydro dam projects are
done properly, we have established our Sarawak SEIA Process which is an adaption of
the key elements of international guidelines to Sarawak conditions.
No way do the international guidelines ever try to over-ride the sovereignty of any
nation state. This is regarded as interference in domestic affairs. A fundamental
component of good relationship among nations. The laws and regulations of a nation
state is always the key to preserve order and partnership in world trade. Compensations
therefore, are made not according to a world standard which is impossible to implement
with because of the differences in degree of prosperity what can be afforded from nation
to nation. Therefore, to be decided on what we can afford.
One of the key elements of the international guidance as per the UN Declaration
of The Rights of Indigenous Peoples is the rights of the indigenous people to land and
land-based activities. This is respected and reflected in the action we take in the
resettlement exercise. In the case of the Murum resettlement, land is provided for every
household. Houses and roads are built for them so that they and their children and their
grandchildren can benefit from this development. Generally speaking, people resettled
will normally end up better than before they were resettled. In our system of
implementation and that because we can afford better now than in the days for Batang
The key element of the Equator‘s Principles is that there is a process of
consultation with the directly affected communities. In the case of Murum, we have held
regular consultations with the directly affected communities. Some NGOs may, however,
refused to be full recognition of this. In other words the process of resettlement in
Sarawak is probably among the best what we can find in the whole region.
Our Future
Tuan Speaker, it is the resolve of the majority of our people that we should
continue to develop Sarawak through SCORE. As we develop our industries, we shall
also transform our rural communities in the interior.
I call upon all our Sarawakians to work together to build and push our State to
the next step of economic development with agriculture and manufacturing industries
powered by the abundance of stable-priced energy, and serviced by a vibrant services
sector, mostly undertaken by the private sector.
Sarawakians can define our own standards and work hard together to gain our
niche in the world economy and uplift our future generations through better quality of
jobs which is the results of our continues development efforts.
Tuan Speaker, sebelum saya mengakhiri ucapan penggulungan saya kali ini,
saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Tuan Speaker kerana telah dapat
mengendalikan Persidangan di Dewan yang mulia ini dengan cukup jayanya.
Saya juga ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan Selamat Hari
Krismas kepada yang beragama Kristian dan Selamat Tahun Baru 2013 kepada semua.
Marilah kita sama-sama berdoa agar kita semua dapat mencapai lebih banyak
kejayaan, kemakmuran dan kesejahteraan di tahun hadapan. Terima kasih, Tuan
28 NOVEMBER 2012
Tuan Speaker: I shall now call Yang Amat Berhormat Chief Minister and Minister for
Finance, to move the motion that the Bill be read second time.
Ketua Menteri dan Menteri Kewangan (Y.A.B. Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib bin
Mahmud): Tuan Speaker, I beg to move the Supply (2013) Bill, 2012 be read a second
Tuan Speaker:  Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, the question is that the Supply (2013) Bill,
2012 be read a second time.
Question put and agreed to
Bill is read a second time
Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, the question is that the following motion be
referred to the Committee of Supply.  “That this Dewan resolves to approve the
development estimates 2013 as contained in Command Paper No. 11 of 2012 as laid on
the table on 19
November, 2012.”
Question put and agreed to
Tuan Speaker: The motion is carried and shall stand committed to the Committee of
[Tuan Pengerusi mempengerusikan Mesyuarat]
Tuan Pengerusi: We shall now consider Command Paper No. 9 of 2012 on the
estimates of revenue and ordinary expenditure for the year 2013 as laid on the table on
November 2012. The question is that the amounts of the expenditure on all heads
set forth in the estimates of revenue and ordinary expenditure for the year 2013 be
Question put and agreed to
Estimates of Revenue and Ordinary Expenditure 2013 are approved
Tuan Pengerusi: We shall now consider the Supply (2013) Bill, 2012.
Tuan Pengerusi: The question is that the Schedule be ordered to stand part of the Bill.
Schedule is ordered to stand part of the Bill
Clauses 1 and 2
Tuan Pengerusi: The question is that Clauses 1 and 2 be ordered to stand part of the
Question put and agreed toBELUM DISUNTING
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Clauses 1 and 2 to stand part of the bill
Enacting Clauses and Title
Tuan Pengerusi: We shall now consider Command Paper No. 11 of 2012 on the
Development Estimates 2013 as laid on the table on 19
November, 2012. The question
is that the amount of the expenditure on all heads as set forth in the development
estimates for the year 2013 be approved.
Question put and agreed to
Estimates of Development Expenditure 2013is approved
Tuan Pengerusi: The House will now resume.
[Tuan Speaker mempengerusikan Mesyuarat]
Ketua Menteri dan Menteri Kewangan (Y.A.B. Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib bin
Mahmud): Tuan Speaker, saya pohon untuk memaklumkan bahawa Supply (2013) Bill,
2012 dan motion mengenai Development Estimates bagi tahun 2013 telah pun
dipertimbangkan di peringkat Committee Stage dan telahpun dipersetujui tanpa ada
SUPPLY (2013) BILL, 2012
Ketua Menteri dan Menteri Kewangan (Y.A.B. Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib bin
Mahmud): Tuan Speaker, saya mohon untuk mencadangkan supaya Supply (2013) Bill,
2012 dibacakan kali ketiga dan diluluskan.
Tuan Speaker: The question is that the Supply (2013) Bill, 2012 be read a third time
and do pass.
Question put and agreed to
Bill is read a third time and passed
Ketua Menteri dan Menteri Kewangan (Y.A.B. Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib bin
Mahmud):  Tuan Speaker, saya mohon untuk mencadangkan supaya Dewan ini
meluluskan Development Estimates bagi tahun 2013 seperti terkandung dalam
Command Paper No. 11, 2012 seperti yang telahpun diletakkan atas meja Dewan ini
pada 19 November.
Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, the question before the Dewan is that the
motion in the name of Yang Amat Berhormat Chief Minister and Minister for Finance be
Question put and agreed to
Motion is approvedBELUM DISUNTING
28 NOVEMBER 2012
Menteri Muda Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak dan Pembangunan Keluarga (Y.B.
Puan Rosey binti Haji Yunus):  Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Terima kasih, Tuan
Speaker. Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh dan salam Sejahtera.
Pertama sekali saya ingin mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kerana memberi
penghormatan dan kepercayaan kepada saya untuk mengemukakan Usul
Penangguhan Mesyuarat Kedua bagi Penggal Kedua Dewan Undangan Negeri
Sarawak Ketujuh Belas.
Sebelum saya meneruskan ucapan penangguhan ini, terlebih dahulu saya ingin
mengucapkan setinggi-tinggi tahniah kepada Yang Amat Berhormat Pehin Sri Haji Abdul
Taib Mahmud, Ketua Menteri Sarawak yang juga Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi N.51  —
Balingian kerana telah dianugerahi the Brand Laureate Brand Icon Leadership Award
2012 oleh the Asia Pacific Brands Foundation pada 3 Oktober dan Doctorate in
Development Studies oleh UNIMAS semasa Majlis Konvokesyen Ke-16 UNIMAS pada
13 Oktober yang lalu.
Tahniah juga kepada Tuan Speaker kerana telah dilantik semula sebagai
Speaker Dewan Undangan Negeri pada 12 November yang lalu. Tidak lupa juga ucapan
tahniah kepada Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat yang telah dikurniakan dengan Darjah-Darjah
Kebesaran Negeri sempena harijadi Tuan Yang Terutama Yang diPertua Negeri
Sarawak Ke-91 pada 8 September yang lalu iaitu Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi N.69 —
Batu Danau, Yang Berhormat Encik Paulus Palu Gumbang yang telah dikurniakan
Darjah Utama Yang Amat Mulia Bintang Kenyalang Sarawak iaitu Johan Bintang
Kenyalang (JBK) dan Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi N.29 Batang Ai Yang Berhormat Encik
Malcolm Mussen anak Lamoh yang telah dikurniakan Darjah Yang Amat Mulia Bintang
Sarawak iaitu Pegawai Bintang Sarawak (P.B.S).
Tuan Speaker, persidangan ini adalah apa yang dikatakan sebagai persidangan
bajet yang biasanya dinanti-nantikan oleh seluruh rakyat. Dengan kesempatan ini juga
saya ingin menyertai Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat yang lain mengucapkan setinggi-tinggi
tahniah dan syabas kepada Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri selaku Menteri
Kewangan kerana berjaya membentangkan bajet 2013 dan juga kerana telah dengan
cemerlangnya mengurus ehwal kewangan negeri sehingga sepuluh tahun berturut-turut
mendapat  A Clean Bill Of Health oleh Ketua Akauntan Negara disamping penarafan
antarabangsa seperti oleh Moodys dan juga Standard & Poor.
Tuan Speaker, bajet kali ini adalah bajet Mesra Rakyat. Ini adalah kerana
Kerajaan memperuntukan 69% atau RM3.4 billion bagi tujuan  pembangunan.
Sesungguhnnya dengan keluasan dan saiz Negeri Sarawak kita amat memahami akan
cabaran dan kekangan yang dihadapi dalam pengagihan dan pengimplimentasian
pembangunan. Walau apa pun, yang jelas Kerajaan Barisan Nasional dengan
pengalaman dan kebijaksanaan pemimpinnya sentiasa berusaha untuk
menyamaratakan agihan pembangunan secara berperingkat-peringkat.
Penyediaan bajet pembangunan yang besar ini juga melegakan kita sebagai
wakil rakyat dan juga rakyat yang kita wakili kerana sudah pasti ianya akan dapat
memenuhi sebahagian daripada permohonan dan permintaan yang diutarakan di dalam
Dewan yang mulia ini. Seperti penaiktarafan jalan, perluasan sistem komunikasi,
pembekalan air bersih, perluasan bekalan elektrik dan kemudahan-kemudahan yang
lain yang sudah pasti kesemuanya adalah untuk kesejahteraan rakyat.
Tuan Speaker, peranan SCORE sebagai enjin pembangunan adalah sangat
significant dan akan mengubah lanscape ekonomi Negeri Sarawak. Penyertaan BELUM DISUNTING
28 NOVEMBER 2012
pelaburan  multi-national cooperations akan mengalirkan pemindahan teknologi dan
akan meletakkan Sarawak pada skrin radar sebagai destinasi pilihan pelabur asing.
Oleh yang demikian, adalah menjadi tanggungjawab kita bersama agar generasi pelapis
kita, generasi kedua kita dipersediakan untuk pemain utama pembangunan dan bukan
sekadar pemerhati. Peluang the transfer of technology, knowledge and skills harus
Tuan Speaker, sepanjang persidangan ini tiga Rang Undang-Undang Kerajaan
iaitu Supplementary Supply (2012) Bill, 2012, Supply (2013) Bill, 2012 dan Civil Service
Amendment Bill 2012 telah diluluskan. 57 soalan telah terjawab dan seramai 38 Ahli
Yang Berhormat juga telah turut serta dalam membahaskan usul Rang Undang-Undang
Perbekalan (2013) Bill, 2012. Laporan serta jawapan-jawapan daripada Yang Berhormat
Menteri-Menteri dari pelbagai Kementerian juga amat jelas dan telus. Ini jelas
menunjukkan pengalaman dan kemahiran pemimpin dan juga kerajaan Barisan
Nasional mentadbir negeri.
Pesta buah-buahan Sibuti memang terkenal,
Dipamer durian, durian tembaga;
Teruslah sokong Barisan Nasional,
Pembangunan berterusan kebajikan terjaga.
Tuan Speaker, di kesempatan ini penghargaan ingin dirakam buat Setiausaha
Kerajaan Negeri, Peguam Negeri dan Ketua Setiausaha Kewangan Negeri. Ucapan
tahniah dan syabas juga kepada semua kakitangan awam Kerajaan Negeri di bawah
pimpinan Yang Berhormat Tan Sri Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri. Juga kepada semua
anggota perkhidmatan awam Kerajaan Persekutuan dan Negeri di atas komitmen dan
dedikasi dalam melaksanakan tugas bagi mempastikan semua perancangan dan polisi
Kerajaan berjalan lancar ke arah tujuan mensejahterakan rakyat dan memajukan Negeri
Tuan Speaker, kehebatan, kebijaksanaan dan kepetahan, Tuan Speaker dalam
mengendalikan Persidangan Dewan kali ini amat dikagumi. Dan dikesempatan ini
syabas dan tahniah diucapkan. Penghargaan ini juga saya tujukan kepada Timbalan
Speaker, Setiausaha Dewan Undangan Negeri serta semua petugas yang telah
menjalankan tugas dengan dedikasi,  cemerlang dan menjadikan perjalanan
persidangan kali ini licin dan lancar.
Sekalung penghargaan juga kepada pihak Media yang telah bertugas sepanjang
Dewan ini bersidang. Akhir sekali, Tuan Speaker, izinkan saya bersama Ahli-Ahli Yang
Berhormat yang lain untuk mengucapkan salam Maal Hijrah, Selamat Hari Krismas,
Selamat Tahun Baru 2013 dan Selamat Menyambut Tahun Baru Cina 2013 ini nanti.
Maka dengan ucapan yang serba ringkas ini, Tuan Speaker, saya mengusulkan
agar Mesyuarat Kedua bagi Penggal Kedua Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak Ketujuh
Belas ditangguhkan. Terima kasih.
Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, dengan ucapan penangguhan itu tadi, maka
kita telah sampai ke  penghujung Mesyuarat Kedua Bagi Penggal Kedua Dewan
Undangan Negeri Ketujuh Belas
Alhamdulillah, persidangan yang telah berlangsung  selama lapan hari ini telah
berjalan dengan lancar dan teratur walaupun ada kalanya berlaku ketegangan ketika
perdebatan berlangsung.BELUM DISUNTING
28 NOVEMBER 2012
Suasana sebegini telah dapat di atasi berkat kerjasama dan keperihatinan AhliAhli Yang Berhormat dalam menjaga ketinggian dan kemuliaan Dewan yang mulia ini.
Sebagai Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri, Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat telah
menunjukkan semangat yang sungguh memberangsangkan untuk memberi khidmat
yang terbaik kepada rakyat dan Negeri.
Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, tidak dilupai juga kejayaan urusan persidangan ini
adalah hasil sokongan dan komitmen semua pihak iaitu Kementerian, Jabatan dan
Agensi Kerajaan. Saya berasa gembira kerana kerjasama dan sokongan sebegini sudah
menjadi satu standard dan norma yang harus dicapai oleh semua pihak. Bagi pihak
Dewan yang mulia ini, saya ingin mengucapkan berbanyak-banyak terima kasih kepada
Yang Berhormat Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri, Yang Arif Peguam Besar Negeri, Yang
Berusaha Setiausaha Kewangan Negeri, Setiausaha Persekutuan, semua Setiausaha
Tetap Kementerian, Ketua-ketua Jabatan dan Agensi-Agensi Kerajaan, para pegawai
dan kakitangan, jurutrengkas, para petugas, pihak media dan semua pihak yang telah
bekerja keras dalam menjayakan persidangan kali ini.
Saya ingin mengucapkan Merry Christmas kepada semua penganut agama
Kristian, Selamat Tahun Baru 2013 kepada semua dan Gong Xi Fat Cai kepada yang
akan merayakan perayaan Tahun Baru Cina.
Sebelum saya menangguhkan sidang ini, izinkan saya menyampaikan lima
rangkap pantun.
Yang Berhormat berdebat semuanya juara,
Membela rakyat adil dan saksama;
Belanjawan dilulus majoriti suara,
Rakyat Sarawak nikmati bersama.
Daun selasih jatuh ke riba,
Layu berguguran di angin deru;
2013 menjelang tiba,
Menanti cabaran di tahun baru.
Yang Amat Berhormat Pehin Sri pemimpin gemilang,
Menerajui Sarawak ke persada dunia;
Bersama rakyat maju cemerlang,
Berkat doa limpah dan kurnia.
Hijau menguning padi di sawah,
Tunduk berisi bagai nak rebah;
Perjuangan BN kukuh tak goyah,
Menghadapi cabaran tidak gelabah.
Jasa BN tidak terbalas,
Pembangunan terbukti Negeri terkenal;
Siapsiaga hadapi PRU Ketiga belas,
Kemenangan cemerlang genggaman Barisan Nasional.
Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat with that, the House is now adjourned ―Sine die‖.
(Mesyuarat ditangguhkan pada jam 3:39 petang)

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